Serendipity Mime

© Kimber Wallwork-Heineman

Serendipity Mime

Uploaded: September 18, 2011


Exif: F Number: 10, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 85.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 60D


October 19, 2011 0

Wow! #1416398

Richard B. Hallick October 19, 2011 0

Congratulations, Kimber. I agree with the Judges. Wow! #9744707

October 19, 2011 0

Very original! #9747369

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic October 20, 2011 0

This is absolutely fabulous. A First Place spot would go nicely underneath it, Kimber. C O N G R A T Z .....!!!

UB. #9749677

Irene Colling level-classic October 21, 2011 0

I predict your Finalist award will be replaced with a gold badge.

Congratulations on your outstanding capture of this wonderful subject.

Merna L. Nobile October 23, 2011 0

May your heart catch the joy of the moment and soar!
I am so happy for you!

David M. Montero October 23, 2011 0

Congratulations on your finalist selection Kimber! #9756868

Chris Schofield October 25, 2011 0

Congratulations on Gold Kimber. Great job. #9759989

Debra R. Harder October 25, 2011 0

This is a FABULOUS image, Kimber!! Huge congratulations on your OUTSTANDING GOLD WINNER!! Deb #9761779

Carmody Baker October 26, 2011 0

Great job Kimber. Congratulations!! #9763916

Merna L. Nobile October 26, 2011 0

CONGRATULATIONS for your outstanding entry and your GOLD AWARD. Merna #9764969

Rona L. Schwarz October 27, 2011 0

Kimber, WOW! This is spectacular! A totally amazing and awesome capture - very unique and different and beautifully done! Huge Congratulations on this outstanding Gold Winner! #9766891

Irene Colling level-classic October 28, 2011 0

I'm so happy my prediction was correct.

This outstanding image well deserves a gold award.

Congratulations Kimber. #9768467

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic October 31, 2011 0

CONGRATZ on this wonderful Gold winner!!!

UB. #9773592

Karen Slagle November 20, 2011 0

Congrats on your most fabulous and unique winning image, Kimber... #9819427

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