Make My Day

Uploaded: November 28, 2010


A snow leopard at the Toronto zoo. Converted to B&W with Nik Silver Efex.

Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 800, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 190.00 mm, Model: NIKON D90


Steve M. Harrington November 28, 2010 0

An alternative look. #1330967

Patti Coblentz November 28, 2010 0

Wow, a beautiful face. I think I like #2, has a sort of abstract feel that I find appealing. What an incredibly beautiful animal! #9067664

Steve M. Harrington November 28, 2010 0

Yes, he is a beautiful creature. I fear my camera and I can not do justice to him. Thank you, Patti.
Steve #9067735

Rona L. Schwarz November 28, 2010 0

I like #2 as well, Steve. I particularly like the blue eyes and softer pencil/charcoal treatment. Very striking! #9067986

Steve M. Harrington November 28, 2010 0

Thank you, Rona. My intent was to go with the B&W, but I followed Patti's suggestion and I am pleased you confirmed it. I attacked this image with great expectations, spent hours playing with them, then awoke today to see I had fallen short of my vision. All part of the creative process I reckon...sigh. :)
Steve #9067998

Joanna Madloch November 28, 2010 0

Beautiful series, Steve. I like the blue-eyed the best, it gives it a kind of surreal look. #9068096

Steve M. Harrington November 28, 2010 0

Thank you, Joanna. He seemed surreal in reality. You should have seen his tail! Amazing!
Steve #9068100

Carol L. Fowler November 29, 2010 0

Oops! I don't wike dat Big Puddy Tat now!! Beginning to wook more like a drawn figure- sort of like me (Tweety)!!! AND he is looking at me right now!!! (But if I were a person, I would have liked it as an artful creation) #9068231

Steve M. Harrington November 29, 2010 0

I think you must be part person. If you were a purebred cartoon character, you would have said wike, not like. Have you considered seeking help? You may be suffering an identity crisis. Probably drugs available for it.
In any case, I want to thank you for your kind chirps.
Uncle Steve #9068253

Patricia A. Stalter December 02, 2010 0

You weally are a big ol puddy tat! WTG. Look at the recognition you got! #9076161

Steve M. Harrington December 02, 2010 0

Thanks, Pat! Are you talking to me or the snow leopard? :)
I was more confused than usual when I saw your remark...until I saw this big boy featured in the Digital Darkroom Newsletter. How nice! However, he was passed over for an EP. Go figure...
Steve #9076388

Rona L. Schwarz December 03, 2010 0

Hey, Congrats on being featured in today's Digital Darkroom, Steve!! See, all your work was not in vain! #9077400

Steve M. Harrington December 03, 2010 0

Thank you, Rona! BP is a mysterious place, huh. :)
Steve #9077404

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