Another World

© Dean Kelley

Another World

Uploaded: July 23, 2005 12:49:38


Composite of three images


Lani Allen July 23, 2005 0

excellent image. #282745

Wendy Stevenson August 20, 2005 0

Congratulations on this superbly crafted image Dean!! Best of luck in the next round!!! Excellent work! #1740129

Siete Meeter August 22, 2005 0

Great image! Congratulations!!


Leanne M.E. Boyd August 23, 2005 0

Cool image, Dean! Congratulations on your win! #1754151

Kay Beausoleil August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win for this oddly etherial image, Dean! #1756049

Susana Ms Heide August 27, 2005 0

What a great scene you have created! Love the seeming infinity of the train tracks through the tunnel! And the painting adds a lot of depth! CONGRATS!! #1771816

Wayne Nolting September 05, 2005 0

This is an amazing picture. Where is this mural and how old is it? #1804071

Ed Heaton September 14, 2005 0

Fantastic job Dean! Very nicely done :-) #1835076

Amanda Price September 17, 2005 0

Is that ever cool!!! Wow! Congrats on a job well done! #1848996

June Marie Sobrito September 19, 2005 0

Outstanding...I love this! Congrats! #1856114

Laura Clay-Ballard September 23, 2005 0

this is an awesome image! I love the colors and that tunnel just goes on and on and on! oh, btw .. congrats #1871712

Luhut Napitupulu September 26, 2005 0

This is really cool, Dean! I like the perspective and composition, well done! Congrats on your win!


Lori Carlson September 26, 2005 0

Wonderful work and vision here Dean!! Congratulations!! :0) #1887963

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