Morning Glory More
Uploaded: July 29, 2005 06:57:56
Heavenly Blue Morning Glory
Sandy Landon
July 29, 2005
Leanne M.E. Boyd July 29, 2005 0
Very pretty! I love the vibrant colour. #1651624Teresa Wilkinson July 29, 2005 0
Thank you very much, Sandy and Leanne. These are such a beautiful blue color, and large too. They range between 3" to 5" or more across. I grow them every year combined with Red Flag beans on an arch over a gate in my back yard. They make into wonderful photo opportunities at sunrise.Thanks Again and Best Wishes, Teresa #1651656
Tammy Scott July 29, 2005 0
What a gorgeous morning glory, Teresa! Fantastic color and light! #1651905Mary Clarke July 29, 2005 0
Fabulous, Teresa. #1652068
Cliff & Patti Smith
July 29, 2005
teresina m. wheaton July 29, 2005 0
such a beautiful flower I love the color. great work. #1654220Teresa Wilkinson July 29, 2005 0
Thank you, Tammy, Mary, Patricia, and Teresina. It is my pleasure to be able to share it with you.Thanks Again and Best Wishes,
Teresa #1654309
Lani T. Broadbent
August 23, 2005
Ganeshwar Prasad August 23, 2005 0
Congrats, Teresa! :-) #1754526Tammy Scott August 23, 2005 0
Congratulations, Teresa!!! #1754676
Joannie Bertucci
August 23, 2005
Jill Odice
August 24, 2005
Teresa Wilkinson August 24, 2005 0
Thank you all so much. It is an honor to compete with such fine photographers. Thank you, Jim Miotke and everyone at for helping me make my dreams come true.Best Wishes to All,
Teresa #1759045
Billie-Jo A. Miller August 24, 2005 0
Congrats to you my friend!!Kevin Anderson August 28, 2005 0
I just love the composition on this. the lighting and framing makes you wanna lean over it and look inside, But it's not three dimensional.:(Teresa Wilkinson August 31, 2005 0
Thank you, Kevin and ny dear friend, Billie Jo!Best Wishes and HUgs back to you!
Teresa #1790167
Joy Rector September 01, 2005 0
congrats on your win #1793294Teresa Wilkinson September 02, 2005 0
Thank you very much, Joy!Best Wishes,
Teresa #1794674
James E. Coleman
July 25, 2006
Jim #3072642
Teresa Wilkinson July 25, 2006 0
Thank you so much, Jim! I am grateful that you found me.Best Wishes, Teresa #3075116
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