
Uploaded: January 18, 2011


Composite of two photos, the robin photo had both robins in it, taken 1-15-2011, Exp 1/60sec, F5.6, ISO320, FL240mm, Pattern Metering, the sky photo, which did have the moon in it, was taken 9-9-09, Exp 1/800, F8, ISO640, FL300mm, Used layers and filters in photoshop (Digital Darkroom)


John Rivera level-deluxe January 18, 2011 0

Very Nicely Done Linda!! #1345024

Sarah A. Christian January 18, 2011 0

Excellent, Linda! Beautiful work! #9169485

Michelle Alton January 18, 2011 0

Beautiful DD work, Linda. #9169498

Linda A. Braddock January 18, 2011 0

John, Sarah and Michelle, Thankyou all so very much!! #9170268

Freddy Bland January 18, 2011 0

Wonderful composition, Linda...they appear to be conversing in Robin lingo. Wonderful treatment!! #9170706

Linda A. Braddock January 19, 2011 0

Freddy, Thankyou so much!! They do look like they are talking bird talk. #9170846

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna January 19, 2011 0

Awesome work in the DDR, Linda! :-) k #9170920

Linda A. Braddock January 19, 2011 0

Kitty, Thankyou very much! #9171009

Karen E. Baumann January 20, 2011 0

Congratulations on your feature in the DDR, Linda! Love the textures and the colors of the bg against the robins, which are a favorite of mine. Very nice! #9180010

Linda A. Braddock January 20, 2011 0

Karen, Thankyou so very much!! #9180302

Karen Slagle January 20, 2011 0

I love this Linda. I saw this in todays feature. It's fantastic and a favorite of mine. #9180346

Linda A. Braddock January 20, 2011 0

Karen, Thankyou so much, I really appreciate your sweet comments! #9180359

Rona L. Schwarz January 20, 2011 0

Just saw this in DDR, Linda - outstanding DDR work! Love how you've combined the images and your use of textures and colors. Congrats! #9180453

Dianna Murphy January 20, 2011 0

Congratulations on your feature in DD! #9181007

Linda A. Braddock January 20, 2011 0

Rona and Dianna, Thankyou so much for your sweet comments, I really do appreciate them!! #9181024

Liz blahh February 02, 2011 0

Really beautiful image & DD work! #9208541

Linda A. Braddock February 02, 2011 0

Liz, thankyou so much!! #9208593

Jessica Jenney February 08, 2011 0

So very beautiful, Linda! Fabulous work! #9220813

Linda A. Braddock February 08, 2011 0

Jessica, Thankyou so much!! #9220817

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