White Crowned Sparrow

© Arthur Bohlmann

White Crowned Sparrow

Uploaded: April 15, 2013


This time of year I am an active bird photographer. All the song birds, wrens & finches are mating & nesting everywhere. I photographed the sparrow in the Bolsa Chica Wetlands in Huntington Beach Calif.

I processed this image with camera raw, NIk HDR Pro 2, Viveza, Silver Efex Pro 2 then once more with Viveza.

.6, ISO 200, 70-300mm, Focal 300mm, monopod.

Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 1/800 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 300.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D


Arthur Bohlmann April 15, 2013

This is the original color that I cropped and re-edited. #1524100

Kalena Randall April 15, 2013

I think I like the color one better, Arthur. The bokeh is really nice and I think adds to the photo a bunch. I like the pattern of the fence, too! Details in the bird a wonderful. #10654587

Arthur Bohlmann April 15, 2013

Thanks for commenting Kalena. Beautiful bird that I never get tired of photographing. #10654596

Kristin Duff April 15, 2013

We call these chipping sparrows because of the noise they make! #10654709

Stephen Shoff April 15, 2013

Art, I don't understand what you think you got from passing this image through all those filters. I do think the monotone and reverse(?) vignette turns this into an interesting image, I can't identify what you got from the HDR and 2 passes through Viveza except to get to an odd, though commonly seen, color pallette. #10655257

Dale Hardin April 15, 2013

Good shot, especially from that distance. Haven't been to Bolsa Chica for some time. What's the best time of day to get some decent images? May make a run down there since it's only about 40 minutes away. #10655339

Jeff E Jensen April 16, 2013

I think I prefer the original on this one, Art. I'm not sure that the processing added any strength to the image. That might just be me though. #10655582

Arthur Bohlmann April 16, 2013

Thanks for all the comments. Stephen.. Sometimes I get a wild hair and take the editing process to the extreme. I am not a skilled photoshop user and rely on my NIK plugins for my editing. A little strange but this is how my mind works #10655587

Michael Kelly level-classic April 16, 2013

Very nice shot - I love all types of nature shots and this is a good one with the great lines of the fence adding a nice element and not distracting from the shot at all. Of course, I am speaking of the original image. The filtered version does not grab me at all, but you might have gathered that from my prior comments. #10655903

Beth Spencer April 16, 2013

I think I like the color the best also. I love the focus on this and the lines from the fence. #10656271

Rita K. Connell level-classic April 16, 2013

well Art...some interesting comments. As for the original ( the edited one) I like it, I can see this as a card, I like the tones that your choose. Which I know that you do. Now for the original color it very nice I really like the feel that the fence brings into the image, the position of the sparrow with his head turn just right. great shot. #10656385

Arthur Bohlmann April 16, 2013

Great to see that I stirred up a hornets nest with my photos Hahaha! I appreciate all the comments (likes and dislikes. Rita hit the nail on the head regarding the B&W version. This is a good selling greeting card for me, I edited it with a greeting card in mind. #10656391

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