flower power

© Jane Lochrie

flower power

Uploaded: July 31, 2005 19:54:47


1/125 16ap, 50mm macro lens, 6pm on a hot sunny day.
Yes, I realize that this is a flower and colourful, but I also feel that the drops of h2o on the petals and the motion of the water around the petals portray texture beautifully.


Tammy Scott August 01, 2005 0

VERY lovely image, Jane! I just love the color on this shot! You are absolutely right about the texture on this - it is great! #286915

Ken Grooms August 21, 2005 0

Beautiful finalist! #1746174

Joyce S. Bowley August 21, 2005 0

Congratulations Jane, a great shot. #1747178

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe August 23, 2005 0

Love this...so glad to see it in a winning spot, Jane!! Beautiful!
kk #1754869

Jane Lochrie August 23, 2005 0

Thank you everyone for your kind comments. This was the first photo that I have submitted and I was very pleased with the result.

Jane #1757916

Kevin Anderson August 28, 2005 0

This is a WINNER!!! Wonderful idea with the water. love the texture and the play between the flower and the bottom of the maybe pool? Great capture.
Congratulations Jane. #1777534

Joy Rector August 31, 2005 0

congrats on your win #1789636

Tim Saunders September 09, 2005 0

very nice - complimentary colors.
the texture is actually very stark, but not that of a typical definition.

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