Colors - Transient

© Peter Anderson

Colors - Transient

Uploaded: October 28, 2005 01:12:01


Long Exposure


Christopher P. Murray October 28, 2005 0

love the composition,great shot. #333912

Heidi Tidd October 28, 2005 0

I really like the way the leaves match the stream of car lights. Nice composition too.

Always wanted to ask this as well. Do you need a special lense for that effect, or is it something you apply in photoshop? :)

Heidi #2006008

Sharon Day October 28, 2005 0

Fantastic image, Peter!!! I love this! #2006062

Sandy Landon level-classic October 28, 2005 0

Excellent capture!! Wonderful long time exposure!! #2006095

Claudine Grove level-classic October 28, 2005 0

Absolutly gorgeous. How could you do this and not have the cars show. Love it! Such a creative image. #2006145

Cindy Wong October 28, 2005 0

Great Shot! #2006552

Elizabeth J. Bernier November 23, 2005 0

Somebody went up north LOL!Excellent image Peter,you are the long exposure master in my book!!!Congrats on your finalist win and good luck in the next round!!! #2110398

Nick Lagos November 23, 2005 0

This really is superb Peter.... I hope it goes all the way for deserves it #2113732

Chris Macer November 24, 2005 0

Congrats on the finalist, Peter! #2114716

November 25, 2005 0

Exciting color and motion. #2118346

KHAWLA Haddad November 26, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win!!!! #2123363

Claudia Kuhn level-classic November 26, 2005 0

Very cool Peter, big congrats on your win! #2123460

Kay Beausoleil November 26, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Peter! #2123703

Linda Boehme level-classic November 27, 2005 0

Peter, congrats on your win! #2124424

Donna W. Neal November 27, 2005 0


Sharon Day November 28, 2005 0

Big congratulations on your 2nd place win, Peter!! Beautiful image!!! #2131858

Ken Cole November 30, 2005 0

What a great shot, Peter. The colors are incredible and the feel of movement plus the static colored leaves is really impressive. Congratulations! #2137792

Cathy M. Gromball November 30, 2005 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Peter!

Cathy :) #2137894

Lori Carlson December 23, 2005 0


randy dannheim November 12, 2007 0

Peter, this is awesume - congratulations on all your deserved awards. #5064184

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