No Entry (Zoom Series N.4)

© Danilo Piccioni

No Entry (Zoom Series N.4)

Uploaded: January 24, 2005 08:13:35


Zooming while exposing


Dan Holm January 24, 2005 0

Tremendous abstract, Danilo! This is one of my favorites of your zoom series! Love the color and light lines! #208303

S J January 24, 2005 0

Splendid capture, Danilo!!! Love the lighting and color on this one!! Very interesting!! #1059330

Jordi Delgado January 24, 2005 0

OUTSTANDING, Dado!!! Amazing work!!!

:-)) #1059345

Paul Michko January 24, 2005 0

Great shot, Danilo. I love the effect. #1059377

Allan L. Whitehead January 24, 2005 0

Beautiful effects, Dado, I love the colorful composition and the over-all imagry. Very well done, my dear friend - your good friend, Allan #1059534

Cathy Gregor January 24, 2005 0

Cool, Danilo!
-cathy #1059566

Danilo Piccioni January 24, 2005 0

Thank you so much guys, I really am glad you liked my photo!

Dado #1059648

Janet L. Skinner January 24, 2005 0

VERY COOL, Dado!!!!!! #1059702

Mata Patan January 24, 2005 0

Quante foto ti restano della serie psicheteliche?
Questa è fra le più belle a mio parere.
Faccio anche io una bet, fra quella che ho visto, questa la rivedremo! #1059748

Colette M. Metcalf January 24, 2005 0

Very cool, Danilo!!! #1059890

Danilo Piccioni January 24, 2005 0

Thanks a lot Janet and Colette, I appreciate!
Dado #1060118

Danilo Piccioni January 24, 2005 0

Mata, grazie, me ne resta ancora una della serie (ho gli occhiali sporchi, non so quello che vedo), però, non sono certo che la publicherò, perchè è un pò così, così.
Ma si che mi frega? la posto lo stesso, magari è proprio quella che piace a loro.

Dado #1060121

Jessica McCollam January 24, 2005 0

Fantastic, Danilo! Love the zoom effects, Excellent work!:) #1060268

Tammy Scott August 20, 2005 0

Congratulations on your finalist! #1740825

Linda D. Lester level-classic August 20, 2005 0

Congratulations on your finalist! #1741718

KHAWLA Haddad August 21, 2005 0

Congratulations on Wonderful finalists!!! #1743411

S J August 21, 2005 0

Congratulations on this wonderful Finalist, Dado!! #1746266

Carol Brill August 23, 2005 0

And congratulations again on win #2 this month, Danilo, this is some awesome work! #1754052

S J August 23, 2005 0

Woo Hoo!!! Big Congratulations on this superb WIN, Dado!!! Wow!!! #1754066

Leanne M.E. Boyd August 23, 2005 0

Congrats Danilo! Excellent shot! #1754156

Jordi Delgado August 23, 2005 0

Congrats again, Dado!!



Paul Sikora August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on a great win #1754255

Jenny Bosmans August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations again, Danilo!!!GREAT! #1754375

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations again Dado!!!
Wonderful and well deserved win!!! #1754434

Tom Andersen August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on another fabulous winner, Dado! #1754571

Tammy Scott August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Dado!!! #1754705

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe August 23, 2005 0

Congratualtions, Dado!!!
kk #1754726

Cathy Gregor August 23, 2005 0

Very cool winner!!
Congratulations, Danilo! #1755068

Sharon E. Lowe level-addict August 23, 2005 0

Congrats again Dado!! #1755133

Jill Flynn August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your AWESOME Second Place Win Dado. Way to go AGAIN!!!! #1756618

Ermanno Radice August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations again on your win, Danilo!! #1757122

Marsha S. Smith August 23, 2005 0

Cool, Dado! Congratulations, AGAIN!!!!! #1757537

Laura Clay-Ballard August 23, 2005 0

congrats on this awesome winning image! #1757969

Sharon L. Wack August 24, 2005 0


Stanley J. Contrades August 24, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS on your double win, Dado!! Way to go, my friend!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1758797

Colette M. Metcalf August 24, 2005 0

Congratulations Dado!!! #1759410

Terry L. Ellis level-classic August 29, 2005 0

Congratulations, Danillo, on this superb winning image!!! Truly great! #1780773

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