A Place in the Shade

© Mitch Spence

A Place in the Shade

Uploaded: May 15, 2014 | Entered: December 21, 2020 11:17:04


Category: Elements of Design

Exif: Model:


Bob Cournoyer level-classic May 15, 2014

Looks great in b/w, fine comp and I like the spokes going out the edges of the frame... :-)

Happy Theme Day #1573112

Joy Rector May 15, 2014

well done #11045492

Joy Rector May 15, 2014

well done #11045493

Monnie Ryan May 15, 2014

Terrific composition and I love the B&W! #11045675

David Phalen May 15, 2014

Love Love Love this image!! The comp, contrast and clarity are fabulous!! HTD!! #11045683

Martha R. Mazon level-classic May 15, 2014

I love the simplicity of this well composed image, Mitch. Excellent! #11045761

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic May 16, 2014

Like the clarity in the B&W, and how it fills the frame. #11046001

Nikki McDonald level-classic May 16, 2014

Excellent design elements - blocks of black and white, lines, shapes, angle. Very nice. #11046339

Nikki McDonald level-classic May 17, 2014

Congrats on the 101 theme win with this smart image. #11046543

Michele Peterson level-classic May 17, 2014

Congratulations on the theme win, Mitch! This is a fabulous creative image, and I hope we see it again at BP! #11046558

Bob Cournoyer level-classic May 17, 2014

Congrats, a fine theme win, Mitch.. :-) #11046572

Chris Budny level-deluxe May 18, 2014

Well done! Congratulations! #11047158

Michele Peterson level-classic June 28, 2014

I really like this, so many great lines! Can't imagine why it doesn't have an EP badge... resub!! #11073148

Melinda F. Schneider level-classic August 27, 2017

What a fantastic EoD image!! Perfect for black-and-white! #11634283

Janet Criswell level-classic December 21, 2020

Wonderful composition, Mitch! B/W is perfect! #11859968

Janet Criswell level-classic February 01, 2021

Congratulations on your well-deserved gold, Mitch! #11872409

Candice C. Calhoun level-deluxe February 01, 2021

Fantastic Gold winner! Congratulations! ccc #11872474

LJ Corliss level-classic February 01, 2021

Congratulations on your wonderful win :) #11872850

Errick L. Cameron level-deluxe February 01, 2021

Striking composition! Congratulations #11872932

Andrew I. Boyd level-classic February 02, 2021

Congrats, Mitch! #11873037

Nancy L. Green level-classic February 02, 2021

COOL idea Mitch, perfect for B+W!! << #11873187

Janet Criswell level-classic April 29, 2021

Congrats on your wonderful POTD, Mitch! #11895413

Terry Cervi level-deluxe April 29, 2021

Congrats on your fantastic POTD, Mitch! #11895415

LJ Corliss level-classic April 29, 2021

Congrats on POTD :) #11895437

Gerda Grice level-classic April 29, 2021

Great abstract design created from the umbrella! Congratulaions on your POTD! #11895451

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic April 29, 2021

Congratulations Mitch on your Gold and POTD! #11895479

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE WinnerPhotography Contest Photo of the Day

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