I know...I know...pick me...pick me

© Ian Cassell

I know...I know...pick me...pick me

Uploaded: January 26, 2014


Badger at Bearizona Wildlife Park - Williams, AZ

Exif: f/6.3, 1/2000 second, ISO: 320, Focal Length: 276mm


Michelle Alton January 26, 2014

Wow! He seems almost a pleasant badger. A pleasure to view him in such high spirits. #1561119

Joy Rector February 19, 2014

congrats on the POTD #10979674

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe February 19, 2014

Wonderful capture and POTD. Congrats! #10979694

Nancy Marie Ricketts February 19, 2014

Congratulations, Ian, on your superb POTD!! #10979720

Candy Avera February 19, 2014

Such a cute shot and the title is great! Congrats on your POTD. #10979783

Pauline M. Osborn level-classic February 19, 2014

awwwwwwwwwww just love it. what a great shot. Congrats on POTD !!!! #10979788

Deb E. Cornelius February 19, 2014

What a cute shot! Hey really does seem to be trying to get your attention!!! Congrats on POTD! #10979799

Michele Peterson level-classic February 19, 2014

That is so cute, perfect title to go with a perfectly captured photo! Congratulations on your POTD today, it's fantastic! #10979819

Ellen Hodges February 19, 2014

Huge congrats on a wonderful POTD! #10979841

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic February 19, 2014

Great capture of this wild creature! Congrats on your POTD! #10979907

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic February 19, 2014

Congrats on this wonderful image being chosen POTD! #10979917

Sara B Coffey level-classic February 19, 2014

Wonderful Ian! Love this little guy posing for you! Great shot & congrats on a terrific POTD:)
Sara #10979939

Ramona Bowman February 19, 2014

Congratulations! What a great shot. (Although I wouldn't want to shake hands with this guy!)

Emile Abbott level-classic February 19, 2014

Great timing and capture Ian and congrats on your POTD #10980077

JO ANN CLEVELAND February 19, 2014

Congratulations Ian! This has to be the cutest picture EVER! Great timing, colors, clarity...actually PERFECT!!

jo ann c. #10980175

Phyllis A. Houghton February 19, 2014

Great pose and details on your adorable POTD! Reminds me of my grandson! #10980189

Mary Dimitriw level-classic February 19, 2014

Congrats on your super POTD ! #10980313

Deedie Goodwin Lutz February 20, 2014

Love animal photography and this shot is so great. What expression in this little guys face. Perfect timing! #10980535

Richard D. Love February 20, 2014

Congratulations, Ian...great timing!

Rick #10980606

Eivor Kuchta February 20, 2014

How sweet and a great title. Congratulations on your POTD! #10980617

Nancy L. Green level-classic February 20, 2014

This is SO ADORABLE!!! CONGRATULATIONS Ian on this great POTD!!! <>< #10980931

Ian Cassell February 20, 2014

Wow, I'm stunned. Thank you all so much. He may be cute and adorable looking, but a badger is not an animal I'd like to mess with at close range in the wild! #10981388

Mary K. Robison February 22, 2014

You must have captured his good side that day, Ian. Wonderful caption!
Congratulations on your well earned POTD! #10982444

Guy D. Biechele level-classic February 25, 2014

Fun shot! Well timed. Congratulations on your POTD! #10985316

JO ANN CLEVELAND February 26, 2014

Amazing! Congrats on this super finalist
I think we will see this cutie in GOLD!!

jo ann c. #10986654

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