I want this one !

© Jean-Francois Schmutz

I want this one !

Uploaded: June 16, 2003


1/8s, f5.6, Iso 800, zoom 28-135, Palmitos Park on Canaries Islands


Peggy Wolff June 16, 2003

Very cool...you can't see that the fish are in an aquarium, they just look like they are swimming around....I don't know where? Nice shot! #40434

Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019

Nice shot, Jean. The fish almost look like butterflys in the air--good eye! #119326

William C. Raco level-classic May 26, 2019

It's so cute the way the little girl is pointing.
Very good job on the exposure as it looks like this is a difficult light.
Nicely done.

bill #119398

Kathleen Clemons May 26, 2019

Just wonderful, JF. I was thinking exactly what bill said- great job with a difficult exposure! :) #119478

Jean-Francois Schmutz May 26, 2019

Thanks a lot for your kind comments, Margaret, Murry, Bill and Kathleen !
You're right with the difficult exposure, but sometime we must press the shutter button, and not think to much about some expected overexposed area,I'm glad you like it on this way :)

JF #119486

Patricia Marroquin May 26, 2019

This is gorgeous, JF! The lighting is so amazing and love the colors of the fish. Cute little girl, too, of course! #119959

Jean-Francois Schmutz May 26, 2019

thanks so much, Patricia !
I always apreciate your comments !

JF #120496

Patricia Marroquin July 07, 2003

Congratulations, JF! Another gorgeous shot of yours in the finals! #134846

Kathleen Clemons July 07, 2003

Congratulations, JF! #135018

Murry Grigsby July 07, 2003

Congrats again, JF!! #135359

LJ Corliss level-classic July 07, 2003

Congrats to you :) #136447

Susana Matos July 08, 2003

i loved this photo from the first moment I saw it on your gallery, Congratulations, Su #137034

Jean-Francois Schmutz July 08, 2003

Thanks so much for your support, Patricia, Kathleen, Murry, LC and Su !
Su ! this picture has also a good place in my hearth :)

JF #137040

Dolores Neilson July 08, 2003

Wonderful JF!! Yes...this image would have a special spot in my heart too!! Rightly so! Congrats! #137183

Jean-Francois Schmutz July 08, 2003

Thank you Dolores, your so nice ! I'm so glad it please to you !

JF #137400

Ron Goldman July 14, 2003

Congratulations on your winners JF!!!! #142147

Kathleen Clemons July 14, 2003

Congratulations from me too, JF!!!!! #142178

Dolores Neilson July 14, 2003

Hi JF!! Guess what??? You won again!! Congrats on your well deserved win, mon ami!! #142199

Jean Papo July 14, 2003

Congratulations, Jean-Francois, on your well-deserved win with this memorable and fantastic photo! #142408

Terry Joshi July 14, 2003

Congratulations on this win, this is a great image.
Terry #142523

Evy Johansen level-classic July 14, 2003

Beautiful image, JF! Congratulations on your well deserved win! #142543

Jean-Francois Schmutz July 15, 2003

Hello ! Ron, Kathleen, Dolores, Jean, Terry and Evy !
Thank you very much, I'm so glad as you support this picture !

JF #142620

Mette Vendelboe Allison level-classic July 15, 2003

Congrats on your lovely photo! #142652

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic July 15, 2003

Congrats, JF! Wonderful shot and well deserved win! #142720

Sharon E. Lowe level-addict July 15, 2003

Congrats on this one too JF!! #142886

Bernard B. Travers July 15, 2003

Boy, aren't you just cleaning up. Good for you, you super shooter you. Congrats again. #142962

Patricia Marroquin July 16, 2003

What a month for you, JF! Although every month is a good month for you! Ha! Congrats! #143733

Gary W. Lake July 16, 2003

Beautiful JF - congrats! #143870

Kerry Drager July 16, 2003

This is such a wonderful photo, JF ... congrats again!!
Kerry #143896

Jim Miotke My Courses July 16, 2003

I really love this photo, too. Great job, Jean-François. You are really getting your money's worth with those beautiful kids as models ;)

Also, I noticed that you placed this image on the home page of your Deluxe Site - excellent choice. Looks great! #143965

Jim Miotke My Courses July 16, 2003

Well, now I see that you replaced it with a new picture that also looks great. How do you keep capturing such awesome photos? You must be out there all the time...

Keep up the great work! #143966

Jean-Francois Schmutz July 16, 2003

Thank you very much for your nice comments, Mette, Carolyn, Sharon, Bernie, Patricia, Gary, Kerry and Jim !

Jim, thanks for checking my Deluxe Website and for the complement about my chidrens, but ... its your fault if I'm out all the time with my camera, you were the first who gave me the virus of photography, thanks again for thats :)

JF #143970

Murry Grigsby July 17, 2003

Congratulations again on another win, JF. This is truly magical!! #144618

Thomas McConville August 10, 2003

an incredibly beautiful image...everythings perfect about it!! #161954

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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