Oak Trees After Storm

© Doug Steakley

Oak Trees After Storm

Uploaded: October 04, 2011


Oak trees in clearing storm along the Big Sur coast.


Katrina McMeans October 04, 2011 0

Love the curving branches and the beautiful green, misty air. #1412766

Doug Steakley October 04, 2011 0

Thanks Katrina--this has always been one of my favorite images. #9714650

Kathryn Wesserling October 05, 2011 0

How absolutely exquisite this is! (a mood-setter.) It deserves to be one of your favorites (mine too.) Congratulations on it being featured in the current Snapshot. #9717499

Kathryn Wesserling October 05, 2011 0

After looking at this again, I realize how truly unique it is. This shows a softer, gentler side to Big Sur (usually, crashing waves.) There is a sense of magic in the greens and mists framed by the boughs of the tree. Definitely, a FAVE. #9717550

Roger S. Moore October 05, 2011 0

This is a beautiful shot, Doug. The mist and rich colors give it a fairy tale look. #9717682

Bunny Snow October 05, 2011 0

What a beautiful creation, as only you can give! Your artistic education shows through in your photography. This is definitely a favorite inspirational capture which is so well processed. #9718393

Doug Steakley October 05, 2011 0

Thanks Everyone--I am glad you like this image! #9718604

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