Birtch Saplings

© Heather Pickard

Birtch Saplings

Uploaded: November 12, 2010


In camera blur technique to create a painterly look.

Exif: F Number: 22, Exposure Bias Value: -1.00, ExposureTime: 2/10 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 18.00 mm, Model: NIKON D80


Beth W. DeBor level-classic December 28, 2010 0

Hi Heather,
Hope you had a nice Christmas.
I was checking out your gallery, which I haven't done since class and am still in awe of your talent. I strive for bird images as sharp as yours and I use a tripod mostly! I was looking at the birch photos and wonder how you did this in camera. The only blur technique I know of is zooming in and out, and this doesn't look like that technique.
Best of everything for the new year.
Cheers! #1339159

Heather Pickard December 28, 2010 0

It's nice to hear from you, Beth. For the Birch photos, I experimented with getting a pleasing blur by trying settings that gave me a slow shutter speed and by moving the camera during the exposure. With the camera mounted on a tripod, I would release the shutter and at the same time tilt the camera in a fluid motion vertically to blur the long vertical lines of the trees. It takes a little practice, but was fun to try. #9129067

Karen Celella January 05, 2011 0

Congratulations on your special feature in PhotoFlash, Heather. I agree that it was a fun technique and your execution here is outstanding! #9143939

Dianna Murphy January 05, 2011 0

congratulations on your Photo Flash feature. #9144297

Rosemary Sampson level-classic January 05, 2011 0

Very nice image. #9144474

Rona L. Schwarz January 05, 2011 0

WTG, Heather! Congrats on being featured in todays Photo Flash! It was fun learning the in-camera blur technique and this is a marvelous example. I think I like it even better now than when I first saw it! #9144526

Heather Pickard January 07, 2011 0

Thank-you all for your comments.
Its great to get such encouraging feed back.
I'm eager to try this technique some more myself and hope that winter might be a good time to get a few interesting shots. #9148738

Corinne M. Thompson January 16, 2011 0

What a beautiful capture! #9165453

Heather Pickard January 16, 2011 0

Thanks so much Corinne.
I appreciate your comment. #9166083

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