Sea of Green

© Mike Dawson

Sea of Green

Uploaded: May 16, 2014 | Entered: May 16, 2014 22:49:18


A stand of trees emerge from a sea of lush green rolling wheatfields of the Palouse region in Eastern, Wa, USA


Joy Rector June 08, 2014

congrats on the POTD #1575640

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe June 08, 2014

Beautiful capture and POTD. Congrats! #11062023

Ellen Hodges June 08, 2014

Huge congrats on a gorgeous POTD, Michael!! #11062042

Barbara Socor June 08, 2014

A beautifully composed image...Richly elegant! Congrats on your POTD... #11062125

Emile Abbott level-classic June 08, 2014

The always undulating Palouse. Excellent Michael and congrats on POTD. #11062162

Joy Bello June 08, 2014

Beautiful! Green is my favorite color. So easy on the eyes. Congrats on the POTD!! #11062190

Merna L. Nobile June 08, 2014

Composition beautiful, congratulations! #11062219

jorge scott June 08, 2014

Very,very,very..... Nice!!!! #11062228

Lisa B. North June 08, 2014

This is fantastic! Rich elegance indeed! The trees are a nice touch! Congrats! #11062389

Lindley Johnson level-classic June 08, 2014

Love those rolling fields! Congratulations on a gorgeous POTD, Michael! #11062453

Daniella Puente June 08, 2014

Congrats on this wonderful capture #11062471

Teresa Burnett level-classic June 08, 2014

Beautiful image, Michael!! Congratulations on the POTD!! #11062499

Mary K. Robison June 10, 2014

Superb composition and sense of depth.
Congratulations on your eye-pleasing POTD, Michael! #11063061

Richard D. Love June 23, 2014

Congratulations, Michael...well done!

Rick #11070171

Merna L. Nobile July 04, 2014

Amazing and inspiring work, CONGRATULATIONS! #11078140

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