Car Abstract

© Katrina McMeans

Car Abstract

Uploaded: January 12, 2006 22:20:54


Shot outdoors during a rain shower. I wiped the pattern into the fog on my window and shot from it.


Ronald F. Fischer January 13, 2006 0

This is wonderful, Katrina!! I hope you entered it into the special effects category!! #374239

Katrina McMeans January 14, 2006 0

I actually haven't done anything with it, but will do so right now before I forget. I've been SOOO busy this last week!!!
Thanks for the comment!
~K #2285918

Mick Burkey January 18, 2006 0

Very interesting shot, Katrina. And the title says it all. I very much like this as an abstract thought and could see this on the wall. Who needs fancy special effects when you have a hand to create them, eh? Nice work. #2300208

Katrina McMeans January 18, 2006 0

Thanks, Mick! I hope the judges like it! ; )

~K #2301151

Roger D. Meador January 28, 2006 0

Good eye to have seen this. #2348856

Katrina McMeans January 28, 2006 0

Nice to hear from you Roger! Thanks!
~K #2349475

Jamil Saliba February 21, 2006 0

Many Congrats on this creative abstract Finalist Katrina Good luck in the next round #2446389

Katrina McMeans February 21, 2006 0

Thanks so much, Jamil! ; )
~K #2447182

Sylvia Rossler February 21, 2006 0

Big congrats on this very special finalist Katrina :o) #2447761

Terry L. Ellis level-classic February 21, 2006 0

Fantastic finalist, Katrina! Congratulations! #2448262

Darryl Wilkinson February 21, 2006 0

Very imaginative and cooooooool capture, Katrina! Congratulations on this fantastic finalist!!! BRAVO!!!!!!! #2448848

Katrina McMeans February 22, 2006 0

Sylvia, Terry and Darryl...thanks so much! ; )
~K #2449346

Gail Vitikacs level-classic February 22, 2006 0

You go girl!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! #2450214

February 22, 2006 0

Good lines and color. #2451741

Katrina McMeans February 22, 2006 0

Gail and Judges...thanks a lot!
~K #2451899

Nicole Kessel February 22, 2006 0

WOW! This is awesome, Katrina!! Congratulations on finalist!! :) #2453008

Katrina McMeans February 22, 2006 0

Thanks, Nicole!
~K #2454113

Kerby Pfrangle February 22, 2006 0

Congratulation Nicole. Great job. Best of luck in the next round. #2454118

Kerby Pfrangle February 22, 2006 0

Sorry I meant to say Katrina. #2454120

Katrina McMeans February 22, 2006 0

Thanks a lot, Kerby!!! ; )
~K #2454180

Sylvia Rossler February 25, 2006 0

Big congrats on your winner Katrina :o) #2466827

Ronald F. Fischer February 26, 2006 0

This is awesome, Katrina!! A big congratulations on this winner!!! #2467587

Jenny Bosmans February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this fantastic winner, Katrina!! #2467759

Darryl Wilkinson February 26, 2006 0

WOOHOO, Katrina! CONGRATULATIONS on your winning image! BRAVO!!! #2467862

Jamil Saliba February 26, 2006 0

Congratulation on your Great creative winner Katrina #2467916

Katrina McMeans February 26, 2006 0

Sylvia, Ron, Jenny, Darryl, and Jamil...thanks so much for your congratulations!!! I am so happy!!! ; D
~K #2467967

Chris Macer February 26, 2006 0

Congrats on the win, Katrina! Love this, very creative! :) #2468686

Katrina McMeans February 26, 2006 0

Thanks, Chris!
~K #2469678

Donna W. Neal February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations Katrina #2470544

Ray Clarke February 28, 2006 0

Interesting and clever shot Katrina, congratulations on your win (Ac) #2480297

Ray Clarke February 28, 2006 0

Interesting and clever shot Katrina, congratulations on your win (Ac) #2480298

Katrina McMeans February 28, 2006 0

Thanks so much, Donna, Ray & Audrey! ; )
~K #2480315

Terry L. Ellis level-classic February 28, 2006 0

Huge congratulations, Katrina! Fantastic! #2480321

Larissa M. March 01, 2006 0

This is an awesome picture, I wish I would of taken it!! :-D

~Lue... #2481028

Maverick Creatives March 02, 2006 0

I've mentioned this to you before Katrina, and I'll mention it again. YOU ARE A BORN PHOTOGRAPHER. Way to go my cowgirl friend.

Gary #2489170

Alisha L. Ekstrom March 03, 2006 0

VERY COOL IMAGE!!! Congrats on it being a winner!! YAY!!!! #2492100

Katrina McMeans March 03, 2006 0

Gary and Alisha, thanks so much!
~K #2492134

Chris Budny level-deluxe April 08, 2006 0

Not sure how I missed this one, Katrina... a belated congratulations on Second Place! #2619990

Katrina McMeans April 08, 2006 0

Thanks, Chris!
~K #2620469

Allan L. Dy June 25, 2006 0

Congratulations really have a very good eye! #2946793

February 11, 2007 0

I like the strong colors a lot and the natural patterns :)
It really is a great abstract, congrats and well deserved ! #3937569

Marisol Pastor level-classic September 30, 2011 0

Fantastic! #9707619

Katrina McMeans October 01, 2011 0

Thank you so much, Allan, Aimelle & Marisol! :) #9708453

Stanley C. Sims October 02, 2011 0

Sensational shot Katrina. Very creative. Congratulations on this winner. #9709947

Rudi Reiner level-classic October 02, 2011 0

What a creative shot! #9709966

Katrina McMeans October 02, 2011 0

Thanks a lot, Stanley & Rudi! :) #9709989

Songbird Cline level-classic October 30, 2011 0

very cool.. makes a great modern art image! #9772438

Katrina McMeans October 31, 2011 0

Thanks! Seems like it was much easier to win back in the day, haha. ;) #9773160

Dale Hardin November 10, 2011 0

Katrina, this is out standing and well deserving of the win. The concept and the complimentary colors make this stand out in every way. The composition is excellent also with the ROT of the yellow coupled with the soft diagonal of the blues at the top tie this together perfectly. Well done. #9794877

Katrina McMeans November 10, 2011 0

Thank you so much, Dale :) #9795894

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