Cleveland Flats 2
Uploaded: June 23, 2005 01:29:29
2005 Summer Solstice, Cleveland, OH
Used:28-75 f/2.8 at f/16
Ken Grooms August 22, 2005 0
Great composition and color! Congrats on your finalist! #298101
Adilson F. Ferreira
August 23, 2005
Chris M. Rembold August 23, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan, what you do for this city in your photography cannot be expressed in words! See you at the shop. Chris #1756395Daniel G. Flocke August 23, 2005 0
Chris - Thank you for your comments, I like your waerfall shots on your site.Daniel #1757825
Serena Pierce
August 26, 2005
Daniel G. Flocke August 26, 2005 0
Thank you Serena, you have nice pictures on your site too.Daniel #1767673
Sherrye Nozaki September 01, 2005 0
I love the colors and the composition.Aloha,
Sherrye #1793852
Daniel G. Flocke September 01, 2005 0
Aloha Sherrye - thank you.Daniel #1794019
Candy D. Dennis September 05, 2005 0
Daniel, this is a beautiful shot. Congratulations on your win! I too am from Cleveland (now a Florida transplant) and it was really enjoyable to view your gallery and see my old stomping ground. Thank you! #1804956Daniel G. Flocke September 06, 2005 0
Candy your welcome, hope you can come back to your hometown to visit. I enjoyed you site and iamges.Daniel #1805078
Sandra Freyler October 20, 2005 0
Congratulations! Beautiful image! I love the colors! #1974342Joyce ONeil May 03, 2006 0
This is the kind of images I'd like to take.... Excellent!!! #2721034Daniel G. Flocke May 03, 2006 0
Thank you Sandra and Joyce for your comments.~Daniel #2722174
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