Cowboy Grit II

© Carrie M. Groseclose

Cowboy Grit II

Uploaded: January 14, 2011


Photographed using window lighting with a reflector. Edited
and textures applied in PSCS5.


David M. Montero January 14, 2011 0

Hi Carrie. Happy New Year! Beautiful portrait as all of your work is. You are the master. #1344140

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe January 14, 2011 0

Outstanding work with this portrait, Carrie! Jeff #9163084

frank w. degenhardt January 15, 2011 0

I so enjoy the beauty of the portrait work that you do. The look has its own look, one sees one of these pictures and knows that it belongs to Carrie. I think that is awesome. The tones really impress me, I love the lighting, the textures, and the colors and tones, while beautiful, not overbearing. Love the hat, the look, the pose. Gorgeous work my friend. #9163732

Carrie M. Groseclose January 15, 2011 0

Thank you so much Dave, Jeff, and Frank for your very kind comments! I truly appreciate them. #9163746

Memoriee G. Sconce January 16, 2011 0

Beautiful work.
Memoriee #9165449

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic January 20, 2011 0

Terrific portrait and treatment, Carrie. CONGRATZ on being featured in the DD newsletter!!

UB. #9179869

Karen E. Baumann January 20, 2011 0

Beautiful skin tones, Carrie! Love his expression too! Very nicely presented... congratulations on your DD feature! #9180040

Dianna Murphy January 20, 2011 0

I love this portrait no matter what you do to it but this is even more awesome. Congratulations on your feature in DD! #9180998

Anita Bower January 23, 2011 0

Excellenmt! #9186478

Anita Bower January 23, 2011 0

Excellent #9186479

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