Uploaded: January 02, 2006 13:37:45
Happy New Year 2006!
This image was taken at a village near Gohana on the first sunshine of 2006. People rushing towards the road to catch the first bus so that to reach town first and sell their commodities in the market.
Catagory: People
Cindy Paquette January 02, 2006 0
Rakesh, this is a wonderful image, love the silhoutted people in motion, especially love the one lone person directly in front of the sun! #367829Joy Rector January 02, 2006 0
wonderful capture #2243646Judith G. Secco January 02, 2006 0
Wow, a beautiful image, Rakesh! #2243653Armando -. Arturo January 02, 2006 0
outsanding, Rakesh. the composition is excellent. #2243675Leanne M.E. Boyd January 02, 2006 0
Wow, all I can say is - WOW!!!!!!!!!! #2243699
Claudia Kuhn
January 02, 2006
Jenny Bosmans January 02, 2006 0
Love everything about this outstanding capture, Rakesh!! I'd like to see this one again!! #2243757Kirsi Bertolini January 02, 2006 0
What a great image! That sun rising right behind the last person is like the icing on the cake, make this even better! This will find its way to the frontpage for sure! Classic! #2243764Daniel E. Beams January 02, 2006 0
Great composition and exposure. What a great travel photo! #2243770Donald K. Cherry January 02, 2006 0
Terrific capture, Rakesh! The silhouettes are great! #2243778Souha Dooly January 02, 2006 0
Waw...Wonderful ,Rakesh!!It is worth 128k words!! #2243787
Linda Boehme
January 02, 2006
Dr Silly
January 02, 2006
Mary L. Graham January 02, 2006 0
Beautiful Capture Rakesh!! =) #2243850Donna W. Neal January 02, 2006 0
WOW! This is gorgeous Rakesh! We will see this one again for sure!!!Janet L. Skinner January 02, 2006 0
Absolutely gorgeous image, Rakesh!! I love the sense of movement, the composition and the tone!!! #2243861Karen Engelbreth January 02, 2006 0
WOW - super capture, rakesh - love it! #2243868Nina Shields January 02, 2006 0
Rakesh, this has it all; outstanding work, can't even think of enough words to do it justice; like they say a picture is worth a thousand words...shots like this support the adage; beautifully presented! #2243869
Carolyn M. Fletcher
January 02, 2006
Karen E. Michaels
January 02, 2006
Milan Banik January 02, 2006 0
Rakesh wonderful morning composition. #2243952
William C. Raco
January 02, 2006
Bill #2243962
Bonnie C. Lackey
January 02, 2006
Susie Peek-Swint January 02, 2006 0
Awesome capture Rakesh ~ I think you've started the new year with a winner!!Daniel Diaz January 02, 2006 0
Fantastic Rakesh, stunning composition!!! #2244021Mary Timman January 02, 2006 0
Fabulous capture Rakesh! Lots of detail and a great story line.Stephen Zacker January 02, 2006 0
Wow.. looks like National Geographic material #2244148
Rakesh Syal
January 02, 2006
Errick L. Cameron
January 02, 2006
Marvin H. Gohlke Jr. January 02, 2006 0
Absolutely WONDERFUL!!! I love how the silhouetted people are staggered in the picture, making the composition a work of art. And to catch the one right in front of the sun is just PERFECTO! You outdid yourself on this shot, my friend! A true winner! #2244231Cathy Barrows January 02, 2006 0
what a wonderful capture to tell a story #2244236Kaye Burazin January 02, 2006 0
what an exquisive image Rakesh, has winner written all over it! #2244260Dominique Declerck January 02, 2006 0
WOW!!! MaƮtre Rakesh!!! #2244322
Jeff Robinson
January 02, 2006
Bishop Bastien January 02, 2006 0
Great job, Rakesh! A fantastic image...Best regards -- Bishop #2244441
Kasia Elser January 02, 2006 0
Great shot! I am sure we will see this one again! #2244445Susan L. Vasquez January 02, 2006 0
A storybook picture perfect...I am amazed, beautiful Rakesh! #2244506
Gail Vitikacs
January 02, 2006
Barbara Helgason January 02, 2006 0
I agree with ALL of the above, a WINNER Rakesh! WOW!!! This needs to be on a calender, no wait, better yet on a magazine cover! #2244511
Laurence Saliba
January 02, 2006
Shelly A. Van Camp
January 02, 2006
Tracy Reehal January 02, 2006 0
Gorgeous capture, Rakesh. This photo has so much warmth. Awesome work! #2244647Paul Sikora January 02, 2006 0
Rakesh, you are continuing your good form from last year into the new year with this beautiful scene. Happy New Year to you. #2244705Goshka G. January 02, 2006 0
Gorgeous silhouetting, Rakesh, and that person in the sun is especially striking!! #2244724Alison Greenwood January 02, 2006 0
Wonderful capture Rakesh! :o) #2244751
Sandy Landon
January 02, 2006
Kara L. Hendricks January 02, 2006 0
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has that been said already...?? This is outstanding in every sense and I want to see this again!! #2244918Kate Jackson January 02, 2006 0
Nothing left to say! Wish I got here first! Wonderful story and capture! #2245100
Rakesh Syal
January 02, 2006
Melissa A. Mannon January 02, 2006 0
You are a master at storytelling images! What a wonderful scene! Happy New Year Rakesh! #2245156Silvia Nunes January 02, 2006 0
Magnifique Rakesh!:) #2245170Pat Gamwell January 02, 2006 0
This image is very humbling, Rakesh! You have given us insight of another lifestyle...we have no idea what it would be like to carry our belongings on our heads so we can catch a bus to sell our wares in order to survive! THANK YOU. This is beautifully presented. #2245204Deb Holmes-Hatfield January 02, 2006 0
What a wonderful capture of life, Rakesh, this is just awesome! Terrific presentation! #2245330Darryl Wilkinson January 02, 2006 0
What precision timing and direction, Rakesh! Terrific composition! Very nice indeed!!! #2245379
Kay E. Mahoney
January 02, 2006
Susan T. Evans
January 02, 2006
Ronald F. Fischer January 02, 2006 0
What an awesome and dramatic capture, Rakesh! #2245697Jen January 02, 2006 0
Beautiful image! #2245787Kerby Pfrangle January 02, 2006 0
Wonderful image.National Geographic's comes to mind.
Kerby #2245791
Peter Mantione January 02, 2006 0
GRAND PRIZE WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GREAT PHOTOGRAPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karim Abiali January 03, 2006 0
Very lovely silouhette Rakish. Great capture. #2246342
Evy Johansen
January 03, 2006
Deborah Sandidge January 03, 2006 0
Beautifully captured silhouette, Rakesh! #2246461
Janine Russell
January 03, 2006
Jill Odice
January 03, 2006
Rakesh Syal
January 03, 2006
Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 03, 2006 0
Excellent work Rakesh!!! A very Happy New Year to you!!!! #2247008Federico Collazuol January 03, 2006 0
Breathtaking, Rakesh! This picture is perfect. It couldn't be better than this! #2247033Debbie Hartley January 03, 2006 0
Absolutely Awesome Rakesh!!! #2247060Ann Bruynseels January 03, 2006 0
Very beautiful ! #2247814Marta Azevedo January 03, 2006 0
great shot #2247822
Rakesh Syal
January 03, 2006
Navin Talwar January 03, 2006 0
Master piece. #2248318Pamela Shane January 03, 2006 0
This image has WINNER all over it Rakesh!! Outstanding comp - love the mood of this. :) #2248386
Rakesh Syal
January 03, 2006
Thank you Pamela! #2248401
Ken Smith
January 03, 2006
Sylvia Rossler January 03, 2006 0
Rakesh that capture is amazing !!And in my eyes a deserved winner !!!Let's see if my impression is right this time :O) #2248917Anne D. Eigen January 04, 2006 0
Powerful image and capture, Rakesh! And the light and silhouettes are beautiful too!!! #2249265Donna Roberts January 04, 2006 0
Blimey - its a l-o-n-g way to the bottom of all your well deserved comments!#2250055
Carolyn J. Connolly January 04, 2006 0
I'm sure it has *ALL* been said by those above, but let me just add that I L-O-V-E this image, Rakesh!! The composition is PERFECT, and the lighting is FABULOUS!! What a WONDERFUL story-telling image!! It should DEFINITELY be in the National Geographic magazine!! :o) #2250064
Cora Miller
January 04, 2006
Kate Baumgartner January 04, 2006 0
Amazing, I feel like I was there will you taking the shot.Very well seen and a true winner. #2251161Bill Houghton January 04, 2006 0
This is a beautiful scene and shot Rakesh. Great work. #2251704
Rakesh Syal
January 04, 2006
Dorann Weber January 05, 2006 0
Again I am speechless Rakesh..Wonderful, brilliant... #2253103
Jeff Lovinger
January 05, 2006
S P Mukherji January 05, 2006 0
I can see the word winner written all over the picture!! #2254432
Rakesh Syal
January 06, 2006
Joy E. Cobb January 06, 2006 0
Rakesh, I agree with all of the above. It will definitely win! Magnificent! #2258755Sergio La Spina January 06, 2006 0
WINNER SHOT !!!!!!!! fantastic #2259413Cathy Stancil January 06, 2006 0
Rakesh, this is outstanding ! Absolute winner in every aspect... Bravo ! And can't wait to see it again in the finalists and winner circle ! #2259530Laura E. OConnor January 06, 2006 0
This is absolutely a winner!!! That's the first thought I had when I saw it, now I see that many others agree with me!!! WONDERFUL IMAGE!!! #2259550
Rakesh Syal
January 08, 2006
Margot Petrowski January 08, 2006 0
Wow.....awesome image!!!!! #2265190Randy A. Myers January 09, 2006 0
Truly outstanding. Another exceptional image. RAM #2266773
Rakesh Syal
January 09, 2006
Thank you RAM! #2267000
Terry L. Ellis
January 09, 2006
Renee Doyle January 09, 2006 0
What else can one add??? This is simply wonderful Rakesh!!! Wonderful story, wonderful silhouette - simply just wonderful!!!
Rakesh Syal
January 10, 2006
Sherri Conley January 12, 2006 0
WOW!! This shot is outstanding, Rakesh! Wonderful capture! #2280226Mary N C. Taitt January 14, 2006 0
Rakesh, this is an utterly incredible and stunning photo--looks like a winner to me! And Jessica is right on the button--i is very different than New Year's here. GREAT SHOT! Mary :-) #2287918
Rakesh Syal
January 14, 2006
Claudette Foote January 15, 2006 0
RakeshSandra Freyler January 15, 2006 0
Beautiful image, Rakesh! I love the way you captured the people, the sun and not to mention the composition is perfect! Great work! :) #2291436
Rakesh Syal
January 17, 2006
Cathy M. Gromball January 19, 2006 0
This is absolutely wonderful, Rakesh! Excellent work!Cathy :) #2306440
Jonna Bergstrƶm January 24, 2006 0
Fantastic image, Rakesh!! I absolutely love it!! #2332530
Rakesh Syal
January 26, 2006
Thank you Jonna! #2339473
Lorri Shane February 05, 2006 0
Rakesh--I could spend my whole evening in your gallery! The composition is wonderful--but that is what you do so well. Exposure--spot on! Nice work. #2378435Darryl Wilkinson February 21, 2006 0
There was NO question we would see this one again, Rakesh! Congratulations on this OUTSTANDING finalist, my friend!!! #2443656Marla A. Lehr February 21, 2006 0
Wonderful! Congratulations and best of luck in the final round. #2443873Ann Bruynseels February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations ! #2444024Renee Doyle February 21, 2006 0
Again, many congratulations Rakesh!!!!!! Fantastic finalist!Rudra Mandal February 21, 2006 0
I am so much happy that one of the best shot I ever seen have been selected as Finalist. I have no doubt in my mind that it will come on the Winning page. Advanced congratulations for your great win sir. #2444214Kaye Burazin February 21, 2006 0
Outstanding Rakesh, congrats on your superb images being recognized as outstanding and making the finals! #2444412Hendrik Storme February 21, 2006 0
Congrats Rakesh!!!! #2444418
Rakesh Syal
February 21, 2006
Linda D. Lester
February 21, 2006
Souha Dooly February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations on your wonderful Finalist!!! #2444710Donna W. Neal February 21, 2006 0
I loved this one Rakesh, so glad to see it here in the finalist, good luck in the next round! #2444883Barbara Helgason February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations Rakesh on this fantastic finalist!! #2444930
Dr Silly
February 21, 2006
Melissa A. Mannon February 21, 2006 0
I adore this image! Congratulations and I'm hoping it goes farther! #2445243Pamela Shane February 21, 2006 0
Rakesh - congratulations on thisBridgette B February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations, Rakesh!!! #2445346Life Expressions February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations on your awesome finalist Rakesh!!!! #2445480Marie Fields February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations, Rakesh! AWESOME finalist!!! #2445622Geraldine E. Lefoe February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations Rakesh, this is an outstanding photo! I love the freshness of the new day reflected in the tones and colours. The depth of colour in your silhouettes captures the efforts of these people beautifully. Good luck with the final round! #2446030Amanda Price February 21, 2006 0
You never cease to amaze, Rakesh! Congrats on another well-deserved finalist! #2446184
Susan T. Evans
February 21, 2006
Susie Peek-Swint February 21, 2006 0
I think this will go further than the finalists Rakesh ~ fantastic capture ~ many congrats and good luck with next round! #2446602Sylvia Rossler February 21, 2006 0
I knew it ! Congrats Rakesh !!! #2446741
Rakesh Syal
February 21, 2006
Carla Metzler February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations, Rakesh!! :D #2446927Cathy M. Gromball February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Rakesh!Cathy :) #2446964
Laurence Saliba
February 21, 2006
Marvin H. Gohlke Jr. February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations on this finalist, Rakesh. This is one of my favorites of all your shots. It's a winner in my books!!! #2447290
Sandy Landon
February 21, 2006
Patrick Campbell February 21, 2006 0
Evocative and timeless. Great work, Rakesh! #2447513
Rakesh Syal
February 21, 2006
Armando -. Arturo February 21, 2006 0
no surprise here Rakesh. one of my alltime favorite, congrats sir #2448013
Kay E. Mahoney
February 21, 2006
Deborah Sandidge February 21, 2006 0
Beautifully captured, tells a great story, Rakesh, congratulations on your finalists! #2448267Pat Gamwell February 21, 2006 0
Congrats on this emotional,inspiring & magnificently created image, my friend! #2448314Robyn Mackenzie February 21, 2006 0
Awesome! Congratulations, Rakesh - this is wonderful! :o) Robyn #2448335Sandra Freyler February 21, 2006 0
Congratulations, Rakesh! Awesome work! :) #2448797
Claudia Kuhn
February 22, 2006
Terry L. Ellis
February 22, 2006
Wende Trew February 22, 2006 0
Congrats Rakesh!! I'm not surprised this is one of my favorites!! #2450182Jill Flynn February 22, 2006 0
This is outstanding Rakesh! Congratulations on your finalist! #2450750Joy E. Cobb February 22, 2006 0
I'm so happy to see this one again, Rakesh! Congratulations! #2451186
Cora Miller
February 22, 2006
Federico Collazuol February 22, 2006 0
I was 100% sure to see this one again. Congrats Rakesh! #2451340Mary K. Robison February 22, 2006 0
Beautiful image that tells a story, Rakesh ~ CONGRATULATIONS to you! #2451862
Rakesh Syal
February 22, 2006
Chris Macer February 22, 2006 0
Another awesome and so well deserved finalist, Rakesh!! Congrats! :) #2452488
Cliff & Patti Smith
February 22, 2006
Rakesh Syal
February 22, 2006
She-She Killough February 22, 2006 0
Love this image Rakesh!! I love the repetion and angles...the color and mood! AWESOME shot! COngrats on the multiple finalists too!!! :D #2453162Jimmy Bhogal February 22, 2006 0
AWESOME Work Sir , like all of your other works, CONGRATULATIONS on the finalist too ! ! #2453507Jimmy Bhogal February 22, 2006 0
AWESOME Work Sir , like all of your other works, CONGRATULATIONS on the finalist too ! ! #2453508Jimmy Bhogal February 22, 2006 0
Great Work Sir ! ! #2453514Navin Talwar February 22, 2006 0
Well Done. #2453587Kristi A. Howson February 22, 2006 0
Wonderful capture Rakesh! Congratulations and best of luck! #2453711Stanley J. Contrades February 23, 2006 0
CONGRATULATIONS and good luck to you in the next round, Rakesh!!
Rakesh Syal
February 23, 2006
Susan L. Vasquez February 23, 2006 0
Congrats Rakesh :) this belongs in National Geographic. #2455385
Rakesh Syal
February 23, 2006
Claudette Foote February 23, 2006 0
Rakesh Syal
February 23, 2006
Corinne M. Thompson February 23, 2006 0
Congrats on your Finalist :) #2459318Wendy Stevenson February 24, 2006 0
AWESOME Rakesh!! Congratulations on a most superb finalist!! You are an amazing photographer!! #2460171
Rakesh Syal
February 24, 2006
Jimmy Bhogal February 24, 2006 0
This is still one of my favorites. The light and mood really set the scene. Good luck. #2461422Dorann Weber February 24, 2006 0
Congratulations Rakesh...~! #2461965
Rakesh Syal
February 24, 2006
Rachel Scott-Renouf February 24, 2006 0
Wow Rakesh, congrats on this super photo!Rachel :o) #2462963
Margaret Sikora February 25, 2006 0
Congrats Rakesh on another finalist photo ,words cant describe how I feel when looking at these shots.I am waiting for your photo album to be published. #2464227Barbara Helgason February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations on your win Rakesh! Wow, I loved this one from the very start!! #2466419Goshka G. February 25, 2006 0
Many congrats on this terrific win, Rakesh!!! #2466460Donald K. Cherry February 25, 2006 0
congrats on your 2nd place winner, Rakesh! Wonderful work! #2466461Armando -. Arturo February 25, 2006 0
congrats on second place sir., there should have been two 1st place winners this time around, it will always be a 1st place winner in my mind. congrats again Rakesh. #2466474Kerby Pfrangle February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations on this stunning second place winner. Beautiful. Kerby #2466515Mary K. Robison February 25, 2006 0
So glad to see this with a gold medal beside it, Rakesh!Debbie Hartley February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations on your second place Rakesh! This image is one of my favourites!! #2466575Renee Doyle February 25, 2006 0
YEAH!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful 2nd place win Rakesh!!!! Well deserved!Sharon Day February 25, 2006 0
Big congratulations on your 2nd place win, Rakesh!!! Well done! #2466660Karen Rahlf February 25, 2006 0
Beautiful! Congratulations on your win! #2466745Deborah Sandidge February 25, 2006 0
This is one of my favorites, congratulations Rakesh on this beautifully captured win! #2466774
Kay E. Mahoney
February 25, 2006
Jill Flynn February 25, 2006 0
LOVE this so much Rakesh. Congratulations on your win! #2466866
Ken Smith
February 25, 2006
Susana Ms Heide February 25, 2006 0
Stunning image! Super exposure! CONGRATS Rakesh on your win!! #2466877Nicole Kessel February 25, 2006 0
So happy for you, Rakesh! Congratulations on your awesome win!! #2466929Sylvia Rossler February 25, 2006 0
Big congrats Rakesh !! I knew this one was going to make it :O) For me it's a GP :o) #2466964Robyn Mackenzie February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations, Rakesh, on this superb win! :o) Robyn #2466977
Susan T. Evans
February 25, 2006
Sherri Conley February 25, 2006 0
Congrats on your stunning winner, Rakesh! #2467262Lorri Shane February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations, dear friend. YOu are a wonderful photographer and deserve this! Lorri #2467350Kate Jackson February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations Rakesh - you so deserve a winner for this wonderful image! #2467361bob cornelison February 25, 2006 0
Well done Rakesh! Congrats!Stanley J. Contrades February 25, 2006 0
Bravo, Rakesh!! CONGRATULATIONS, on your Second Place Winner ... Very much deserved and a wonderful storyteller!Much Aloha,Michelle R. Kovach February 25, 2006 0
Congratulations Rakesh! #2467544Anne D. Eigen February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on this beautiful, well-deserved win, Rakesh!!! #2467571Ronald F. Fischer February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations, Rakesh, on this well deserved winner!!! #2467573Jenny Bosmans February 26, 2006 0
Big Congratulations on this fantastic winner, Rakesh!! #2467637
Deborah Lewinson
February 26, 2006
Pamela Shane February 26, 2006 0
Huge congratulations for this outstanding winner Rakesh!! :} #2467799
Jeff Lovinger
February 26, 2006
Melissa A. Mannon February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations my friend! #2467872
Su Sana E. P
February 26, 2006
Jamil Saliba February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on your great Winner Rakesh #2467941Tammy Scott February 26, 2006 0
Fantastic!!! Congratulations! #2467964
Terry L. Ellis
February 26, 2006
Darryl Wilkinson February 26, 2006 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your Second Place WINNER, Rakesh! Topps in my books!!! #2467968Pat Gamwell February 26, 2006 0
CONGRATS on a well deserved image, Rakesh! #2468131
William C. Raco
February 26, 2006
Bill #2468137
Paul Michko February 26, 2006 0
Big congratulations on your fantastic win, Rakesh. #2468186
Linda Boehme
February 26, 2006
Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 26, 2006 0
Outstanding winning image, congratulations!!! I am proud and happy for you!! #2468467
Evy Johansen
February 26, 2006
Chris Macer February 26, 2006 0
Most certainly a well deserved, Rakesh!! This takes my breath away! Congrats my friend!! :) #2468604Corinne M. Thompson February 26, 2006 0
CONGRATS Rakesh! A well deserved Win! :) #2468741Navin Talwar February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations. #2468756Judyann Plante February 26, 2006 0
I love this photo! Congratulations on a well-deserved win! #2468885
Jim Kinnunen
February 26, 2006
Laurence Saliba
February 26, 2006
Terrill Province February 26, 2006 0
But, of course, this is a winner ~ it's wonderfully cinematic! BRAVO!!! You've done it again! #2469072
Ronda Chatelle
February 26, 2006
Sergio La Spina February 26, 2006 0
Congratulation for your fantastic shot!!!!woww #2469162Graeme yew Chow February 26, 2006 0
Well done ! deserving winner, Rakesh. #2469249Karen Engelbreth February 26, 2006 0
Big congrats on your win, Rakesh :0) #2469290Vicki Hunt February 26, 2006 0
Congrats to you!!!!! #2469477
Rakesh Syal
February 26, 2006
Stephen Zacker February 26, 2006 0
Well deserved. Congratulations, Rakesh #2469823Donna W. Neal February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on this outstanding winner Rakesh...:) #2469879Life Expressions February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on your winning image, Rakesh!! #2470099Susie Peek-Swint February 26, 2006 0
Many congrats Rakesh ~ this one had winner written all over it ~ well done! #2470171Bobbie Davis February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations Rakesh!!!! #2470213
Rakesh Syal
February 26, 2006
Janet L. Skinner February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations, Rakesh!!!! I love this one! #2470471
Linda D. Lester
February 26, 2006
Leanne M.E. Boyd February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations Rakesh! A well deserved in! #2470698
Rakesh Syal
February 26, 2006
Thank you Linda!
Thank you Leanne! #2470887
Dale Ann Cubbage February 26, 2006 0
Stunning image, Rakesh! Congrats!da #2471191
Wendy Stevenson February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on a most well deserved win Rakesh!! GREAT to see this in the winners circle where is belongs:-) Well done my friend! #2471427Kristi A. Howson February 26, 2006 0
Congratulations on this wonderful win Rakesh! Awesome! #2471696Carla Metzler February 27, 2006 0
CONGRATULATIONS, on this outstanding image, Rakesh!! #2471773Wende Trew February 27, 2006 0
Congratulations on your win Rakesh!! I love this image!! Well deserved!!! #2472074Boentara Prajitno February 27, 2006 0
congratulation, awesome picture #2472409
Rakesh Syal
February 27, 2006
Monika Sapek February 27, 2006 0
Terrific capture with great silhouettes and color. Many congratulations on your Second Place Winner, Rakesh!Nancy Grace Chen February 27, 2006 0
This is an incredible, incredible photo. Could easily have been a First Place.Amazing capture, and beautiful. Many congratulations.
Nancy #2472754
Federico Collazuol February 27, 2006 0
Only second place??? C'mon Judges! This picture should win the Grand Grand Grand Prize!
Rakesh Syal
February 27, 2006
Margaret Sikora February 27, 2006 0
A big Congratulations Rakesh it truly is a beautiful scene. #2472943Daniel Diaz February 27, 2006 0
Way to go Rakesh Congrats my friend!!!!! #2473078Allan L. Whitehead February 27, 2006 0
Rakesh, congratulations on this magnificent win in last month's contest in the 'People' category. It is truly, richly deserved, my very dear friend - your good friend, Allan #2473301
Rakesh Syal
February 27, 2006
Joy E. Cobb February 27, 2006 0
I am thrilled to see this won, Rakesh! Congratulations!!! #2474897Marvin H. Gohlke Jr. February 27, 2006 0
Rakesh, I officially declare you as the Marvin Gohlke judged, Grand Prize winner. There is more feeling, emotion, beauty, creativity, and technical expertise in this shot, than all the rest of the first prize winners put together. It is magnificant, a standard to which I aspire to. Don't let the approbation, or lack of, by the powers that be on this site dampen your spirit, or influence your creativity. "To thine self be true." Keep up the great work, Rakesh!! #2475071
Guy D. Biechele
February 27, 2006
Jimmy Bhogal February 27, 2006 0
Anita Hogue February 27, 2006 0
A FABULOUS and much deserved win, Rakesh! Congratulations! This is an outstanding image!!! #2475310augustus gillian February 28, 2006 0
beautiful compositionMilan Banik February 28, 2006 0
Rakesh many many congratulation for this winner ,sorry I am late ,AS I TOLD EARLIER YOU inspire me with great work.thank you again for great suport . #2480052
Rakesh Syal
March 04, 2006
Carolyn J. Connolly March 04, 2006 0
Sincere CONGRATULATIONS, Rakesh - this is *MOST* deserved recognition for a really FABULOUS image!! :o)I'm inclined to agree with others though - this SHOULD have placed *MUCH* higher than Second Place!! ;o)
Keep up the *WONDERFUL* work, Rakesh!! :o) #2493983
Marsha S. Smith March 05, 2006 0
I'm kind of late commenting on this, Rakesh, but I wanted you to know how gorgeous it is and I totally agree with Carolyn - it should have placed higher. Congratulations! #2497301Christian P. Nicolas March 06, 2006 0
Incredible! This looks so much like one of my paintings. WOW! #2502547Lori Carlson March 09, 2006 0
This is such an incredible image Rakesh! Really tells a story. Such wonderful tone, movement....well, actually every little thing about it is right-on-fantastic! Big congrats! :0) #2512294
Rakesh Syal
March 09, 2006
Cathy M. Gromball March 22, 2006 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Rakesh!Cathy :) #2559140
Rakesh Syal
March 22, 2006
Michael Khoury January 13, 2007 0
~ symbolic of our human condition; we are all on a journy carrying our personal burdens~Roger Fry February 25, 2007 0
Beautiful photo like so many in your Gallery. (There arn't actually that many 'Uncle Fernandos' after all!)Roger #3992822
Rakesh Syal
February 25, 2007
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Unavailable EXIF: If there is no other information but 'Unavailable' in the EXIF (meaning no EXIF data exists with the photo), the 'Unavailable' blurb is not displayed. If there is any info, it shows. Many photos have the EXIF stripped out when people modify the image and resave it, before uploading.
The following truth is one of the core philosophies of BetterPhoto:
I hear, I forget.
I see, I remember.
I do, I understand.
You learn by doing. Take your next online photography class.
Copyright for this photo belongs solely to Rakesh Syal.
Images may not be copied, downloaded, or used in any way without the expressed, written permission of the photographer.
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