Dainty Gem
Uploaded: October 18, 2005 03:07:06
Alana Ibe October 18, 2005 0
Beautiful color and subject! Very nice. #328370
Sandy Landon
October 18, 2005
Callie A. Rowell October 18, 2005 0
Very nicely done! #1963546Dominique Declerck October 18, 2005 0
Beautiful!! #1963591
Janine Russell
October 18, 2005
Nicole Kessel October 18, 2005 0
Very pretty, Sonja! #1963662Brianne Norgaard October 18, 2005 0
Very nice work! #1965048Julie Gamicchia October 18, 2005 0
BEAUTIFUL IMAGE! #1965781Megan p November 23, 2005 0
How beautiful!! I love the contrasts of the child and the building, congratulations on your Finalist! #2109906Wendy Jones November 23, 2005 0
Wonderful portrait! Congrats on your finalist! #2111592Brianne Norgaard November 23, 2005 0
Congrats on a well deserved finalist!! #2111730Claudette Foote November 23, 2005 0
Congrats on a well deserved finalist!!Ronald Balthazor November 24, 2005 0
Congratulations on your finalist, Sonja. Very appealing image. #2114755Sonja Foos November 25, 2005 0
Thanks so much, everyone! :-)) #2118060Susana Ms Heide November 26, 2005 0
I could stare at this for hours!!! It's so very beautiful!!! Love the colors of the outfit, the delicate features of the little girl and the unusual background! CONGRATS and hope to see it go further! #2120753Susana Ms Heide November 26, 2005 0
Just yesterday I commented on how much I love this photo and today it's got that coveted golden badge!! Truly so very well deserved!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! #2122902Megan p November 26, 2005 0
GORGEOUS!!! Congratulations, this is really wonderful!!! #2123094KHAWLA Haddad November 26, 2005 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win!!!! #2123105
Robert Mann
November 26, 2005
Adilson F. Ferreira
November 26, 2005
Neil R. Shapiro November 27, 2005 0
Congratulations Sonja. It's a beautifully rich image! #2125848Wende Trew November 27, 2005 0
Congrats!!! Such a beautiful image!!! #2126769Donna W. Neal November 27, 2005 0
So cute! A BIG CONGRATULATIONS ON THIS WINNER Sonja #2127453Toni Hopper November 28, 2005 0
Sonja, fabulous image! The contrast in texture makes this a beauty. Did you apply a porcelain filter to your subject? Congratulations! #2127984Sharon Day November 28, 2005 0
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! #2128520Judith G. Secco November 28, 2005 0
This is just precious. Congratulatons, Sonja, on your win! #2129888Sonja Foos November 29, 2005 0
Thanks everyone! I was pretty jazzed to see it take second.Cathy M. Gromball November 29, 2005 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Sonja!Cathy :) #2134284
Laura Clay-Ballard November 30, 2005 0
truly a gorgeous image! congrats #2137780Terrill Province December 02, 2005 0
Well, of course this is a winner ~ reminds me of Renoir!My highest compliments. The color is especially amazing to me. CONGRATULATIONS!!! #2145516
Lynne Hough
December 06, 2005
doug Nelson December 08, 2005 0
A truly excellent image. A less talented photog would have dead-centered the subject, picked up all the leaves and posed her in a silly grin. Every element in the picture belongs. Well done. #2165788Sonja Foos December 12, 2005 0
Thanks again! :-)) #2178934Tim Saunders December 22, 2005 0
Hey alright - Congrats ! #2210972Lori Carlson December 23, 2005 0
Wonderful work Sonja~this is just superb!!! Congratulations!! :0) #2214717Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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