
Uploaded: March 08, 2014


1/125 s f/5.9 ISO 800


Arthur Bohlmann March 21, 2014

This wouldn't be a bad photo id you would have used a lower F stop for more depth of filed, maybe if it was shot at F 16, it is too flat. Have you considered taking a beginners photography course at BP? If would provide you with the basics and improve your photography skills #1567479

Paul R. Nelson March 24, 2014

Art, this was a rather harsh criticism that was neither requested nor warranted, and is a good way to discourage participation in your club. We all have different capabilities and different visions, and the last I knew this was not a critique club. You have taken exception to much milder criticism to some of your images, and if you aren't willing to listen to constructive critique you should not criticize images that others capture. In this case, since Nancie would probably not have wanted to raise the ISO any further, she would have had to drop the shutter speed to 1/15 sec to shoot this image at f/16, which would have been difficult to hand-hold. If a tripod was not available or not an option due to the location, this may have been the best she could do. You should not rush to judgement without knowing the whole story. And even if you are right, there are nicer ways to say it. #11007620

Arthur Bohlmann March 24, 2014

I stand by my critique. I say it like I see it #11007647

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