Storm at the Hacienda

© Dale Hardin

Storm at the Hacienda

Uploaded: July 29, 2011


Daytime exposure near San Simeon, Calif. Multiplied image, applied nighttime filtering, created rain and lightning stroke, replaced sky, dodged and burned, and other selective changes using PSE9.

Exposure time: 1/1000 F-stop: 4.0
ISO speed: 200

Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/10000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 36.00 mm, Model: DSC-H2


Kim Andelkovic August 08, 2011 0

Another great image for the DD :-) #1399299

Dale Hardin August 08, 2011 0

Thank you Kim. One gets to learn Photoshop when the images didn't come out as expected during exposure. :o) #9589061

Wm Nosal August 24, 2011 0

Cool Image, Dale!
Great PhotoShoppng #9625401

Dale Hardin August 24, 2011 0

thanks WM. Now if I could just shoot it right the first time, I'd save a lot of time. :o) #9625455

Bojan Bencic level-classic August 25, 2011 0

WOW! Congratulations on your finalist, Dale. #9627498

Wm Nosal August 25, 2011 0

Congratulations, Dale! #9628012

Kim Andelkovic August 25, 2011 0

Whooo hooo Congrats Dan......told you it was good lol:-) #9628277

Dale Hardin August 25, 2011 0

Thanks everyone. This was a real surprise for me since this was an effort to save a throw away image. Thank you. #9628535

Joannie Bertucci level-classic August 25, 2011 0

An electrifing finalist Dale, congratulations! #9629131

Patrick Rouzes level-classic August 25, 2011 0

Incredible!!! Congratulations & good luck, Dale! WTG! #9629221

Dale Hardin August 26, 2011 0

Joannie and Patrick, your kind comments make me very happy. Thank you. #9630936

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic August 26, 2011 0

Terrific post-processing work, Dale. CONGRATZ and expect seeing this as First Place Gold, good luck!!!

UB. #9631584

Dale Hardin August 26, 2011 0

Thanks so much Usman. #9631661

Arthur Bohlmann August 26, 2011 0


David M. Montero August 26, 2011 0

Congratulations on your Finalist selection Dale. Bravo! #9633397

Dale Hardin August 26, 2011 0

Arthur and Dave, thanks so very much. #9633780

Phyllis A. Houghton August 26, 2011 0

Congrats on you awesome finalist, Dale. And thank you for explaning your DD work. Super job! #9634642

Dale Hardin August 26, 2011 0

Thank you Phyllis. That lightning is fun to make. #9634671

Merna L. Nobile August 26, 2011 0

Great photographers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion.
Congratulations for your achievement, August, 25, 2011. Merna

Michael Kelly level-classic August 27, 2011 0

Very realistic lightening strike. A wonderful example of PS work. Congratulations! #9635383

Dale Hardin August 27, 2011 0

A big thank you to you both. #9635864

Laura E. Swan level-classic August 27, 2011 0

This is terrific DDR, Dale!!! Congrats on the silver!

-Laura :)

P.S. Come to my gallery and see pages 5,6,7 if you really liked my B&W Finalist. There are more there I think you can appreciate, too! #9635962

Dale Hardin August 27, 2011 0

Thank you Laura. Had already commented on you finalist and you're right about pages 5,6,7. Besides all your talented creativity, your traditional work is out standing as well. Must admit I was a bit surprised and at the same time, a bit ashamed that I hadn't explored your gallery extensively before. As they say now-a-days, "my bad" :o) #9636649

Laura E. Swan level-classic August 27, 2011 0

My bad, too, Dale. It wasn't until last night that I took the time and went over your gallery, too. Do you know what I liked the most? Your diversity. You are extremely creative and excel at it. As with me, your traditional work is very well done, too!!! You have the cat by the tail. This photography thing is surely your niche and I hope you always stick with it. It's the perfect hobby.

¢Û¢Ü♫¢Ý¢Û¢Ü♫¢Ý¢Û¢Ü♫¢Ý I'd also love to hear that you got into a Barber Shop in your area, too...and not for a haircut! :))) ¢Û¢Ü♫¢Ý¢Û¢Ü♫¢Ý¢Û¢Ü♫¢Ý

Thanks for all that you said. -Laura :) #9636822

Dale Hardin August 27, 2011 0

Thanks Laura. Afraid the singing is over. After all those years performing with the great "Winning Combination" quartet, anything less doesn't peak my interest any more. However, I'll sing a tag or two with any quartet that invites me, just for old times sake. :o) #9637021

Aimee C. Eisaman August 29, 2011 0

Very cool creation Dale. The lighting due to the daytime exposure really gives it an erie feeling. :~) Congrats on your finalist! :~) #9640246

Dale Hardin August 29, 2011 0

Thank you Aimee. LOL I have to do stuff like this often because the images as they were aren't so good. :o) #9640504

Aimee C. Eisaman August 29, 2011 0

Well I would never have known. And don't worry I won't tell anyone! :P #9640675

Irene Colling level-classic August 31, 2011 0

Outstanding DD work Dale. You've created a wonderfully dynamic image.

Congratulations on your well deserved Finalist award. #9644851

Dale Hardin August 31, 2011 0

Thank you Irene. #9644904

Patricia White September 23, 2011 0

Funny how day can be night. Great idea and a great transformation. #9685822

Dale Hardin September 24, 2011 0

thanks so much Patricia. #9687817

Kathryn Wesserling September 28, 2011 0

Dale, you've proved what I've always said, "Don't delete all those oh-not-so-perfect images; you never know when you'll need them!" lollll You did a great job with this one! #9702654

Irene Colling level-classic September 28, 2011 0

Congratulations Dale for this photo being featured in the #101 September issue of the Digital Darkroom.

Excellent image to show as an example of post processing photo art. #9703027

Dale Hardin October 04, 2011 0

Thanks so much Kathy.

Irene, thank you. Have been gone and hadn't realized the image was in Digital darkroom. Will have to check it out. #9715773

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