Autumn Flair

© Susan T. Evans

Autumn Flair

Uploaded: October 03, 2005


Susan T. Evans level-classic October 03, 2005 0

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© Susan T. Evans
Canon EOS Digital ...

Terry L. Ellis

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member since: 8/20/2004 Strikingly beautiful, Susan, with a kaleidoscope of fabulous colors, wonderful detail, DOF and comp! I got to be first!!!! Yeah!


Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic October 03, 2005 0

Terrific image Susan!!!
Wonderful colors and composition!!! #1913095

Jill Flynn October 03, 2005 0

Love that background and all the colors Susan! Stiking image and perspective. #1913116

Tracy Reehal October 03, 2005 0

Such beautiful, vivid colors. Well done! #1913122

Tony ODonoghue October 03, 2005 0

Just beautiful, Susan!! Love all your cows. #1913135

Jessica L. Richard October 03, 2005 0

gorgous image, colors and background! great work! #1913144

Rakesh Syal level-classic October 03, 2005 0

Fantastic floral image, Susan!!! Will see it again! #1913226

Sandy Landon level-classic October 03, 2005 0

Beautiful colors!! Outstanding image!! #1913265

Darren K. Fisher October 03, 2005 0

I love everything about this one. Awesome job Susan. #1913351

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic October 03, 2005 0

Outstanding, but no cow! Where's the cow? This is really good even without said cow. #1913399

Jenny Bosmans October 03, 2005 0

Terrific color burst, Susan!! Great background too!! #1913449

Linda D. Lester level-classic October 03, 2005 0

Beautiful....what did you use on this shot? Or did it some out this sharp? Beautiful no matter what! #1913607

Donna J. Taff October 03, 2005 0

Very beautiful, Susan!!! #1913615

Colette M. Metcalf October 04, 2005 0

GORGEOUS!!! #1913766

Goshka G. October 04, 2005 0

Spectacular, Susan!! #1913772

Jo Berry October 04, 2005 0

Truely Beautiful. Congrats on a great shot. Jo #1913808

Janine Russell level-classic October 04, 2005 0

Susan, great colors & DOF. #1913895

Holly M. Blattner October 04, 2005 0

Love it, love it, love it! Great colors and composition! #1914049

Anna Diederich October 04, 2005 0

Very beautiful!


Jeff Robinson level-deluxe October 04, 2005 0

Beautifully captured Susan! Great autumn color! Jeff #1914939

Joy Rector October 04, 2005 0

gorgeous comp and colors #1915238

Toni Hopper October 08, 2005 0

This is so pretty! #1929038

Ken Grooms October 10, 2005 0

You are great! #1934637

Sakthik . January 17, 2006 0

Very well framed. Nice composition, DoF and focus. Gud luck on this contest. Cheers. #2298041

Michelle Lea Guinn February 21, 2006 0

Beautiful!! Congratulations Susan!!! mlg~ #2445687

Bambi L. Dingman February 21, 2006 0

Congratulations! This is absolutely beautiful! I love the warmth of the colors! #2446341

Armando -. Arturo February 21, 2006 0

wonderful comp. I love the way the background and the flower compliment each other.beautifully presented, comgrats #2448114

Karen Rahlf February 22, 2006 0

Simply gorgeous. I hope this one's a winner. I love it. Congratulations! #2449700

Terry L. Ellis level-classic February 22, 2006 0

Colorful and fanciful, Susan! Marvelous finalist! Congratulations! #2450244

Jill Flynn February 22, 2006 0

Congratulations on your finalist Susan! #2450814

February 22, 2006 0

Wonderful light and color. #2451658

February 22, 2006 0

Nice background lighting. #2451676

February 22, 2006 0

Nice background lighting. #2451679

Anne D. Eigen February 22, 2006 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Susan!!! #2452600

Rakesh Syal level-classic February 22, 2006 0

WOW!!!! So many comments from the Judges! I am implessed, Susan!!! #2452601

Susan T. Evans level-classic February 22, 2006 0

Thank you Judges and Rakesh!!! #2453170

Susan T. Evans level-classic February 22, 2006 0

Thank you Anne too! #2453307

Janine Russell level-classic February 22, 2006 0

Susan, great colors, lighting and point of view; congratulations on your finalist. #2453352

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 23, 2006 0

Congratulations on this great finalist image!! Lovely! #2457630

Barbara Helgason February 23, 2006 0

Susan, your flower pictures are the best! Congratulations on this little beauty. Good luck in the next round! #2458723

Corinne M. Thompson February 24, 2006 0

Congrats on your Finalist :) #2459362

Barbara Helgason February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on this well deserved win Susan! #2466472

Claudia Kuhn level-classic February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on your 2nd place win Susan!! #2466574

Goshka G. February 25, 2006 0

Big congrats on your win, Susan!! #2466579

Sharon Day February 25, 2006 0

Big congratulations on your 2nd place win, Susan!!! WTG!!! #2466675

Paula Showen February 25, 2006 0

Wahoo...congratulations, Susan! You go, girl!!! #2466756

Karen Rahlf February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on your win! It's well deserved. #2466856

Deborah Sandidge February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations, Susan - your colors and composition make a exceptional winning image! #2466900

Mary K. Robison February 25, 2006 0

Way to go, Susan!!
Congratulations on your colorful win!! #2466915

Susana Ms Heide February 25, 2006 0

CONGRATS Susan on this WINNER!! An extraordinary image! #2466920

Michael Robichaud February 25, 2006 0

Congrats on your 2nd place win! Beautiful flower and background. #2467175

Sylvia Rossler February 25, 2006 0

Big congrats on your beautiful winner Susan ! Looks really gorgeous with that BG :O) #2467243

Jill Flynn February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on your win Susan. Way to go! #2467270

Michelle Lea Guinn February 25, 2006 0


Anne D. Eigen February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on this beautiful winner, Sysanm!!! #2467534

Noel Baebler February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations, Susan! #2467611

Jenny Bosmans February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this fantastic winner, Susan!! #2467693

Laura Clay-Ballard February 26, 2006 0

congrats on this awesome winning image! #2467798

Deborah Lewinson level-addict February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this gorgeous winner, Susan!!
-Debby #2467803

Kay Beausoleil February 26, 2006 0

Beautiful foreground and background! Congratulations on your win, Susan! #2467865

Su Sana E. P level-classic February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on your well deserved Win, Susan!! #2467931

Terry L. Ellis level-classic February 26, 2006 0

Yippeee! Congratulations, Susan, on this fantastic second place win!!! #2467960

Tammy Scott February 26, 2006 0

Lovely image! Congratulations! #2467991

William C. Raco level-classic February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations, Susan
Nicely done!

Bill #2468159

Graeme yew Chow February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations, this is fantastic Susan. #2468177

Paul Michko February 26, 2006 0

Big congratulations on your fantastic win, Susan. #2468201

Dawn Evans February 26, 2006 0

wow this is awesome the colors of the flower are out of this world congrat well desired #2468618

Chris Macer February 26, 2006 0

Congrats on the win, Susan! Amazing work :) #2468656

Corinne M. Thompson February 26, 2006 0

Well deserved win...Congrats :) #2468662

Jim Kinnunen level-classic February 26, 2006 0

Beautiful image, Susan...congratulations on this win!:) #2468884

Laurence Saliba level-classic February 26, 2006 0

CONGRATS Susan!!!! Beautiful!!!!!!!! #2469046

Karen Engelbreth February 26, 2006 0

Big congrats on your win, Susan! #2469401

Lynn Crawford February 26, 2006 0

WOW congrats Susan on being a winner, great job :) #2469659

Donna W. Neal February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this outstanding winner Susan #2469673

Gene Spears February 26, 2006 0

Susan, a beautiful riot of color - congratulations!! #2469893

Julie Turner February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations Susan, this is just beautiful!! #2469955

Life Expressions February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on your winning image, Susan! #2470161

Kristian L. Stricklin February 26, 2006 0

Wonderful,winning image!! #2470248

Bobbie Davis February 26, 2006 0

Congrats Susan!!! #2470257

Leanne M.E. Boyd February 26, 2006 0

Beautiful colour, clarity and dof - Congratulations on your win, Susan! #2470742

Allan L. Whitehead February 27, 2006 0

Susan, congratulations on this magnificent win in last month's contest in the 'Flowers' category. It is truly, richly deserved, my very dear friend - your good friend, Allan

You're still my hero, eh… - 'A'… #2473281

Susan T. Evans level-classic February 28, 2006 0

Thank you all so much for your kind comments and congrats!!! #2477371

Kathleen Clemons February 28, 2006 0

Congrats on your win, Susan!! #2480151

Aimee S. McMaster March 17, 2006 0

just beautiful...congrats!!!!! #2543288

Debbie E. Payne September 22, 2007 0

Susan - I just love your gallery. So much there to inspire me! How did you get the black background in your gallery? I can't find any option for that? #4827005

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic October 20, 2008 0

Beautiful! Love your work!! #6626610

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