Round One XII

© Bob Cournoyer

Round One XII

Uploaded: February 10, 2016 | Entered: February 10, 2016 08:23:51


My wedding ring infront of the ever popular colorful Slinky.
For thephotogroup101's "shallow dof" theme day.
Happy Theme Day

Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: -1.00, ExposureTime: 3/10 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III


Amanda D. Austwick level-classic February 10, 2016

Crisp details on the ring, and get colors and depth in the background. #1649372

Melinda F. Schneider level-classic February 10, 2016

This is lovely, Bob! #11433660

Mitch Spence level-classic February 10, 2016

That Slinky does get around, and it's a fine background for the ring. Unusual wedding ring. I like it a lot. Lost mine a few years ago. #11433682

Wally Orlowsky February 10, 2016

Great placement in the frame, reflection, and of course DOF, In interesting ring design as well. #11433713

JO ANN CLEVELAND February 10, 2016

Such a pretty presentation and I LOVE THAT RING Bob! #11433744

Joy Rector February 10, 2016

gorgeous, love the comp #11433831

Teresa Letkiewicz February 10, 2016

Perfect picture for TM. Awesome idea for a picture. #11433920

Teresa Letkiewicz February 10, 2016

Perfect picture for TM. Awesome idea for a picture. #11433922

Teresa Letkiewicz February 10, 2016

Perfect picture for TM. Awesome idea for a picture. #11433923

Teresa Letkiewicz February 10, 2016

Perfect picture for TM. Awesome idea for a picture. #11433924

Teresa Letkiewicz February 10, 2016 1

I'm sorry for multiple entries - I must really like this picture!!! :-) #11433925

Martha R. Mazon level-classic February 10, 2016

Simply wonderful place of curves, tones, textures and reflections. Love the blurred slinky and the back-of-ring bokeh too. Excellent! #11433926

Bob Cournoyer level-classic February 10, 2016

So, I "love" Teresa's comment about multiple entries, and, shortly after I get an email from BP telling me that I'm "rockin' the love".....I (!) made the comment!! Anyway, thank you all for the positive comments... :-) #11433936

Peggy Pfister level-classic March 10, 2016

Beautiful ring, and looks great against the slinky. #11445205

Peggy Pfister level-classic March 28, 2016

No surprise to see this one again, Bob ... Congrats! #11453275

Paula Showen March 29, 2016

Congratulations on your Finalist!! #11453919

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic April 01, 2016

Glad to see this fave as a Gold winner Bob! #11455156

Peggy Pfister level-classic April 01, 2016

Congrats on this terrific winner, Bob! #11455281

Michele Peterson level-classic April 01, 2016

Fabulous, Bob. Huge congratulations on the win! That slinky has been quite good to you. :-) #11455483

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