Frozen beauty

© Sylvia Rossler

Frozen beauty

Uploaded: January 12, 2006 18:07:50


Taken yesterday in a small resting place near my work.

Applied blue tint to the background to give more contrast to the flower in PSE3.

1/125s - f/4,0 - iso 80 - at 72mm - handheld

POTD on shutterbugs 25/11/06


January 12, 2006 0

Wonderful! Love the frost detail #373617

Dominique Declerck January 12, 2006 0

Joli contraste de couleurs et belle composition, sylvia!! #2280911

Sylvia Rossler January 12, 2006 0

Thank you L.H. and Dominique :O) #2280955

Karen Engelbreth January 12, 2006 0

Wonderful, frosty image, Sylvia! #2280959

Pamela Shane January 12, 2006 0

I love this image sooo much Sylvia!
This is my new favorite of yours. Exquisite detail in this image - I sure hope we see this one again!! :) #2280993

Sylvia Rossler January 12, 2006 0

Thank you Karen and Pam :o)
Pam this goes straight through the heart :o)) #2281029

January 12, 2006 0

This is so beautiful. I love it! #2281051

Sylvia Rossler January 12, 2006 0

Thank you Shannon :O) #2281074

Tamera S. Phillips January 12, 2006 0

Very nicely done! #2281081

Hendrik Storme January 12, 2006 0

Beautiful, nice contrast!!!
Bien fait Sylvia! #2281124

Gerald Kraus January 12, 2006 0

nice composition--good color --great detail--I would designate this picture as a 1st place winner #2281164

Sylvia Rossler January 12, 2006 0

Thank you Tamera, Hendrik and Gerald :o)

Gerald, wow, hope the judges hear that :O) #2281185

David B. Vasta January 12, 2006 0

is that natural light on that or did you use a flash or anything to get that coloring? #2281439

Sylvia Rossler January 12, 2006 0

The background got a blue tint in PSE3 for contrast.
Anything else is natural daylaight, without flash :O) #2281455

Jamil Saliba January 12, 2006 0

very beautiful capture and colors , the ice and every thing in this one just perfect !! great find Sylvia #2281472

Dr Silly level-classic January 12, 2006 0

Sylvia you snowbirds can really get some beautiful shots, like this one. But I will keep sunny Florida. LOL

Love this shot, this is now in my top 10 for the month. :o)

Jenny Bosmans January 12, 2006 0

GORGEOUS, Sylvia!! #2281670

Sylvia Rossler January 12, 2006 0

Thank you Jamil, Dr Silly and Jenny :o)

Dr Silly I send you some snow if you send me some sun,beach,warm weather,beach boys...stop!...list is to big :O) #2281715

Judy S. Fung January 12, 2006 0

Lovely, Sylvia! #2281732

Sylvia Rossler January 12, 2006 0

Thank you Judy :o) #2281776

Mary Clarke January 12, 2006 0

Well spotted Sylvia - fabulous #2281905

Nicole Kessel January 13, 2006 0

Awesome shot, Sylvia! Well done! #2282054

Sylvia Rossler January 13, 2006 0

Thank you Mary and Nicole :o) #2282749

Lisa Clark January 13, 2006 0

Wow.. What a gorgeous find. Very well photographed. #2282884

Terry L. Ellis level-classic January 13, 2006 0

Just wonderful, Sylvia! Really perfect! #2285383

Goshka G. January 13, 2006 0

This really is a beauty - and a winner in my book, Sylvia!! #2285755

Sylvia Rossler January 14, 2006 0

Thank you Lisa, Terry and Goshka :o) #2286655

Pat Gamwell January 14, 2006 0

Can't believe how beautiful the flower has remained after being frozen to death! lol.
EXQUISITE image! #2286752

Sylvia Rossler January 14, 2006 0

Thank you Pat :o) #2287620

John Connolly January 14, 2006 0

Cool image Sylvia, great capture. #2288786

Sylvia Rossler January 15, 2006 0

Thank you John :o) #2291864

Sylvia Rossler January 15, 2006 0

Thank you John :o) #2291865

Corinne M. Thompson January 20, 2006 0

Great image with nice details and clarity. #2308497

Sylvia Rossler January 20, 2006 0

Thank you Corinne :O) #2308508

Michael R. Cameron January 29, 2006 0

Wow great image Sylvia. I love how the color just pops out from the frost. #2350933

Sylvia Rossler January 29, 2006 0

Thank you Michael :o) #2351044

Barbara Helgason February 20, 2006 0

Beautiful Sylvia, good luck with this one! #2442207

Sylvia Rossler February 21, 2006 0

Thank you Barbara :O) #2443466

Silvia Nunes February 21, 2006 0

Congratulations on your finalist, Sylvia! #2443938

Pat Gamwell February 21, 2006 0

CONGRATS ON YOUR FINALIST for a well deserved image, Sylvia! #2443973

Dominique Declerck February 21, 2006 0

Youpiii!!!!!! félicitations, Sylvia!!! #2444123

Sylvia Rossler February 21, 2006 0

Thank you Silvia, Pat and Dominique :O) #2444308

Barbara Helgason February 21, 2006 0

Congratulations Sylvia, your favorite made it!!! #2444874

Chris Macer February 21, 2006 0

Beautiful, Syliva! Many congrats on this wonderful finalist!! :) #2445363

Dr Silly level-classic February 21, 2006 0

Congratulations, Syliva. :o)


Pamela Shane February 21, 2006 0

Tried to comment once before - I knew
we'd see this again Sylvia!! CONGRATULATIONS on this exquisite finalist!!!!!!! :) #2445592

Sylvia Rossler February 21, 2006 0

Thank you Barbara, Chris, Dr Silly and Pam :O) :o) #2446305

Jamil Saliba February 21, 2006 0

Many Congrats on this beautiful Finalist Sylvia , I knew this image is something , have a winner #2446362

Sylvia Rossler February 21, 2006 0

Thank you Jamil :o) :o) #2446397

Alana Ibe February 21, 2006 0

Stunning image, Sylvia! Big Congratulations!!!!! #2447200

Judy S. Fung February 21, 2006 0

Congrats, Sylvia! #2447547

John Connolly February 21, 2006 0

Congratulations Sylvia, a well deserved award. #2447608

john dunne February 21, 2006 0

Well done Sylvia. This one stands out a ile even as a thumbnail . A true sigh of a great photo. Lets hope it goes al the way. #2447749

Sylvia Rossler February 21, 2006 0

Thank you Alana , Judy, John C. And John D. :O)
John I'm already proud it made his way to the finals :o) #2447842

Laura Clay-Ballard February 21, 2006 0

awesome image! congrats! #2447921

Sylvia Rossler February 21, 2006 0

Thank you Laura :o) #2447939

Wendy Stevenson February 21, 2006 0

Congrats on your finalist Sylvia! Beautiful shot! #2447957

Sylvia Rossler February 21, 2006 0

Thank you Wendy :o) #2447961

Robyn Mackenzie February 21, 2006 0

Congratulations on this well-deserved finalist, Sylvia - lovely image! :o) Robyn #2448224

Terry L. Ellis level-classic February 21, 2006 0

Fantastic finalist, Sylvia!!! Huge congratulations! #2448264

Daniel Diaz February 21, 2006 0

Big Congrats on your finalists Sylvia, this one's my fave!! #2448332

Kay Beausoleil February 21, 2006 0

Félicitations pour cette belle image et votre Finalist, Sylvia -- et j'espère la revoir! #2448658

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe February 21, 2006 0

Congratulations, Sylvia!
kk #2448675

Sandra Freyler February 21, 2006 0

Congratulations, Sylvia! :) #2448823

Claudia Kuhn level-classic February 22, 2006 0

Congrats Sylvia! Good luck in the next round! #2449519

Corinne M. Thompson February 22, 2006 0

Congrats on this Finalist :) #2449661

Jill Flynn February 22, 2006 0

Congratulations on another terrific finalist Sylvia! #2450521

Sylvia Rossler February 22, 2006 0

Thank you Robyn , Terry, Daniel, Kay, Kathleen , Sandra, Claudia, Corinne and Jill :O) #2450973

She-She Killough February 22, 2006 0

:D Big Congrats Sylvia!!! #2452422

Nicole Kessel February 22, 2006 0

Congratualtions, Sylvia! #2453016

Sylvia Rossler February 22, 2006 0

Thank you She-She and Nicole :O) #2453739

Nobu Nagase February 22, 2006 0

Many congrats, Sylvia!!! #2454212

Mary Clarke February 22, 2006 0

Sylvia, happy to see this one as a finalist! #2454216

Sylvia Rossler February 22, 2006 0

Thank you Nobi and Mary :O) #2454313

Sharon Day February 24, 2006 0

My favorite of your finalists, Sylvia!!! Congratulations!!! #2460292

Sylvia Rossler February 24, 2006 0

Thank you Sharon :o) :o) #2460409

Tammy Scott February 25, 2006 0

Gorgeous image! Congratulations on this great finalist! #2463286

Sylvia Rossler February 25, 2006 0

Thank you Tammy :o) #2464285

Barbara Helgason February 25, 2006 0

YEEEEAHHHH Sylvia, CONGRATULATIONS on your FIRST PLACE win!!! FINALLY... it was well worth the wait wasn't it! :) #2466402

Kerby Pfrangle February 25, 2006 0

COngratulations on your first place winner. Wonderful job and so well done. Kerby #2466416

Laurence Saliba level-classic February 25, 2006 0

A BIG Congratulations Sylvia!!!! WOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! #2466429

Robert K. Bemus level-classic February 25, 2006 0

Way to go, Sylvia!! Congratulations!!! #2466440

Goshka G. February 25, 2006 0

This looked like a winner to me from the start! BIG congrats, Sylvia!!! #2466506

Renee Doyle February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on this first place Sylvia!!! Well done!

Karen Rahlf February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on your win! #2466629

Sharon Day February 25, 2006 0

Big congratulations on your 1st place win, Sylvia!!! WTG! #2466633

Jill Flynn February 25, 2006 0

What a fantastic shot Sylvia! Congratulations on your FIRST PLACE win!!!! #2466764

Robyn Mackenzie February 25, 2006 0

Have you picked yourself up off the floor yet?? It certainly was worth the wait! Heartiest congratulations, Sylvia, on this awesome first place winning image. :o) Robyn #2466955

Nicole Kessel February 25, 2006 0

AWESOME SYLVIA! Congratulations!! #2466970

Claudia Kuhn level-classic February 25, 2006 0

Congratlations on your first place win Sylvia!!! WTG!! #2466995

Susana Ms Heide February 25, 2006 0

YAYYYYY Sylvia! This is an excellent choice for a winner!!! Many CONGRATS!! #2467010

Isabel L February 25, 2006 0

:D Aww Congratulations Sylvia! #2467032

Sylvia Rossler February 25, 2006 0

WoWW ! I still can't believe it !?! :o)

Thank you Barbara, Kerby, Laurence, Robert, Goshka, Renee, Karen, Sharon, Jill, Robyn (yes..finally..loll)Nicole, Claudia and Susana for this wonderful support and comments :o) This goes straight to the heart :O) #2467064

Sylvia Rossler February 25, 2006 0

Thank you Isabel :o) We crossed :o) #2467068

Cathy Barrows February 25, 2006 0

congrats...very nice #2467118

Michael Robichaud February 25, 2006 0

Congrats on your 1st place win! Great capture of this flower and the cold. #2467162

Mary Clarke February 25, 2006 0

Sylvia, so glad this wonderful shot made First Place winner. Congratulations. #2467214

Alana Ibe February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on this stunning winner!!! #2467233

Sylvia Rossler February 25, 2006 0

Thank you Cathy, Michael, Mary and Alana :o) I still can't believe it :O) #2467332

Susan T. Evans level-classic February 25, 2006 0

Congrats Sylvia on this awesome first place winner.

Hendrik Storme February 25, 2006 0

Wow Sylvia, Félicitation! Premiere place, je suis content pour vous!!!!! #2467411

Digvijay P February 25, 2006 0

Congrats on your First Place !!

..Jay #2467419

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Susan, Hendrik and Jay :o) #2467596

Jenny Bosmans February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on your First Place win, Sylvia!! SUPER!! #2467598

Piotr M. Organa February 26, 2006 0

Beautiful photo, Sylvia! Congrats! #2467638

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Jenny :o) Je suis toujours en etat de choc ..lolll.. 1h du mat et je n'arrive pas a dormir :O) #2467642

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Piotr :o) #2467644

Ronald F. Fischer February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this awesome winner!!! #2467689

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Ron :o) #2467745

Kay Beausoleil February 26, 2006 0

Big excitement for you, Sylvia -- congratulations on your well-deserved first place win! #2467751

Pamela Shane February 26, 2006 0

I am sooooo very HAPPY for you Sylvia!!
A well deserved first place - I knew this was a winner!!!! BIG,BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :) :)!! #2467769

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Kay :o) Indeed very big excitement :O)

Thank you Pam :o) I never thought this one would go so far :O) :o) yihaa..lolll #2467784

Laura Clay-Ballard February 26, 2006 0

I know you r excited! I'm excited for you!!!!!!!! fabulous winning image! big congrats! #2467847

Jamil Saliba February 26, 2006 0

Happy for you Sylvia Many congrats on winning first place #2467878

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Laura and Jamil :O) #2467885

Darryl Wilkinson February 26, 2006 0

Right on, Sylvia! CONGRATULATIONS on your 1st Place WINNER!!!! #2467893

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you all soooo very much made my day :O)
Now it's 2 a.m. over here and I really should go to bed or I'm going to be ill tomorrow ...HAVE A GREAT DAY (NIGHT) :O) #2467895

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Darryl :o) :o) :o) #2467903

Terry L. Ellis level-classic February 26, 2006 0

What a wonderful day indeed, Sylvia!!! Congratulations on this marvelous first place win!! I'll bet you sleep very well! #2467952

Tammy Scott February 26, 2006 0

What a beautiful win! Congratulations! #2467961

Kelly Munce February 26, 2006 0

CONGRATS sylvia, I know how your feeling today..:))))))
a wonderful photo indeed, has a lot of character... well done... #2468053

Pat Gamwell February 26, 2006 0

WAY TO GO, girlfriend!!! CONGRATS on a well deserved masterpiece! #2468105

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 26, 2006 0

Outstanding winning image, congratulations!!! Very well done!! #2468294

Tamera S. Phillips February 26, 2006 0

Congrats Sylvia! Just an awesome shot. #2468359

Jim Kinnunen level-classic February 26, 2006 0

I love this one Sylvia...congratulations!:) #2468373

Chris Macer February 26, 2006 0

Congrats, Sylvia!! Fantastic work and well deserved win!! :) #2468418

Theresa Marie Jones level-deluxe February 26, 2006 0

BIG CONGRATULATIONS on this real cool capture! #2468479

Corinne M. Thompson February 26, 2006 0

A well deserved win...Congrats :) #2468781

Judyann Plante February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this winning image! #2468930

Dominique Declerck February 26, 2006 0

Chapeau bas, Sylvia!!!! félicitations!!!!


Silvia Nunes February 26, 2006 0

Bravooooooooo super Sylvia tu l as bien meriter !!! #2469084

Ronda Chatelle level-classic February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations Sylvia! This is amazing!! #2469128

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Terry, Tammy, Kelly, Pat ( :o) )Donna, Tamera, Jim , Chris , Theresa, Corinne, Judyann and Rhonda :O)

Merci Dominique et Silvia :O) WOaW ! Je suis contente que la petit médaille est toujours la ce matin et que j'ai pas révé :O)

Thank you all so very much !!! #2469152

Karen Engelbreth February 26, 2006 0

Big congrats on your win, Sylvia! #2469239

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Karen :O) #2469299

Donna W. Neal February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this outstanding winner Sylvia...:) #2469598

Linda Boehme level-classic February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this wonderful winner Sylvia! #2469605

Susie Peek-Swint February 26, 2006 0

Way to go Sylvia ~ many congrats on your win! #2470128

Life Expressions February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on your winning image, Sylvia!! #2470178

Bobbie Davis February 26, 2006 0

WAY TO GO Sylvia! #2470207

Leanne M.E. Boyd February 26, 2006 0

Well deserved Sylvia, congrats on your win! #2470614

Stefan G February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations, Sylvia! Nice work! #2471088

Lorri Shane February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations, Sylvia. This photo is lovely. Nice work. #2471353

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Donna, Linda, Susie, Robin, Bobbie, Leanne, Stefan and Lorri :o) #2471426

Erica Murphy level-classic February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on your well deserved win with this amazingly beautiful image!

Erica #2471578

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Erica :O) #2471613

Lisa Clark February 26, 2006 0

Sylvia, I am so glad this photo won First Place. It is so unique and beautiful. A well deserved win!! #2471624

Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Lisa :O) #2471642

Cathy Stancil February 27, 2006 0

FELICITATIONS !!! Tellement contente pour toi et tu le mérite !!! Bravo ! #2472494

Sylvia Rossler February 27, 2006 0

Merci beaucoup Cathy :o) Je n'arrive toujours pas à le croire :o) #2472508

Monika Sapek February 27, 2006 0

What a beautiful find, Sylvia! Many congratulations on your First Place Win!

Sylvia Rossler February 27, 2006 0

Thank you very much Monika :O) #2472553

Toni Hopper February 27, 2006 0

A deserved win! The detail is amazing! Congratulations! #2472738

Daniel Diaz February 27, 2006 0

Huge Congrats Sylvia, you go girl!!! #2473071

Sylvia Rossler February 27, 2006 0

Thank you Toni and Daniel :o) :o) #2473423

Mata Patan February 27, 2006 0

many congrats!! #2473848

john dunne February 27, 2006 0

so delighted you won Sylvia. You trult deserve it. It is an amazing achievement to be a first place you should be very proud. It is difficult to be the best picture of any page of pictures on betterphoto but to be the best of so many pictures given the awesome quality is massive. You truly deserve it. #2475556

Sylvia Rossler February 27, 2006 0

Thank you Mata :O)

Thank you John :o) It is a wonderful feeling indeed, I still have that big smile on the face since Saturday's announcement..loll #2475931

Emile Abbott level-classic February 28, 2006 0

Big Congratulations on First Place winner on this supurb capture, Sylvia. #2478871

Sylvia Rossler February 28, 2006 0

Thank you Emile :o) #2479543

Milan Banik February 28, 2006 0

Sylvia many many congratulations on your superb finalist shot.great details and nice color with white ----excellent .love this. #2479887

Sylvia Rossler February 28, 2006 0

Thank you Milan :O) #2479928

Allan L. Dy March 01, 2006 0

You've done it again Sylvia! Congratulations! = ) #2481443

Sylvia Rossler March 01, 2006 0

Thank you Allan :o) #2481757

Anita Taylor March 02, 2006 0

Perfect beauty frozen forever. What an incredible capture, Sylvia! Congratulations :) #2485530

Sylvia Rossler March 02, 2006 0

Thank you Anita :O) #2485980

Alisha L. Ekstrom March 07, 2006 0

Saw this on the home page of BP & thought..WOW..VERY COOL IMAGE!!! LOVE that frost..BEAUTIFUL & congrats on a fine win!!!! #2507994

Sylvia Rossler March 08, 2006 0

Thank you Alisha :O) #2509014

Jim Huffield March 09, 2006 0

Simply Gorgeous Sylvia, Congratulations!!!!!Jim #2513522

Sylvia Rossler March 09, 2006 0

Thank you Jim :o) #2515111

Melissa L. Zavadil March 13, 2006 0

WOW!!!!! Incredible!! I am jealous! I wish I took this! Congrats on this winner! I am truly impressed! #2525449

Sylvia Rossler March 13, 2006 0

Thank you Melissa :o) :o) #2525620

Cathy M. Gromball March 18, 2006 0

Congratulations on your First Place win, Sylvia!

Cathy :) #2546956

Sylvia Rossler March 19, 2006 0

Thank you Cathy :O) #2547499

Paula Kelly April 20, 2006 0

Fantastic! I missed this one! #2665302

Sylvia Rossler April 20, 2006 0

Thank you Paula :O) #2666548

Errick L. Cameron level-classic April 26, 2006 0

Coooooooooooool! #2690597

Sylvia Rossler April 26, 2006 0

Thank you Errick :O) #2693893

Susan Jane Allen level-classic April 27, 2006 0

Great capture! Congrats! #2698519

Sylvia Rossler April 27, 2006 0

Thank you Susan .O) #2698663

Keith L. Clayton April 29, 2006 0

Absolutely super shot!! #2706499

Sylvia Rossler April 30, 2006 0

Thank you Keith :O) #2707361

Katarina Mansson January 22, 2007 0

I love this! Frozen but still beautiful. Nice soft light, colors and composition. #3848811

Sylvia Rossler January 25, 2007 0

Thank you Katarina :O) #3870456

Danielle Fuller December 20, 2007 0

WOW Sylvia. This is an amazing find. Wonderful job bringing out the details in this one! #5235497

Sylvia Rossler March 22, 2008 0

Thank you Danielle :O) #5674435

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