Uploaded: March 17, 2013
Exif: F Number: 13, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/30 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 1000, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Stephen Shoff March 17, 2013
Some of you may remember this image that we worked on last November. At the time I mentioned that I had a context in which to use it. The chorale is singing this anthem-style song again this season so I had motivation to complete the task.Posting this more as follow-up than for comment. #1519678
Dale Hardin March 17, 2013
I remember this well, Stephen, By the way, did you go to the concert and hear the chorale? #10613903Stephen Shoff March 18, 2013
I must be mis-remembering some conversation we've had, Dale. I'm in the chorale. #10614354Dale Hardin March 18, 2013
You're not mis-remembering Stephen. I just didn't remember. :o) #10614509Jeff E Jensen March 18, 2013
Worked out very well. Nice work! #10614908Elaine Hessler March 18, 2013
Interesting! Was this a composite of 2 images or more? #10614955Debbie E. Payne March 18, 2013
I like this, Stephen, whatever it was you did to this. Layers are fascinating but there is still so much I don't know about them. #10614963Stephen Shoff March 18, 2013
Yes, Elaine. I photographed the opening page of the music and used it in a layer as an overview. Fortunately, choral music is often printed on off-white paper so I could get a reasonable tonal match. #10614965Beth Spencer March 18, 2013
I do remember this and I think you did a great job! It all blends in quite well. #10615055Stephen Shoff March 18, 2013
thanks, all.Debbie, this was a pretty straight-forward two image merge. I was expecting it to be a lot harder than it actually ended up being. Two images open in photoshop. Used the Move tool to copy one into the other image's space as a layer. Then masked out the parts I didn't want.
The hard part was in ACR trying to get a tonal match in the music image that was close to the stonework in the Memorial. #10615177
Peter W. Marks March 19, 2013
Stephen, thank goodness you confirmed we have seen this before as I was thinking I was having one of those very 'senior moments'.Stephen Shoff March 19, 2013
That's the Jefferson Memorial, Peter. #10615784Peter W. Marks March 19, 2013
Thanks Stephen. That's interesting as Jefferson was a slave owner as I understand it. Perhaps I need to do a little studying on the subject as the words of the anthem do not seem to fit that.Stephen Shoff March 19, 2013
Nor do the words in the rest of the incription. As I understand the composition of that particular inscription, it is drawn from a number of different writings/speeches, not just a single address. I think it reflects what we would call today a "world view", and a recognition of what is as well as what should be.Jefferson was a slave-owner, yes. It appears he had a slave mistress as well. But he was not only a product of the Enlightenment, he was also a participant in it. Its impact on society was still being worked out. Even Britain didn't outlaw the slave trade for another how many decades?
Notice other words in the inscription. The historians that berate Jefferson as a slave-owner would also assert that he was at best a "deist" in his religious/spiritual convictions. That is also pretty hard to reconcile with the words in the inscription.
Telling the story of history is seldom objective. It is probably worth paying attention to the "world view" of whomever is doing the telling. #10616136
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