Color Abstract II

Uploaded: January 05, 2006 05:16:21


f/ 8.0, 1/42 sec., EV +1/3, ISO-200, studio lighting, tripod mount, 11:12 PM, Philadelphia, PA. Holographic wrapping paper lit from above and seen through a clear glass vase.


Robert Baer January 07, 2006 0

coll effect. great abstract!!! justin baer #370749

Donna W. Neal February 21, 2006 0

Congratulations on a well deserved finalist Robert #2444989

Geraldine E. Lefoe February 21, 2006 0

Love the vibrancy of this image Robert, congratulations on being a finalist. #2446102

Michael Robichaud February 21, 2006 0

Okay, like I would have figured out how you did that without reading the description. Vibrant colors and love the lines. Congratulations on your finalist photo! #2447607

Shirley Pearce February 21, 2006 0

Well, Robert, a sure fire winner for sure!! Great job and imagination!!! #2448070

Noel Baebler February 22, 2006 0

Huzzah, Rob!

Marilyn S. Neel level-addict February 22, 2006 0

Great image Robert! Congratulations on your finalist! #2450072

Stanley J. Contrades February 22, 2006 0

CONGRATULATIONS, RoB, and best of luck to you in the next round!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #2450303

Joy E. Cobb February 22, 2006 0

Another cool idea, Robert! Well executed and congratulations! #2451137

Donna J. Eaton February 22, 2006 0

So creative, colorful, and beautiful! Congratulations on your finalist! #2451995

Monika Sapek February 23, 2006 0

Awesome colors and designs, Robert! Many congratulations on your finalist and good luck in the next round!

Daniel G. Flocke February 24, 2006 0

Very Cool!!!

Congradulation on being a Finalist!

~Daniel #2461582

Kerby Pfrangle February 25, 2006 0

COngratulations RObert on this beautiful abstract second place winner.

IT gives me hope. Kerby #2466512

Rob Bishop February 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on this very cool second place winner, Rob! #2466789

Claudia Kuhn level-classic February 25, 2006 0

Cool abstract Rob, congrats on your 2nd place win! #2466814

Stanley J. Contrades February 25, 2006 0

CONGRATULATIONS, RoB, on your Second Place Winner!! Fabulous work on this very colorful abstract!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #2467447

Michael Robichaud February 25, 2006 0

Congrats on your 2nd place winner. Great image and colors. #2467473

Donna J. Eaton February 25, 2006 0

A real beauty Robert! Congratulations on your win!!! #2467487

Noel Baebler February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations, Rob! #2467594

Cliff Berinsky February 26, 2006 0

Rob: Congratulations on your 2nd place win. This shot is a real attention getter. #2467906

Jessica McCollam February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations, Robert!!:) #2468090

Chris Macer February 26, 2006 0

Congrats on the win, Robert! Great work as always! #2468631

Corinne M. Thompson February 26, 2006 0

Well deserved win...Congrats :) #2468722

Karen Engelbreth February 26, 2006 0

Big congrats on your win, Robert! #2469276

Donna W. Neal February 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this outstanding winner Robert #2469966

Chris Welch February 26, 2006 0

Your images continue to amaze me! Congrats. #2470603

Murry Grigsby February 26, 2006 0

Congrats on your super image and win Rob!! #2471108

Robert Mann level-deluxe February 26, 2006 0

Thank you Justin, Donna N.(2X), Geraldine, Michael(2X), Shirley, Noel(2X), Marilyn, Stan(2X), Joy, Donna E.(2X), Monika, Daniel, Kerby, Rob, Claudia, Cliff, Jessica, Chris M., Corrine, Karen, Chris W. and Murry! Sure do appreciate it very mucy! Thanks BP and BP Judges!!! RoB #2471616

Joy E. Cobb February 27, 2006 0

Yah! Congratulations on your win, Robert!!! #2474904

Cathy M. Gromball March 24, 2006 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Robert!

Cathy :) #2571862

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You learn by doing. Take your next online photography class. All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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