Poppy Dreams in Orange
Uploaded: October 17, 2005 12:27:03
Leanne M.E. Boyd October 17, 2005 0
Wow, this is a great job! The colours and detail, are amazing! #328026Thomas F. Andersen October 17, 2005 0
Thanks a lot for taking time to comment Leanne. #1960577
Janine Russell
October 17, 2005
Sharon Day November 23, 2005 0
Big Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Thomas!!! WTG!!! Good luck next round! #2113754Thomas F. Andersen November 23, 2005 0
Thanks a lot for your kind comments Janine and Sharon. Appreciate it. #2113936Deb Holmes-Hatfield November 24, 2005 0
Congratulations on this lovely floral finalist, Thomas! #2114669Jennifer Rennison November 24, 2005 0
Congratulations on this Gorgeous finalist, Thomas!! Best of luck in the next round! #2115023Robyn Mackenzie November 24, 2005 0
This is so beautiful, Thomas! Congratulations and best of luck! #2115517
Sherry Stricklin Boles
November 25, 2005
Thomas F. Andersen November 25, 2005 0
Thank you for taking time to comment Deb, Jennifer, Robyn and Sherry. I appreciate it. #2119848KHAWLA Haddad November 26, 2005 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win!!!! #2123281Donna W. Neal November 27, 2005 0
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS ON THIS WINNER Tom! #2127670Jennifer Rennison November 28, 2005 0
Congratulations on your beautiful win, Thomas!! #2130979Marie Fields November 28, 2005 0
Gorgeous image, Tom! Congratulations!! #2131333Thomas F. Andersen November 28, 2005 0
Thanks Khawla, Donna, Jennifer (have you managed to get some shooting done?) and Marie. I appreciate your kind comments all. #2131820Sharon Day November 28, 2005 0
Big congratulations on your 2nd place win, Thomas!!! Beautiful image and well deserved win! #2131824Cathy M. Gromball November 30, 2005 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Thomas!Cathy :) #2137849
Karen Toseland December 05, 2005 0
Ha, so that's why you have stopped submitting images to the course - you are busy entering photo contests! This is really beautiful. (I have a flower photo to submit too, but can you let me know what month you won't be entering to give me a bit more of a chance??). #2155850Thomas F. Andersen December 05, 2005 0
Thanks Sharon and Cathy! Hi Karen, ha ha, oh well this was taken before we started the course :-) and I have been flat out lately with work, I am late with the last two assignments and to top it off I have to go to New Zealand next week-end (not that I want to complain about that). You've already got some great shots, I am sure you can make it into the finals with some of your shots. Anyway, thanks for your comments. #2155908
Chris Budny
December 08, 2005
Kaye Burazin January 07, 2008 0
I can see why this made it to the winner's circle. Stunning! #5302247Thomas F. Andersen January 07, 2008 0
Kaye, thanks for you kind comment.Christopher, if you are still subscriping to this thread apologies for the late reply. I have been off the site for a couple of years due to work commitments. Just in case you are still wondering :-) this was one sharp image at maximum depth of field and one defocused (blurred) image combined with the blur giving the 'dreamy' effect. Tony Sweet uses this technique a fair bit and this image was part of an assignment in his Fine Art Flower course. #5303917
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