Custom 428

© Connie J. Bagot

Custom 428

Uploaded: March 28, 2013


f/10, 1/83rd sec, ISO 200, 18-250mm lens @18mm, infrared


Dayna Cain level-classic March 28, 2013 0

I LOVE THIS! #1521365

Michelle Alton March 29, 2013 0

This is such a great composition and presentation, Connie. A March winner and a favorite for me.

Also congratulations on your wonderful cornucopia of finalists in February! #10631065

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe March 29, 2013 0

Love the B/W and comp. #10631269

Chris Budny level-deluxe April 03, 2013 0

Awesome capture, Connie! #10639317

Katarina Mansson April 13, 2013 0

Very dramatic and cool capture; I love it! Great eye to see, capture and present this in such a brilliant way. Congratulations on your POTD Connie! #10651326

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 13, 2013 0

What a cool find....Congratulations on your POTD! #10651355

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe April 13, 2013 0

Fabulous POTD. Congrats, Connie. #10651358

Colette M. Metcalf April 13, 2013 0

Congratulations, Connie!!! Fantastic image!!! #10651369

Joy Rector April 13, 2013 0

congrats on the POTD #10651390

Nancy Marie Ricketts April 13, 2013 0

Brilliant shot, Connie! Congratulations on yourPOTD! #10651421

Chris Budny level-deluxe April 13, 2013 0

Congratulations, Connie! #10651435

Andre Larose April 13, 2013 0

Very interesting and superb B/W! Congratulations on your POTD! #10651447

JO ANN CLEVELAND April 13, 2013 0

Wowza Connie! What a great find...big congrats on your POTD girl!

jo ann c. #10651464

Nancy L. Green level-classic April 13, 2013 0

CONGRATULATIONS Connie on this wonderful POTD!! <>< #10651537

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 13, 2013 0

Congrats Connie on this Outstanding POTD! #10651631

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer April 13, 2013 0

Outstanding indeed! Congratulations, Connie. #10651650

Lindley Johnson level-classic April 13, 2013 0

Super POV and terrific in black and white. Congratulations on your wonderful POTD, Connie! #10651664

Thomas E. Hinds April 13, 2013 0

Fantastic POTD! Congratulations, Connie! #10651691

Michele Peterson level-classic April 13, 2013 0

This is so fabulous! Love the infrared and the comp. A great POTD, congratulations, Connie! :-) #10651714

Bojan Bencic level-classic April 13, 2013 0

Fantastic photo, Connie. Congratulations on your POTD! #10651719

Stephen Zacker April 13, 2013 0

Cool perspective and sky. Congratulations #10651730

Dayna Cain level-classic April 13, 2013 0

Congrats on this awesome POTD! Next stop is finalist then on to GOLD! #10651763

Carmody Baker April 13, 2013 0

There's that tire again! Great job! #10651767

Carmody Baker April 13, 2013 0

There's that tire again! Great job! #10651768

Stefania Barbier level-classic April 13, 2013 0

Wtg con gratis on tour POTD! #10651780

Katherine Kuhn April 13, 2013 0

Congratulations on a great POTD, Connie! Another for the barbed wire series too! Love the great geometry -- Fantastic!!

Craig W. Myers level-classic April 13, 2013 0

Great B&W. Terrific POV. #10651879

Terry Cervi level-classic April 13, 2013 0

Congrats on this very beautiful POTD, Connie! #10651918

Emile Abbott level-classic April 13, 2013 0

Dramatic sky, excellent B&W and congrats on your POTD #10651919

Ann Coates level-classic April 13, 2013 0

Brilliant image, congratulations on your POTD. #10651948

Debra R. Harder April 13, 2013 0

Very cool image, Connie! Huge congratulations on your outstanding POTD!! #10652041

LeAnn Wood April 13, 2013 0

Connie...this is every good thing a photo should be...unique POV,creative subject, stunning clarity and your signature infrared finish. Congratulations on "Custom 428" being the POTD! #10652160

Daniella Puente April 13, 2013 0

Awesome clarity and tone! congrats Connie #10652297

Leslie McLain level-classic April 13, 2013 0

Congrats on a fantastic POTD, Connie. #10652299

Evy Johansen level-classic April 14, 2013 0

Wonderful image, Connie! Congratulations on your POTD! #10652392

Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 14, 2013 0

Excellent tonal quality and subject matter Connie. Congratulations! #10652485

Guy D. Biechele level-classic April 14, 2013 0

Great comp and B/W conversion! Congratulations, Connie!! #10652569

Ellen Hodges April 14, 2013 0

Huge congrats on an extremely cool POTD, Connie!! #10652576

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic April 14, 2013 0

Extremely cool, indeed, Connie. Big CONGRATZ on the POTD!!!

UB. #10652678

Connie J. Bagot April 14, 2013 0

Thanks everyone! Getting the POTD was quite a thrill---and your comments mean even more to me! #10653179

Nadia Paul April 15, 2013 0

Love the way the clouds embrace the tyre - great image Connie - congrats on your POTD! #10653801

Mary K. Robison April 16, 2013 0

Beautifully captured, Connie ~
Belated Congratulations on your well earned POTD! #10655651

Kathryn Wesserling April 18, 2013 0

Sure hope this makes it all the way up to Winner! It's wonderful, Connie. #10657875

Daniel Ruf May 11, 2013 0

Congrats on this beautiful Photo Of The Day. I love the POV that you've used here and the b/w conversion. #10689366

Nikki McDonald level-classic May 12, 2013 0

Belated congratulations on the POTD, Connie. Another of your images where you transform the ordinary into the extraordinary through your perspective and composition. #10690828

Connie J. Bagot May 12, 2013 0

Thanks! #10690854

Richard D. Love May 16, 2013 0

Congratulations, Connie. Wonderful tones and comp!

Rick #10695751

John Rivera level-deluxe June 10, 2013 0

Fabulous image! #10728103

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