In the middle of Nevada

© Stefan G

In the middle of Nevada

Uploaded: October 29, 2005 05:15:29


Dorothy Neumann November 23, 2005 0

I love the light you captured here. Great dramatic sky...what a landscape! #348665

Karen Diaz November 23, 2005 0

This pic is gorgeous, love the sky and thank you for your compliment also, same for you!!!:) #2110496

KHAWLA Haddad November 26, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win!!!! #2123226

Cora Miller level-classic November 27, 2005 0

The beautiful light, textures, and great layers create a really fine image. Congratulations on your win, Stefan! #2124286

Donna W. Neal November 27, 2005 0


bob cornelison November 28, 2005 0

Cool shot! Love the low clouds!
~:O) #2130548

Sharon Day November 28, 2005 0

Congratulations, beautiful image!!!! #2131794

Cathy M. Gromball November 30, 2005 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Stefan!

Cathy :) #2137826

Alton I. Vance December 01, 2005 0

Sorry, I didn't congratulate you in my E-mail on this really nice winning shot. Great job. I saw this photo earlier in the month and really liked it. Once again, congratulations. #2140387

Chuck Inglefield December 01, 2005 0

Wow, this is really a great image. I'm not usually drawn to landscapes, but this one really caught my eye. Your composition is fantastic and the colors and layers you have created here really make for an interesting photograph worth more than a passing glance. Congratulations on your well deserved recognition. #2142697

Tracy Reehal December 03, 2005 0

Wow! This is an awesome Nevada shot. I love the effects. Congrats! #2147531

Carolyn J. Connolly December 14, 2005 0

Wow, indeed, Stefan - this really IS a WONDERFUL landscape image!! It is MOST deserving of your Second Place win with it recently!! Sincere CONGRATULATIONS!! :o) #2183832

Judy G. Larson April 26, 2007 0

Geez, you are really good at this photography! Love this shot and your entire gallery. This one has beautiful intense colors! #4215900

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