Lake of Fire and Ice

© Marc E. Adamus

Lake of Fire and Ice

Uploaded: July 23, 2005 03:16:34


Strong winds carved textures into the surface of the icy pond reflecting a powerful sunset after the storm. Captured somewhere in the Jefferson wilderness of Oregon. Canon 17-40L Lens. Fuji Velvia 50rvp. Hoya polarizing and Singh Ray 3 stop GND filters.


Brenda M. Wolfensberger July 23, 2005 0

What a breathtaking image Marc. You have captured it perfectly. #282537

Jeffrey D. Ziebell July 23, 2005 0

I agree with Brenda, this is Fantastic, well done Marc, great shot. #1623311

David Reed July 23, 2005 0

Outstanding shot. Great colors. #1623367

July 23, 2005 0

Very cool. #1623930

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic July 23, 2005 0

If this isn't a winner, somebody needs their head examined! Just fantastic! #1624409

Marc A. Bailey July 23, 2005 0

this is awesome! absolutely breathtaking, I would definately hang it on my wall - it really draws you into the picture, a sure finalist! #1625286

Jay Patel July 25, 2005 0

Awesome light. One of my favorites within your gallery. #1634079

Sandy Landon level-classic August 20, 2005 0

Beautiful!! COngrats!! #1739985

Brenda M. Wolfensberger August 20, 2005 0

Congrats on being a finalist! #1740868

Serena Pierce level-classic August 21, 2005 0

Beautiful Marc! Congratulations!! #1743439

Ken Grooms August 21, 2005 0

Congratulations, Marc!

You are the next Galen Rowell!

You deserve the Gold Medal in this category EVERY MONTH!


Jennifer S August 21, 2005 0

Absolutely fantastic, Marc!! Congratulations on being finalist! #1745194

Frederic David August 21, 2005 0

Amazing light for an unreal atmosphere!

fred #1745240

Chris Macer August 21, 2005 0

Amazing landscape. The lighting is perfect. Congrats on the finalist! Well deserved and good luck! #1746197

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe August 21, 2005 0

Congrats Marc on your stunning Finalist! Jeff #1746675

August 21, 2005 0

Technically and aesthetically well done! #1747074

robert burks August 22, 2005 0

...incredible image Marc...captured perfectly...well done@ #1748061

Siete Meeter August 22, 2005 0

Great image! Congratulations!!


Lori Carlson August 22, 2005 0

Congrats on this, just one of your many inspiring images Marc!! :0) #1752216

Cora Miller level-classic August 23, 2005 0

The etched ice reflecting the awesome light is absolutely spectacular! Congratulations on your win! #1754127

Francis Cailles August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Marc. I love this shot, as I do most of your work. This deserves first place IMVHO. This touches me in ways the current Landscape Category winner can never do. I think photography is all about emotion, and this image is oozing with it. This is the First Prize winner as far as I'm concerned. And I really mean it. #1754128

Ken Grooms August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Galen! #1755364

Linda Murphy August 23, 2005 0

So wonderful Marc. Congrats! #1755818

Jennifer Rennison August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your gorgeous win, Marc!! #1756081

Jay Patel August 23, 2005 0

This is one of my favorite shots from your gallery. Awesome lighting!! #1756447

Joy Rector August 23, 2005 0

congrats on your win #1756614

Karen Seargeant August 23, 2005 0

WOW! This is beautiful! Congrats on the win! #1756738

Wendy Stevenson August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on this very beautiful win!!! #1757267

James Reininger August 23, 2005 0

Wonderful image. #1757276

bob cornelison August 26, 2005 0

Congrats! This is really pretty!
~:O) #1770280

Susie Peek-Swint August 30, 2005 0

Breathtaking image ~ congrats on your win and POTD! #1783040

Joline Frazier August 30, 2005 0

This is a magnificent photo. Congratulations on your POTD and your win. It is spectacular. #1783285

Jessica L. Richard August 30, 2005 0

fantastic image, very beautiful! congrats on POTD! #1783380

Susana Matos August 30, 2005 0

most amazing gallery and wonderful winner!!

Cheers from Portugal, Su #1783385

Mary Timman August 30, 2005 0

Beautiful sunset. Such great lighting. Congrats on PotD. #1783433

Donna Dunbar August 30, 2005 0

I never saw this the first time but when I saw it I gasped this is absolutely gorgeous and a well deserving POTD!!!! #1783460

Lisa M. Austin August 30, 2005 0

WOW.........................what great photographers there are on this site!

Awesome! #1783578

Scott Pedersen August 30, 2005 0

Excellent. good prespective and lighting #1783606

Scott Pedersen August 30, 2005 0

Excellent. good prespective and lighting #1783607

Tammy L. McKaskle August 30, 2005 0

WOW! I am in awe and speachless. Congratulations! #1783626

Laura Clay-Ballard August 30, 2005 0

goreous. congrats. #1783634

Els De Winter August 30, 2005 0

Wowwwww! Breathtaking! Stunning photo, Marc!! #1783663

Wendy Stevenson August 30, 2005 0

Stunningly beautiful Marc!! Conjgratulations on your POTD!!!! #1783778

Kerby Pfrangle August 30, 2005 0

Marc congratulations on POTD.

Beautiful image and very well deserved.

Kerby #1783787

Christy L. Densmore August 30, 2005 0

Congratulations on POTD and your second place win. This shot is just amazing, wonderful. #1783804

Joy Rector August 30, 2005 0

congrats on your POTD #1783809

August 30, 2005 0

All I can say is WOW! I wish I had the talent you have for photography. Congrats! #1783956

Doug Taylor August 30, 2005 0

Fabulous shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #1783986

Lisa Clark August 30, 2005 0

Very impressive work. Congratulations on POTD and Second Place Win!! #1784024

Jane Sampson August 30, 2005 0

Can't wait to see this hanging in my gallery Marc. ;) #1784137

Lisa C. Harness August 30, 2005 0

Marc, congratulations on your contest win and POTD. This is a stunning image - it draws your attention right into the light. How exciting it must have been to see this scene in person.

The Jefferson wilderness area / Central Oregon is a beautiful place. Our family spent many (20+) years camping in the more remote parts of the Metolius / Jack Creek / Abbot Creek / Lake Creek / Canyon Creek areas. I haven't had the courage to go back yet since the devastating fires in 2003.

Ah, but I digress - my apologies. This is what photographs should do - evoke a mood, stir up memories.

Again, congratulations, Marc. What a fantastic image!

Lisa #1784217

Ed Heaton August 30, 2005 0

Excellent image Marc, Congrats on POTD! #1784307

Elisabeth A. Gay August 30, 2005 0

This is gorgeous Marc! Congratulations
Ann #1784428

Jessica Lee August 30, 2005 0

You've captured the beauty of the landscape. This picture makes me want to be there!

Great work of art! Congrats. #1784458

Kathleen R. Struckle August 30, 2005 0

This is absolutely gorgeous!! Congrats on POTD!! #1784506

Leanne M.E. Boyd August 30, 2005 0

An absolutely gorgeous, jaw dropping picture. The colour and dimentions are breathtaking - That is why it has won both in the contest and POTD - Congratulations Marc, well deserved! #1784538

Melissa L. Zavadil August 30, 2005 0

Spectacular photo of the day!! Congrats what an awesome shot!! #1784542

Kaylee Mendonca August 30, 2005 0

That's gorgeous! #1784579

Kirsi Bertolini August 30, 2005 0

You just HAVE to stare at this one for a while! It is so powerful and well captured! Photography at its absolute best! #1784598

bob cornelison August 30, 2005 0

Congrats on POTD! It is a work of art!
~:O) #1784659

Kay Beausoleil August 30, 2005 0

Congratulations, Marc, on your beautiful POTD! #1784745

Victoria Gonzalez August 30, 2005 0

oh, My! It's absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations #1784914

Theresa M. VanderStaay August 30, 2005 0

Congratulations! Your work is just amazing. I looked at your gallery and you have the most beautiful photographs. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.....Theresa #1784999

August 30, 2005 0

The photo is breathtaking. Where was it taken? #1785008

Luhut Napitupulu August 30, 2005 0

It is breathtaking! This is really an awesome shot, Marc! Congratulations on being Finalist and POTD! #1785104

Melody Molinaro August 30, 2005 0

Oh this is just incredibly beautiful #1785276

Melody Molinaro August 30, 2005 0

Oh this is just incredibly beautiful #1785277

Lynne M. Rowe August 30, 2005 0

This Photo is beautiful. AWSOME congrats #1785497

Jenny Bosmans August 30, 2005 0

Stunning image indeed!! Congratulations on your win and on POTD! Well deserved! #1786055

Mary Clarke August 30, 2005 0

Congratulaions on your POTD, and what a wonderful image Marc. #1786069

Terry L. Ellis level-classic August 30, 2005 0

Stunning image, Marc! Congratulations on your second place win and your fab POTD!!! Well deserved!!!!!!!!!!!!! #1786199

Lori Carlson August 30, 2005 0

Offering you yet another Congratulations now on your POTD!! Great work Marc!! :0) #1786620

Anita Taylor August 31, 2005 0

Incredible, stunning image, Marc! Congrats on second place and POTD!!! #1786921

Mary E. Heinz August 31, 2005 0

Awesome. Great capture. #1787030

Lorraine T. Lynch August 31, 2005 0

Photography at it's best! So beautiful Marc! Congratulations! #1787037

Beau Hudspeth Photography August 31, 2005 0

It is obvious why it was chosen as a winner. Great Shot! #1787048

August 31, 2005 0

Outstanding shot. Great colors #1787404

Luciano Imperadori August 31, 2005 0

Very suggestive. Congratulations from Italy #1787451

Robert L. Andersen August 31, 2005 0

What an Oustanding, Incredibly Gorgeous Image !! Congratulations !! #1787472

August 31, 2005 0

Fantastic. Congratulations on your POTD #1788632

August 31, 2005 0

wonderful photograph. you did a superb job. congrats on a well deserved potd! #1788870

Virginia L. Allison September 01, 2005 0

Marc....beautiful. I'm not sure that words can do this one justice. Wow. #1791996

Claudette Foote September 02, 2005 0

Fantastic. Congratulations on your POTD #1796265

Sharon McClung September 03, 2005 0

Postively beautiful. Great capture. Congratulations on POTD and on placing. Well deserved! #1799180

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 08, 2005 0

Truly beautiful, congrats!! #1815219

Birgit Klee September 13, 2005 0

One of the most beautiful and special sunsets I have ever seen... The ice make a fantastic effect!!! Faboulous!!!
Birgit #1830388

Dorann Weber September 19, 2005 0

Simply a beautiful breathtaking photo... Wish I could have experienced being there..~!Congratulation's on your win.. #1853009

Christopher M. Wisker February 17, 2006 0

Wonderful Colors, Light, and sharpness
Chris #2431444

Dennis Walton August 11, 2007 0

Really beautiful work. This is a high quality scan.What scanner did you use? #4633066

Theresa M. VanderStaay November 26, 2007 0

Marc, this is amazing as I am sure the experience was also...The colors are breathtaking...The sharpness and clarity all around is perfect...Congrat's on your win and POD...It's well deserved....Tessa #5123353

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