24 Windows
Uploaded: January 03, 2006 08:29:05
Rob Bishop January 03, 2006 0
Oh, how I wish there were buildings like that around here. You have captured this so perfectly, Susan! I really see this as a winner.;) #368331
Jill Odice
January 03, 2006
Kate Jackson January 03, 2006 0
Wonderful graphic image Susan! Such a pleasing composition! Get's my vote any day! #2246906
Evy Johansen
January 03, 2006
Rakesh Syal
January 03, 2006
Darryl Wilkinson January 03, 2006 0
Excellent perspective on this image, Susan! And so very well captured and processed! Beautiful work!!! #2246923David L. Luchowski January 03, 2006 0
A perfect capture, Susan. Great composition and colors. #2246967
Janine Russell
January 03, 2006
Allan L. Dy January 03, 2006 0
Excellent indeed Susan, love the colors too! = ) #2247006Paul Michko January 03, 2006 0
Wonderful capture and colors, Susan. Great job. #2247052Donald K. Cherry January 03, 2006 0
Lovely architecural image, Susan...very much in the style of SJ!! #2247090Karen Engelbreth January 03, 2006 0
Good eye - wonderful capture, Susan! #2247105
Jeff Robinson
January 03, 2006
Casey A. Hanson January 03, 2006 0
Definitely a winner!! Well done, Susan! :0) #2247538Nicole Kessel January 03, 2006 0
FANTASTIC!! #2247869
Guy D. Biechele
January 04, 2006
Terrill Province January 05, 2006 0
SPLENDID IMAGE!!! Absolutely beautiful in every way.Your entire gallery is amazing, too! #2254686
Federico Collazuol January 11, 2006 0
Outstanding shot, Susan! #2275093bob cornelison January 11, 2006 0
WOW! Where is this? Great shot!Darryl Wilkinson February 21, 2006 0
Way to go, Susan! Congratulations on this fantastic finalist!!! #2443647Allan L. Dy February 21, 2006 0
Kinda expected huh, Susan! = )Congratulations!! #2444016Renee Doyle February 21, 2006 0
Another big congratulations Susan!!!!!! Great shot!
Guy D. Biechele
February 21, 2006
Steven Gunnerson February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations Susan!!! #2446658Carla Metzler February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations again, Susan!! #2446895
Rakesh Syal
February 21, 2006
bob cornelison February 21, 2006 0
Congrats Susan! I love this shot!Robyn Mackenzie February 21, 2006 0
Such an unusual building, with such awesome colours! Beautiful image, Susan - best of luck in the next round. :o) Robyn #2448470
Jill Odice
February 22, 2006
Pat Gamwell February 22, 2006 0
WOW!!! CONGRATS on this well deserved art piece, my friend! #2449380Stanley J. Contrades February 22, 2006 0
CONGRATULATIONS, Susan, and best of luck to you in the next stage!!
Terry L. Ellis
February 22, 2006
Donna Roberts February 22, 2006 0
This would get my vote anyday Susan - this is a very well deserved finalist and I wish you every luck in the next round.Joline Frazier February 23, 2006 0
Such an amazing capture. Well seen. Good luck with this. #2454819Rob Bishop February 24, 2006 0
I knew this was a winner on when I saw it first on January 3rd, and I think it should move up to the next level of winners. Another Bravo, Susan! #2459628Piotr M. Organa February 24, 2006 0
Amazing architecture! Beautiful photo! Congrats!! :) #2460008Barbara Helgason February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations on this beautiful win Susan! #2466537Kerby Pfrangle February 25, 2006 0
Susan congratulations on your beautiful second place winner. Job well done. KErby #2466562Renee Doyle February 25, 2006 0
MANY CONGRATULATIONS SUSAN!!!!!!!Rob Bishop February 25, 2006 0
Hooray for Susan! Congratulations on the second place award. I knew this was a winner! #2466762Mary K. Robison February 25, 2006 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your win, Susan!!!Robyn Mackenzie February 25, 2006 0
A fantastic winner, Susan - CONGRATULATIONS!!! :o) Robyn #2466982
Susan T. Evans
February 25, 2006
Jill Flynn February 25, 2006 0
Fantastic image Susan. Congratulations on your win! #2467181bob cornelison February 25, 2006 0
I'm glad this won! I love it!Stanley J. Contrades February 25, 2006 0
CONGRATULATIONS, Susan, on this superb Second Place Winner ... Fantastic!!Michelle R. Kovach February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations Susan! Marvelously done! #2467547Ronald F. Fischer February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations, Susan, on this awesome winner!! #2467579Jenny Bosmans February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on this beautiful winner, Susan!! #2467657Steven Gunnerson February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations Susan!!! #2467704Kay Beausoleil February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on this eye-catching winner, Susan! #2467910Laura Clay-Ballard February 26, 2006 0
fabulous WINNING image! Congrats! #2467925
Terry L. Ellis
February 26, 2006
Pat Gamwell February 26, 2006 0
CONGRATS on your well deserved prize image, Susan! I'm soooo happy for you!! #2468135Paul Michko February 26, 2006 0
Big congratulations on a fantastic winner, Susan. #2468158
Linda Boehme
February 26, 2006
Casey A. Hanson February 26, 2006 0
Congrats on this awesome win, Susan! :0) #2468261Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 26, 2006 0
WOW, I am impressed!!! Outstanding winning image, congratulations!!! #2468469Darryl Wilkinson February 26, 2006 0
Way to go, Susan! Congratulations on your Second Place WIN!!! Bravo!!!!! #2468494Chris Macer February 26, 2006 0
Truly amazing, Susan! Congrats on the win!! #2468624Corinne M. Thompson February 26, 2006 0
Well deserved win...Congrats :) #2468734
Evy Johansen
February 26, 2006
Karen Engelbreth February 26, 2006 0
Big congrats on your win, Susan :0) #2469283Joline Frazier February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on your win...I love this shot. #2469437Vicki Hunt February 26, 2006 0
I love this too! Congrats! #2469484Donna W. Neal February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on this outstanding winner Susan #2469943Nan Fischer February 26, 2006 0
Excellent composition, colors, lines and lighting. I love everything about it. Congratulations on your win! #2470056Leanne M.E. Boyd February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations Susan! #2470716Carla Metzler February 27, 2006 0
Congratulations on your win, Susan! :) #2471803
Michael Hattori
March 01, 2006
Pu Chen March 09, 2006 0
Wow, perfect element of design! Congratulations, Susan! #2512302Cathy M. Gromball March 24, 2006 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Susan!Cathy :) #2571835
Arlene Krassner December 23, 2006 0
Is it really this color? Wow, what a fantastic shot. #3732896Vladan D. Djordjevic January 23, 2007 0
This is a beautiful photo! The composition, color, lighting, lines, design are great! #3853376Vikram Jamwal September 21, 2007 0
This is such a fantastic capture Susana! What pleasure to watch this shot! Beautifully done SS!! #4820519
Adilson F. Ferreira
November 19, 2007
Elida Gutierrez
September 22, 2008
Stefania Barbier
September 22, 2008
Tiia Vissak September 22, 2008 0
Congratulations again! #6490290Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 22, 2008 0
Congratulations on your finalist Susana, outstanding work!! #6490451Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna September 22, 2008 0
Another congratulations and good luck in the next round!!!!!! WTG, SuSana!!!!!! ♫ k #6491987Erin Appelbaum September 22, 2008 0
Stunning finalist SuSana. Peter #6492634
Agnes Fegan
September 23, 2008
Jennifer L. Alder September 23, 2008 0
Congrats on all your finalist, Susana! Miss ya :) #6495724
Jeff Robinson
September 23, 2008
Stephanie Frey
September 23, 2008
Renee Doyle September 23, 2008 0
Congratulations SuSana!!! Where are you???? Hope you are well! #6500623Murry Grigsby September 23, 2008 0
Congratulations on your wonderful image SuSana! I love the simplicity and bold colors!! #6500920Vladan D. Djordjevic September 23, 2008 0
A big congratulations on your wonderful Winner, Susana! #6501027JO ANN CLEVELAND September 23, 2008 0
I just knew this would be a winner SuSana....congratulations!jo ann c. #6501182
Sam Britt September 23, 2008 0
Congratulations on your First Place winner, Susana! #6501185Margaret R. Barry September 24, 2008 0
Congratulations on your beautiful winner, SuSana! #6501224
Stephanie Frey
September 24, 2008
Ken Smith
September 24, 2008
Claudia Kuhn
September 24, 2008
Philippe Vieux-Jeanton September 24, 2008 0
WoW!! Love it! Big congrats Susana!!! #6501935RC Fritz September 24, 2008 0
Well composed graphic image Susana!! Big congratulations on your WINNER!! #6501951Dr. Harmeet Singh September 24, 2008 0
Many many congratulations Susana for this first place win.... #6502239
Laurence Saliba
September 24, 2008
Alex T. Mizuno September 24, 2008 0
You really have a wonderful eye to catch a beauty like this in your living environment. Congratulations on your big win SuSana!! #6502571
Teresa Burnett
September 24, 2008
Colleen Farrell September 24, 2008 0
Congratulations on an awesome first place win, SuSana! #6502626
Stefania Barbier
September 24, 2008
Mary K. Robison September 24, 2008 0
Congratulations on your First Place win, SuSana!! #6502834Tiia Vissak September 24, 2008 0
Congratulations on your winner! #6502941Tarun Bose September 24, 2008 0
Big big congrats my dearest Susana for your first prize winner. Well done. #6503467Renata Gusciora September 24, 2008 0
Big congratulations on this incredible winner,Susana!!!! #6503675
Laurie Daily
September 24, 2008
Terry L. Ellis
September 24, 2008
Nadya Johnson September 24, 2008 0
Congratulations on your First Place Winner and the rest as well, Susana! #6505164Patricia Ronan September 24, 2008 0
Hello SuSana! Congratulations on your win with this gorgeous image:) #6505322Jennifer L. Alder September 24, 2008 0
Congrats! #6505536Sylvia Rossler September 24, 2008 0
HUge COngrats on your awesome first place winner SuSana :o) #6505818
Rakesh Syal
September 24, 2008
Mary Beth Aiello
September 24, 2008
Lois Adomite September 24, 2008 0
Congratulations, SuSana, colorful and great composition. Lois #6506739Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna September 24, 2008 0
WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOMonika Sapek September 25, 2008 0
Many congratulations on your First Place Win, Susana!Janice Mezzacappa September 25, 2008 0
Wow SuSana, this is one incredible image so happy for you, well deserved!! #6508418kurt Anderson September 25, 2008 0
Outstanding!! Congrats on first its well deserved for this. Perfectly conceived and shot! #6508481Graeme yew Chow September 25, 2008 0
Wow, many congratulation Susana!. #6509202Karim Abiali September 25, 2008 0
Congrat on winning, very nice..k. #6509314
Ross Throndson September 25, 2008 0
Congratulations, Susana......Hope you made it through that Typhoon OK.....A Fantastic 1st Place Winner.....WTG!! #6510781Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 25, 2008 0
Congratulations SuSana, you know I LOVE this image!!! WTG!!! #6511695Linda Blair September 27, 2008 0
SuSana this is awesome...congratulations on your win!!! #6521308
Dominick M. Dimacale
September 28, 2008
Dominick #6521427
Datha Y. Thompson September 28, 2008 0
Congratulations SuSana!!! Excellent!!!!!! #6522194Donna W. Neal September 28, 2008 0
Congratulations on a well deserved Win,Susan Hardman September 28, 2008 0
This is beautiful, love the colors. Congratulations on your win. #6523274
Shelly A. Van Camp
September 29, 2008
Wendy Stevenson October 08, 2008 0
Amazing colour, detail and such a cool find! Big Congrats on your first place win Susana! #6569332Dr. Harmeet Singh October 10, 2008 0
Congrats ..Hope everything is fine with you.. #6579392Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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