
Uploaded: January 15, 2016 | Entered: January 15, 2016 13:14:33


For the PG 101 "Yummy" theme. And, yes, it was a real oops!

Exif: F Number: 2.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/60 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 640, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 50.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D


Joy Rector January 15, 2016

Love it #1647273

Bob Cournoyer level-classic January 15, 2016

Good idea, and fine presentation... :-)
Happy Theme Day #11423445

Aimee N. Doherty January 15, 2016


Amanda D. Austwick level-classic January 15, 2016

How funny, yet it still looks almost good enough to eat:) #11423456

Mitch Spence level-classic January 15, 2016

Oh, my. Sacrificed in the name of art. :-) Bet there are plenty of volunteers to clean that up though, with all that frosting. Love the design on the little paper cup. #11423478

Monnie Ryan January 15, 2016

Oh no - but wait! The 5-second rule just kicked in so let me at it! #11423488

Nikki McDonald level-classic January 15, 2016

Set up or did you take advantage of a real "oops"?? Either way, I love it. #11423501

Michele Peterson level-classic January 15, 2016

Thanks for the comments, everyone. Nikki, it was a real oops. I was taking pictures of it on a cupcake stand and dropped it on the table. It was still yummy. :-) #11423506

Patrick Rouzes level-classic January 15, 2016

Love the tones, textures, clarity ,lighting & close up, Michele. Exceptional shot! #11423507

Michele Peterson level-classic January 15, 2016

Thanks Patrick! #11423528

Sylvia Rourke level-classic January 16, 2016

an excellent real oops! #11423622

Michele Peterson level-classic January 17, 2016

Thank you Sylvia! #11424224

Martha R. Mazon level-classic January 31, 2016

Great way to take advantage of the situation, Michele! Fantastic! #11429118

Michele Peterson level-classic January 31, 2016

Thanks Martha! #11429381

Patrick Rouzes level-classic February 29, 2016

Congrats on your well-deserved finalist,Michele! #11440372

Martha R. Mazon level-classic February 29, 2016

Congratulations on your fabulous winner, Michele! Love this. #11440939

Bob Cournoyer level-classic February 29, 2016

:-) #11440942

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe February 29, 2016

Congrats on your wonderful Winner, Michele. #11441071

Val Feldman level-classic February 29, 2016

Be still my cupcake loving heart... :) This made me smile big time, Michele...a perfect photo opp for one delicious looking cupcake ooops! Warmest congrats, Michele, on your sweet Gold Win! #11441158

Daniella Puente March 01, 2016

Good capture Michele!! it makes me smile, love it :) #11441293

Sylvia Rourke level-classic March 01, 2016

PG 101 Theme win and a GOLD, congrats Michele #11441303

Michele Peterson level-classic March 01, 2016

Thanks so much everyone!! #11441387

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic March 01, 2016

Congratulations Michele! #11441485

Leslie McLain level-classic March 01, 2016

Congrats on a terrific winner, Michele. #11441703

Sharon Norberg March 02, 2016

Love this... Congratulations! #11441784

Patrick Rouzes level-classic March 02, 2016

Congrats on this well-deserved winner, Michele!

Michele Peterson level-classic March 03, 2016

Thanks Amanda, Leslie, Sharon, and Patrick! #11442221

Rudi Reiner level-classic March 06, 2016

Congratulations, what a great shot! #11443495

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic March 07, 2016

CONGRATZ on the capture and Golden Badge!!

UB. #11443539

JO ANN CLEVELAND March 07, 2016

I luv this Michele, I'll be glad to eat that messed up top! lol
Big congrats on your wonderful 2nd Place Winner!!! #11443685

Michele Peterson level-classic March 07, 2016

Thanks Rudi, Usman, and Jo Ann! #11443689

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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