Out for a Ride
Uploaded: January 07, 2006 17:23:05
This moutain gorilla babe is riding on its mothers back. This was taken in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. There are 350 mountain gorillas in the park, and only 700 in the world.
Colleen Farrell January 07, 2006 0
Great photograph! The detail is so clear and vivid. You can almost feel their fur (hair?). #370744Chris Ebben January 07, 2006 0
How lucky you are to go there & be able to take this wonderful picture. Great work=^..^= #2262613Judy A. Lawhon January 07, 2006 0
A sweet photo, Tom. I hope they keep protecting these wonderful apes! #2262618Rebecca A. Steed January 07, 2006 0
This is such a good photograph and a winner in my mind. Love the colors, lighting framing. What a sad story that they are so endangered. #2262923Ellen L. Zaslaw January 08, 2006 0
Great ! #2263320Kate Jackson January 26, 2006 0
OMG this is fantastic close up. Incredible capture Tom. We went to Volcanoes but never managed to get a clear shot without bamboo in the way!!! #2342226Sue L. Cullumber February 25, 2006 0
Tom, Amazing! Great shot - congrats! #2465280Isabel L February 25, 2006 0
Aww that look is just.. Aww! Congratulations! #2467077Jill Flynn February 25, 2006 0
WONDERFUL capture Tom. Congratulations on your win! #2467343Kate Jackson February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations Tom on this wonderful win! #2467370Piotr M. Organa February 26, 2006 0
Congrats, Tom! Beautiful photo! #2467659Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 26, 2006 0
I am very impressed!! Outstanding winning image, congratulations!!! So COOL!!!! #2468435Donna W. Neal February 26, 2006 0
Tom I envy you for this trip. What an outstanding experience it must have been!Congratulations on this outstanding winner #2469849
Linda D. Lester
February 26, 2006
Jim Peak
My Courses March 01, 2006
Karol Livote March 01, 2006 0
Congrats, Tom!! I knew this one was a winner!! #2484995Donna J. Eaton March 13, 2006 0
What a beautiful baby! How fortunate that you got to see them. I'm envious too! Congratulations on a wonderful winning image! #2528414Cathy M. Gromball March 22, 2006 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Tom!Cathy :) #2559114
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