Elder Druze
Uploaded: October 25, 2005 10:54:58
Elder Druze wise man.
The Druze people live in north Israel, southern Lebanon and southern Syria.
Their religon is kept secret and only few know its mistery.
Taken with Sigma 70-200 F/2.8 @ 200mm F/4.5 1/200
Donna Dunbar October 25, 2005 0
Great Portrait !!! #332466Leanne M.E. Boyd October 25, 2005 0
An outstanding character portrait, Roie! #1996066Margot Petrowski October 25, 2005 0
Wow!!! Wonderful image!! #1996781Marta Azevedo October 25, 2005 0
Fantastic #1997158Karim Abiali November 24, 2005 0
Outstanding portrait Roie, this will look great in B & W too.Karim. #2115287
Ilir Dugolli
November 24, 2005
Heidi Tidd November 25, 2005 0
Fantastic portrait Roie! Congrats on the finals and good luck! :-) #2117730KHAWLA Haddad November 26, 2005 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win!!!! #2123117Bea. Anderson November 26, 2005 0
Wonderful expression. He looks like he knows something special. Congratulations. Bea. #2123466
Janine Russell
November 27, 2005
Wende Trew November 27, 2005 0
Congrats!!! This is a wonderful image!!! #2126792Donna W. Neal November 27, 2005 0
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! #2128522Cathy M. Gromball November 29, 2005 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Roie!Cathy :) #2134286
Mary-Anne Benusis
February 25, 2015
Mary-Anne Benusis
February 25, 2015
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