Uploaded: January 11, 2006 14:06:30
Layered dog onto the road image, applied a little dreamy effect. Done in PSCS.
Carolyn M. Fletcher
January 11, 2006
Mellanie January 11, 2006 0
WOW, julie! I just love this! The dreamy was a nice added addition! Hope to see it again! #2276105Barbara Helgason January 11, 2006 0
Fantastic work Julie, I love it! #2276401Bambi L. Dingman January 11, 2006 0
Really well done! I never would have guessed that you layered this. Great effects! #2276463Bobbie Davis January 11, 2006 0
Love the layered job Julie! #2276472Mary Swift January 11, 2006 0
Wonderful image, Julie! The dreamy effect is great. Excellent work! #2276550
Fax Sinclair
January 11, 2006
Brinn MacDougall January 11, 2006 0
Well done, Julie..you did a great job adding the dog, shadow and all!! #2276657
Sandy Landon
January 11, 2006
Linda Boehme
January 11, 2006
Julie Abston January 12, 2006 0
Thank you all so much! I appreciate each of you taking the time to comment. It means a lot!! #2278689
Janine Russell
January 12, 2006
Bishop Bastien January 12, 2006 0
Julie --A great shot...a winner for sure!
Best regards -- Bishop #2280248
Julie Abston January 13, 2006 0
Thanks so much Janine and Bishop! Your comments are kind and I appreciate them so much!!! #2282535Sherri Conley February 21, 2006 0
Excellent! Congrats on your finalist! #2444473Alana Ibe February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations, Julie!!! #2446153Debra LeVasseur February 21, 2006 0
Looks Great!! Love the effects. Congrats!! #2447903
Kay E. Mahoney
February 21, 2006
Mick Burkey February 22, 2006 0
Awe, poor guy. Great work, Julie! Congrats on the finals. #2453488Julie Abston February 23, 2006 0
Thank you all so very much! I truly appreciate each and every one of your kind comments!!!! #2455230Ronald F. Fischer February 23, 2006 0
This is an awesome image! Congratulations!! #2457526Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 24, 2006 0
I really like the effects Julie!! Nice work! #2460022Barbara Helgason February 25, 2006 0
I always loved this one, I am so glad it won. Congratulations! #2466526Sharon Day February 25, 2006 0
Big congratulations on your 2nd place win, Julie!!! Well deserved! #2466673
Kay E. Mahoney
February 25, 2006
Deborah Sandidge February 25, 2006 0
I love your work on this Julie - congratulations! #2466872Susana Ms Heide February 25, 2006 0
Another winner for you Julie!!! Many CONGRATS! Go and celebrate :o) #2466908Kerby Pfrangle February 25, 2006 0
Julie congradulations on your second place winner. Beautiful work. Kerby #2466919Mick Burkey February 25, 2006 0
Congrats on your 2nd place win, Julie! Great job. #2467053Alana Ibe February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations Julie!! This is a wonderful storytelling winner! #2467242Jill Flynn February 25, 2006 0
LOVE THIS!!! Congratulations on your win Julie! #2467320Gisela Olsson February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on your win! I love what you have done in PS, very impressed by the way you added the dog, with shadows and everything it blends in so smoothly and that dreamy effect is just perfect. a Well deserved win! #2467586Anna Diederich February 26, 2006 0
Awesome shot! Congratualtions on your win! #2467619Jenny Bosmans February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on this fantastic winner, Julie!! #2467679Kay Beausoleil February 26, 2006 0
Great work, Julie -- congratulations on your win! #2467882Laura Clay-Ballard February 26, 2006 0
FABULOUS winning image! congrats #2468005Paul Michko February 26, 2006 0
Another awesome win, Julie. Congratulations!!! #2468195Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 26, 2006 0
A great month for you!! Your imagination and technique are truly wonderful, congrats!! #2468497Karen Engelbreth February 26, 2006 0
Big congrats on your win, Julie! #2469246Donna W. Neal February 26, 2006 0
Another big Congratulations on this outstanding winner Julie #2470016Dale Ann Cubbage February 26, 2006 0
A beautiful image, Julie. Congrats.da #2471196
Julie Abston February 26, 2006 0
Thank you all SO MUCH for your great comments!!! I truly appreciate it!! #2471635Monika Sapek February 27, 2006 0
Fun image with lovely softness! I just love the sky here! Congratulations on your Second Place Winner, Julie!Wally Orlowsky February 27, 2006 0
Congratulations on another superbly composed winner, Julie! #2473704Amanda Price March 01, 2006 0
I would NEVER have guessed that you did this is PS! What an artist you are! Congrats on your win! #2484547Julie Abston March 02, 2006 0
Thank you all so much. I appreciate your great comments!! #2485820Carolyn J. Connolly March 10, 2006 0
This is a *WONDERFUL* image, with GREAT PS work, Julie!! It R-E-A-L-L-Y deserved it's Second Place win for you recently!! Sincere *CONGRATULATIONS*!! :o) #2516588Jeff Scheerer March 11, 2006 0
wonderful job really great work and congrates on your win u deserve it #2519691Els De Winter March 12, 2006 0
Julie, this is a wonderful image!! I watched your gallery and admire your work. It's absolutely wonderful. #2523987Cathy M. Gromball March 24, 2006 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Julie!Cathy :) #2571899
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