Le-e-e-eft Face!

© Paul Conlan

Le-e-e-eft Face!

Uploaded: October 25, 2005 10:23:23


"Knobs" (freshmen) drill on a barracks courtyard - The Citadel – Charleston, South Carolina / ISO50 – F4.0 – 1/100th Sec. / Edits in PS8 and LView Pro


Jeff Robinson level-deluxe October 25, 2005 0

Excellent composition Paul! Great capture. Jeff #332451

Leanne M.E. Boyd October 25, 2005 0

The design and colour are excellent, Paul! #1996096

Linda D. Lester level-classic October 25, 2005 0

Love these shots...AWESOME! #1998014

Bambi L. Dingman October 25, 2005 0

Paul, that floor is just made for magnificent shots! This one is great! #1998045

Judy S. Fung October 25, 2005 0

Terrific capture, Paul! #1998057

Paul Conlan October 25, 2005 0

Jeff, Leanne, Linda, Bambi and Judy... Thank you all for your comments. I'm pleased you like the photo. I've about overworked the floor at this point. Maybe just one more photo in the next week or so with it... than I'll give it a rest. It is hard to resist. Best wishes... #1998142

Dorothy Neumann November 23, 2005 0

I KNEW this was a winner. Absolutely terrific timing and composition here, Paul! #2109803

Linda D. Lester level-classic November 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on this awesome finalist....good luck in the next round! #2110630

Karen Engelbreth November 23, 2005 0

Congrats Paul :0) #2111051

Vicki Hunt November 23, 2005 0

Congrats on this great image being finalist! #2112307

Paul Conlan November 24, 2005 0

Dorothy, Linda, Karen and Vicki... Thank you all for your congratulations on this photo. I do enjoy shooting at the Citadel! Best wishes... #2114896

November 25, 2005 0

Very interesting composition! #2118206

Donna R. Moratelli November 25, 2005 0

Hi Paul, What I tell ya? Your great!
I wish there was a way to get to this spot and shoot when I get down there..
Congratulations over and over on this EXCELLENT IMAGE! I LOVE IT.
I'll be talking to you later.. #2118619

Paul Conlan November 25, 2005 0

Thank you Judges... I'm pleased you like it. The cadets don't normally form up one per square as in the photo... but did so in advance of an awards ceremony. It did create a very unique visual effect. #2118624

Robert Mann level-deluxe November 26, 2005 0

Superb, Paul! I like everyone of the Citadel shots that I have seen. You have great POV in this and the design of the floor and the cadets in the individuals squares is a knockout. Many congrats on your Finalist selection and good luck! #2120718

Paul Conlan November 26, 2005 0

Donna and Robert... Thank you for your comments on my photo. You did call this one right Donna! I'll be back at the Citadel tomorrow returning my son to school... but I don't believe the barracks will be open. Darn! I do have another photo I've not entered with all the cadets doing pushups in the same formation! That one may appear in the days ahead. Best wishes... #2121539

KHAWLA Haddad November 26, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win!!!! #2123148

Claudia Kuhn level-classic November 26, 2005 0

Very cool image Paul, love the comp and perspective, big congrats on your win! #2123419

Murry Grigsby November 26, 2005 0

Congrats on your super image and win Paul!! #2123612

Paul Conlan November 26, 2005 0

Thanks Khawla, Claudia and Murry! I appreciate your comments and support. Glad to get another winner from my Citadel series. Guess that offsets the out of state tuition expenses to some degree! Ha... Take care... #2123855

Susana Ms Heide November 27, 2005 0

Intriguing and captivating! Love the sense of discipline you've captured!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! #2124677

Cathy Barrows November 27, 2005 0

congrats...they look like toy soldiers #2124785

Donna W. Neal November 27, 2005 0

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS Paul...:) #2125569

Sharon Day November 28, 2005 0

Awesome image, Paul!!! BIG CONGRATULATIONS on a well deserved win!!!!! #2128540

Paul Conlan November 28, 2005 0

Susana, Cathy, Donna and Sharon... Thank you all for your congratulations and comments! I really appreciate them! #2128763

Linda D. Lester level-classic November 28, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS....awesome shot!!! #2131261

Cathy M. Gromball November 30, 2005 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Paul!

Cathy :) #2136132

Paul Conlan November 30, 2005 0

Thank you Linda and Cathy... I'm pleased you like the photo! #2136154

Vicki Hunt December 01, 2005 0

Congratulations on this awesome image winning BIG! Sorry it took me so long to say that....I've been on a fast train recently! LOL! #2142844

Paul Conlan December 02, 2005 0

Ok Vicki... we'll overlook the delay this time... since you've been on the road... or is that on the tracks! Thanks for your comments... as always. #2143380

She-She Killough December 04, 2005 0

Hey Paul! Found my way to your discussion...Well we have already talked about what I think of this photo and you already have my WHOOOOHOOOO!!!! Congratualtions...but hey it is worth a second one. ;D
Great JOB! No surprise!
Where ya been?

Sheesh :D #2150054

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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