Yes, I know I'm Cute

© Linda D. Lester

Yes, I know I'm Cute

Uploaded: June 19, 2014 | Entered: September 30, 2015 15:36:12


One day old Mallard Duckling.


Leslie McLain level-classic June 19, 2014

He is definitely cute. Fantastic capture, Linda. #1576674

Joy Rector June 19, 2014

love this shot #11067985

Ellen Hodges June 19, 2014

Adorable capture with awesome pov, Linda!! #11068061

Anita Hogue June 19, 2014

He sure is cute! Love your getting down low perspective! #11068173

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic June 19, 2014

Lovely image Linda!,
Amalia #11068214

Terry Cervi level-deluxe June 19, 2014

Cute!! I love his big head! LOL. #11068252

Guy D. Biechele level-classic June 19, 2014

Outstanding POV, clarity and DOF. Wonderful image, Linda! #11068319

Bill Whala June 20, 2014

I love everything about this!! Great pose and low perspective. #11068710

Ellen Hodges July 30, 2014

Love this cute image! Best luck!!! #11096052

July 31, 2014

Yes, way too cute! #11096588

JO ANN CLEVELAND July 31, 2014

Congrats Linda, I ditto the Judge!

jo ann c. #11096662

Merna L. Nobile July 31, 2014

The diversity, quality and edition skills of your photography are amazing. Congratulations, Merna Nobile

Jane Hirst August 17, 2014

He is adorable. #11110299

Madonna Ashman August 22, 2014

Absolutely beautiful #11113810

Phyllis H. Burchett August 24, 2014

So cute! #11115139

Sue L. Cullumber August 30, 2014

You are right Linda - what a cutie! #11121348

September 13, 2014

So cute!!! #11133450

Lucy Abrao level-classic January 02, 2015

So cute! #11217809

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic January 03, 2015

yes he IS Cute! Great capture! #11218194

Ann Coates level-classic January 03, 2015

So cute, I hope we see this again. #11218524

Pattie Smith January 05, 2015

Great capture Linda! #11219177

Charlotte A. Mather January 06, 2015

Oh man cuteness overload and great details! #11219998

JO ANN CLEVELAND October 23, 2015

Big congrats on your well deserved 2nd Place Gold Winner Linda! #11389985

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic October 23, 2015

Sweet image and Congratulations on your Gold winner! #11390018

Emile Abbott level-classic October 23, 2015

Congrats on Gold winner Linda. #11390092

Terry Cervi level-deluxe October 23, 2015

Just adorable! Congrats Linda!! #11390183

Cindy Koller October 23, 2015

Love it. Congrats. #11390299

Gerri R. Jones October 23, 2015

Congrats Linda...delightful! #11390465

Ray level-classic October 24, 2015

Congratulations, Linda! Superb work! #11390825

Ellen Hodges October 27, 2015

Huge congrats on this adorable winner. One of my favorites. Soooo cute. #11391999

Marilyn K. Lincecum level-classic October 28, 2015

Adorable. Congratulations Linda on a wonderful Finalist. #11392834

Ellen Hodges March 22, 2016

Huge Congrats on ALL you ALL TIME EDITOR'S PICS, Linda!! #11450343

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic March 22, 2016

Congratulations on your all time winner! #11450365

Judy S. Fung March 31, 2016

I love this! So adorable! Congrats on this all time editor's pick!! :) #11454567

Constance J. Perry July 22, 2016

Pure love. #11497779

Leslie McLain level-classic July 22, 2016

Congrats on all of your awards, Linda. This little guy is so cute. #11497780

Patricia A. Casey level-classic July 22, 2016

Yes indeed.....he is cute! Congratulations on POTD & on all the previously awarded Gold, Linda....Wonderful capture & title. Cheers!!!! =^..^= #11497794

Nancy L. Green level-classic July 22, 2016

CONGRATULATIONS Linda, AWESOME as always!!! <>< #11497804

Joy Bello July 22, 2016

Awww!! How cute!! #11497816

Deborah Lewinson level-addict July 24, 2016

Congrats on all your wins, Linda, for this adorable image! #11498473

James E. Coleman level-classic August 06, 2016

Love the caption Linda, and yeah, ok, it's cute!😀

James E. Coleman level-classic August 06, 2016

Love the caption Linda, and yeah, ok, it's cute!😀

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