My New Friend - the Damselfly

© Kitty R. Kono
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My New Friend - the Damselfly

Uploaded: July 06, 2016 | Entered: July 06, 2016 20:19:46


I spent a good half hour with this little blue fronted dancer (I think) damselfly.  He was playing in the tall weeds near the Schuylkill river in Valley Forge National Park.  He kept flying off to catch a new bug and would come right back to his perch near me, eat the bug while staring at me and then fly off and catch another.  Finally he landed on my knee (covered by my black tick pants) and just looked up and gave me the once over.  I was sitting on the ground cross legged using my knees and elbows as a tripod.) We just stared at each other for a while until I had to go.


Ann Lyssenko level-classic September 01, 2016

Super pose Kitty with details and that delicious blur reminiscent of myopic vision! Congratulations on being a 1st Place Winner! Ann #1667520

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 01, 2016

Big Congrats on your 1st place winner Kitty! And so well deserved!! #11511777

Chuck Green level-classic September 01, 2016

Congrats, Kitty! Amazing shot! #11512050

Rosemary Sampson level-classic September 02, 2016

Tack sharp. Well done! #11512727

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