Watching It Snow

© William C. Raco

Watching It Snow

Uploaded: February 03, 2014


The forecast for today was 1/4 inch of snow.
We got that, and another 2 inches on top of it, and it's still falling.

Exif: F Number: 2.4, Exposure Bias Value: 1.30, ExposureTime: 10/2500 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 100, FocalLength: 48.50 mm, Model: CYBERSHOT


David Phalen February 03, 2014

WOW The comp, colors, clarity and DOF are excellent!!

Today's storm went just south of us BUT tomorrow's storm will bring ice, snow and sleet.:( #1562067

Susan M. Campbell February 03, 2014

You have snow. We have sunshine. Wonderful shot. I like that little bit of purple on the duck. #10964983

Monnie Ryan February 03, 2014

Beautiful composition and detail on this pretty duck, Bill! It's so far, so good here today, but over the next couple of days we may get dumped on again - or maybe not, depending on which weather guru we listen to. #10965056

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic February 03, 2014

We had 6" of snow yesterday, sunny today, another front due tomorrow, I think. Gorgeous shot! #10965068

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe February 03, 2014

Excellent comp. and colors, Bill. We got about 5 inches last night and this morning. #10965084

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe February 03, 2014

Outstanding capture Bill! #10965156

Gail Sullivan level-classic February 03, 2014

Hi Bill…it's snowing here today also…I love the snowy blue background and the great color and detail! #10965157

Linda D. Lester level-classic February 03, 2014

Beautiful winter shot!!! #10965178

Emile Abbott level-classic February 03, 2014

Outstanding detail, textures and clarity on this duck. Cold but no snow in Del Rio. #10965258

Candace M. Cleveland February 03, 2014

Perfect in every way! #10965287

Cindy Bendush level-classic February 03, 2014

Excellent POV, detail and composition - nice work! #10965342

Deborah Lewinson level-addict February 03, 2014

Superb storytelling image, Bill! Unique and very well done!

Debby #10965375

Michelle Alton February 03, 2014

It's hard to take a duck shot that's a winner. You have it here, though. Brilliant. We had about ten inches of heavy, wet, snow. Huge delay on construction. Sigh. #10965482

Carol L. Fowler February 03, 2014

Great shot of the duck in the snow. #10965607

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe February 04, 2014

Just beautiful ... really love this one! #10966004

Terry Cervi level-deluxe February 04, 2014

What a gorgeous shot of this beautiful duck, Bill! #10966737

Ken Smith level-classic February 05, 2014

You got close to this guy. We had 4.5 inches of snow yesterday and last evening...our biggest of this dry season. Nice comp on your photo, Bill! #10967083

Carol Quina level-classic February 07, 2014

Nice shot of this beauty! #10969906

Rudi Reiner level-classic March 03, 2014

Excellent detail, comp an lighting! #10992576

Deborah Lewinson level-addict March 28, 2014

Amazing perspective, Bill!

Another huge congrats! #11010665

March 28, 2014

Wonderful close-up of this duck in the snow. #11010700

Nikki McDonald level-classic March 28, 2014

Very nice, Bill. Congratulations on the Finalist and good luck in the next round. #11011188

Errick L. Cameron level-deluxe March 28, 2014

Congratulations on this fine photo! #11011256

Mitch Spence level-classic March 29, 2014

:-) Happy to see it, Bill. #11011776

Emile Abbott level-classic March 29, 2014

Congratulations Bill on this wonderful finalist. #11011855

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