Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird

© Derek D. Dafoe

Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Uploaded: December 11, 2012


Aperture f/6.3, 1/500 sec, ISO 250, 300mm F4L IS...


Jack Gaskin December 11, 2012 0

A#1 Catch Color & Details are amazing.

Jack #1503024

Mary L. Olson level-classic December 21, 2012 0

Beautifully detailed image. Congrats on the POTD. #10473290

Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 21, 2012 0

Very nice colors and clarity. Nicely seen and captured Derek. Huge congratulations!!! #10473300

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 21, 2012 0

Amazing details. Congrats on a beautiful POTD. #10473318

Michelle Alton December 21, 2012 0

To illustrate HOW GOOD your photography is, you've only just returned to posting again, and BANG...a whole slew of brilliant photos. Glad this one was recognized for a POTD! FanTAStic! #10473328

Mary K. Robison December 21, 2012 0

Congratulations on your beautiful and well earned POTD! #10473340

Katarina Mansson December 21, 2012 0

Congratulations on your fantastic POTD Derek! #10473393

Jack Gaskin December 21, 2012 0


Jack #10473401

Susan Jane Allen level-classic December 21, 2012 0

Extraordinary detail, clarity and color! Hat's off to you! #10473445

Joy Rector December 21, 2012 0

beautiful shot #10473462

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe December 21, 2012 0

Congrats Derek on this Outstanding POTD!! #10473544

Nancy Marie Ricketts December 21, 2012 0

Fantastic, Derek-everything about it-color, clarity, color and composition!!! A well-deserved POTD! #10473555

Nancy Marie Ricketts December 21, 2012 0

Fantastic, Derek-everything about it-color, clarity, color and composition!!! A well-deserved POTD! #10473557

Nancy Marie Ricketts December 21, 2012 0

Fantastic, Derek-everything about it-color, clarity, color and composition!!! A well-deserved POTD! #10473558

Nancy Marie Ricketts December 21, 2012 0

Fantastic, Derek-everything about it-color, clarity, color and composition!!! A well-deserved POTD! #10473560

Linda A. Braddock December 21, 2012 0

Derek, Out-standing capture! Congratulations on POTD! Beautiful! #10473569

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna December 21, 2012 0

Magnificent POTD, Derek!!! WTG! :-) k #10473597

Lana Arcemont December 21, 2012 0

Congratulations on your POTD!
Fabulous color and clarity! #10473605

Linda D. Lester level-classic December 21, 2012 0

Aweosme capture....Congratulations on your POTD! #10473641

Tammy Espino December 21, 2012 0

My favorite little bird, congrats on this awesome POTD :) #10473668

Nancy L. Green level-classic December 21, 2012 0

AWESOME avian image Derek, CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful POTD!!! <>< #10473814

Ann Coates level-classic December 21, 2012 0

Brilliant shot, congratulations on your POTD. #10473823

Ellen Hodges December 21, 2012 0

Huge congrats on a fab POTD, Derek!! #10473980

Emile Abbott level-classic December 21, 2012 0

Congratulation Derek on wonderful POTD #10473987

Derek D. Dafoe December 21, 2012 0

Thanks very much for the kind words everyone!! Very much appreciated!! Merry Christmas! #10474186

Daniella Puente December 22, 2012 0

Congrats Derek! great capture... #10474331

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic December 22, 2012 0

Love this little guy, and great colors and details.Congratulations! #10474338

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic December 22, 2012 0

Awesome capture and colors, Derek. CONGRATZ on the POTD!

UB. #10474528

Eivor Kuchta December 22, 2012 0

Beautiful image! Congratulations on your POTD!

Richard D. Love March 29, 2013 0

Congratulations, Derek. Wonderful details and use of DOF!

Rick #10632443

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