Beautiful Bulbs

© Christopher Howeth

Beautiful Bulbs

Uploaded: October 25, 2005 19:20:17



Geralyn Montambault October 25, 2005 0

So very pretty and refreshing! The rest of us are getting into fall and winter pics. Thanks for sharing this bright beauty with us! #332674

Carol Kalinowski October 25, 2005 0

Really well done,eye catching.I've seen a thousand images of tulips and all of them are so similar.So refreshing and full of color...Wonderful image. #1998091

Margie Hurwich October 25, 2005 0

Simply beautiful! #1998126

Michelle R. Kovach October 26, 2005 0

Gorgeous shot Christopher!
Would make a lovely wall print! #1998867

Dorothy Neumann November 23, 2005 0

Lovely backlighting on this, Christopher. I love the translucence of the petals! #2109702

Siete Meeter November 23, 2005 0

Beautiful capture!!!
Congratulations on being a Finalist, good luck in the next level!!!

KHAWLA Haddad November 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on this awesome finalist....Best of luck in the next round! #2112798

Linda Boehme level-classic November 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist. Good luck in next round. #2115963

November 25, 2005 0

Very immediate and colorful. #2118283

Theresa M. VanderStaay November 25, 2005 0

Simple beautiful. Great color. Very cheerful. #2119026

Karen Rahlf November 26, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win. I love the color in this. #2122740

KHAWLA Haddad November 26, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win!!!! #2123252

Mary K. Robison November 26, 2005 0

What a glowing image ~
Congratulations on your win! #2123390

Linda Boehme level-classic November 27, 2005 0

Absolutely beautiful, Christopher! Congrats on your win!!! #2124442

Janine Russell level-classic November 27, 2005 0

Christopher, excellent detail, colors and DOF; congratulations on your second place win. #2124609

Donna W. Neal November 27, 2005 0


Tamera S. Phillips November 28, 2005 0

Congratulations on the winner Christopher! What an amazing shot. The colors are so pure. #2128755

Lucy S. Durfee November 28, 2005 0

Absolutely stunning, Christopher!! Congratulations! #2130840

Christopher Howeth November 28, 2005 0

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments! #2130859

Sharon Day November 28, 2005 0

Big congratulations on your 2nd place win, Christopher! #2131814

Cathy M. Gromball November 30, 2005 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Christopher!

Cathy :) #2137838

Chris Budny level-deluxe December 01, 2005 0

Glorious shot! I love the translucency of the petals. Congratulations! #2139988

Laura Clay-Ballard December 11, 2005 0

AWESOME image! congrats! #2174071

Joseph M. Muench level-classic June 14, 2008 0

Very beautiful image...well done!
-Joe #6057748

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