Uploaded: August 08, 2005
Paul Sikora August 08, 2005 0
Candy, you've done a fabulous job with this image with the colours, composition and framing #291114Michelle Lea Guinn August 08, 2005 0
Wondeerful image Candy!!! Love the reflection in the glass!!! mlg #1692924
Shelly A. Van Camp
August 08, 2005
Kay E. Mahoney
August 08, 2005
Barbara Helgason August 08, 2005 0
Great capture Candy, I've been trying for a while to capture a glass of white wine and its reflections. Great composition, color, and reflections. #1693612Joline Frazier August 08, 2005 0
Everything about this is appealing. It should be used for a wine ad. This is so well done. #1693731Jennifer Rennison August 09, 2005 0
Beautiful reflection, wonderful image, Candy! #1694113
Theresa Marie Jones
August 09, 2005
Bobbie Davis August 09, 2005 0
This is a winner Candy!!!! It's a real eye catcher!!!! #1694477Nicole Kessel August 20, 2005 0
Great photo, Candy. Love the reflection. Reminds me of the Smokies. Where was it taken? #1737424Candy D. Dennis August 20, 2005 0
This picture was taken from Bryson City, N.C. overlooking the Great Smokey National Park. Thanks! #1737885Lori Carlson September 16, 2005 0
The light and tone of this is so wonderful, not to mention the whole darn scene!! Cool, creative and well thought out Candy! :0) #1845837Barbara Helgason September 24, 2005 0
Congratulations on this very well deserved finalist!! #1876630
Linda D. Lester
September 24, 2005
Serena Pierce
September 26, 2005
Leanne M.E. Boyd November 06, 2005 0
This is so cool! Congratulations on your finalist and POTD! #2039867
Laurence Saliba
November 06, 2005
Susie Peek-Swint November 06, 2005 0
Wonderful image Candy ~ many congrats on finalist and POTD ~ well done! #2040005Donna R. Moratelli November 06, 2005 0
I wish that I were there. Congrats on POTD #2040015Joline Frazier November 06, 2005 0
Loved this the first time I saw it and still do! Congratulations on a beautiful PORD. #2040049Joy Rector November 06, 2005 0
congrats on the POTD #2040086Michelle R. Kovach November 06, 2005 0
Congratulations on your Finalist Placing & your POTD feature! #2040103
Linda Boehme
November 06, 2005
Jessica L. Richard November 06, 2005 0
very beautiful image, congrats on POTD! #2040154
Ronda Chatelle
November 06, 2005
David B. Coblitz November 06, 2005 0
Love the photo! I've seen the other comments & concur, but mainly just think you had a great idea there & captured it well. #2040269
Deborah Lewinson
November 06, 2005
Scott Pedersen November 06, 2005 0
I like that reflection in the glass. #2040301Mary N C. Taitt November 06, 2005 0
WOW, Candy, this is GREAT! I love it--I'd like to drink in some of that mountain scenery, too!!!!! Congratulations on your finalist and POTD! Mary :-) #2040393Walter P. Keith November 06, 2005 0
Fantastic picture in every way. Congratulations!!!! #2040524Kathleen R. Struckle November 06, 2005 0
Fantastic image. Very creative and fun image. congrats on POTD!! #2040562Keri M. Dietrich November 06, 2005 0
It reminds me of a cabin we stayed at in Pigeon Forge, TN. What a great photo, thanks for brining back the memory. [even though I know it wasn't taken in the same place] :-) #2040619Leonard Pierce November 06, 2005 0
Very beautiful image Candy, a fantastic concept and your composition and exposure are perfect!!! Congratulations on a very well deserved POTD! #2040665Lisa M. Austin November 06, 2005 0
What a very cool and unique photograph! Congratulations! #2040691Casey A. Hanson November 06, 2005 0
Man...does this look inviting. Wonderful presentation. You should sell this to a travel agency, it's awesome! Very well done, Candy! Congrats on POTD :0) #2041000Kay Beausoleil November 06, 2005 0
Wonderfully evocative POTD -- congratulations, Candy! #2041196Robert L. Andersen November 06, 2005 0
Wonderful Image ! Very creative ! Awesome composition ! Congratulations !! #2041300
Sandy Driscoll
November 06, 2005
Ed Heaton November 06, 2005 0
Great work Candy! Congrats on POTD! #2041378Kirsi Bertolini November 06, 2005 0
Simply the best! Love this! Great view on a wineglass! #2041390Mary Clarke November 06, 2005 0
Many congratulations on POTD Candy, great image. #2041557Claudette Foote November 06, 2005 0
Great work Candy!Jenny Bosmans November 06, 2005 0
Congratulations on your finalist and POTD, Candy! Excellent work! #2041654Lucy L. Fink November 06, 2005 0
That is a lovely picture that makes you want to go to a vinyard and sample the wine. Great job! #2041658Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 06, 2005 0
Very creative and beautiful, congratulations on your double kudos! #2041884Sandra Freyler November 06, 2005 0
Congratulations and a job well done! Beautiful image! ;) #2041937Laura Clay-Ballard November 07, 2005 0
beautiful shot. congrats! #2041984#2042007
Terry L. Ellis
November 07, 2005
Charles Haire November 07, 2005 0
Nice shot Candy, and I must say a professional job. Reminds me of some of our well known masters in advertising photography. I don't see where this shot could be improved, unless perhelps the liquid in the glass could have been a more light Zen wine color. However, this just my thought. Keep up the good work and your photography style. #2042554Judy S. Fung November 07, 2005 0
Congrats on your POTD, Candy! #2043113Vicki Hunt November 07, 2005 0
Wonderful POTD!!!! #2044625Candy D. Dennis November 07, 2005 0
Wow everyone, thank you! I just got back from a mini-Miami vacation and what a surprise! Your comments blow me away! #2045830Nancy Donnell November 08, 2005 0
Very cool. If you were enjoying the sunset and looked down at your glass, wow--great vision. Nice. Many people wouldn't have noticed. #2046394
Lindley Johnson
November 08, 2005
This is a wonderful picture.It is so relaxing and colorful. I love to look at the sunset as well as the sunrise.
So many people takes God's Work forgranted therefore they don't see the beautties of life like we (the Photographers) see it.
You have captured a Gem of a shot !!!
Keep up the GOOD Work !!!
Avis K. Williams Caesar
aviscae@yahoo.com #2054376
Melody Molinaro November 09, 2005 0
This is a great idea! Love it! #2054687Toni Hopper November 14, 2005 0
I would love to know where this is! I swear it's the view from a fine dining establishment hidden outside Eureka Springs in the Ozarks. Lovely! #2071700Keith L. Clayton November 24, 2005 0
Beautiful shot, Amanda. #2114513Keith L. Clayton November 24, 2005 0
I meant Beautiful shot, CANDY - SorrySign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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