Dueling Mustangs
Uploaded: July 22, 2005 22:59:19
Wild horses in the Pryor Mountains of South Central Montana. These are members of a "bachlor band", not really fighting, just practicing for when they have their own harems and will then have to run off the competition.
Mary J. Gorton July 23, 2005 0
Cool picture! It's very defined and crisp, and I love the purple flowers. #282470Amanda Price July 23, 2005 0
Nice shot, Gary! #1622459Christine Kozak/Wilterdink July 23, 2005 0
Gorgous shot, so powerful even in play.Mary Swift July 27, 2005 0
Great action shot, Gary! I agree, the color that the flowers add to the image is fantastic. #1645225Jason August 20, 2005 0
This is incredible! #1739623Lori Carlson August 21, 2005 0
AWESOME capture Gary!! Congrats on this Fianlist beauty! :0) #1742556Piotr M. Organa August 21, 2005 0
Amazing photo...Sara Jensen August 22, 2005 0
What a great shot. It has such neat contrast between the pretty delicate little flowers and the powerful horses. The added colour from the background just brings even more life to the picture. Too often you'll see pictures like this with the brown grass as a backdrop and though the horses remain beautiful and powerful, they don't pop as much as they do in this shot. #1748999
Cliff & Patti Smith
August 22, 2005
LJ Corliss
August 23, 2005
Gary Beeler August 23, 2005 0
Thank you for the kind comments. This is probably the first time I have ever won anything, and to think, the horses did all the work! Thanks again. #1755823Jill Flynn August 23, 2005 0
Congratulations on your Second Place Win Gary! Awesome shot! #1756555Kay Beausoleil August 23, 2005 0
Wow! A wonderful capture -- congratulations on your win, Gary! #1757728Gary Beeler August 24, 2005 0
Thanks again for the comments. These horses are of a band with special ancient genetics.For more information, please follow a link from my web page at www.garybeelerphotography.com (a Better Photo web page) to an article that was published about the horses in Montana Outdoor Magazine. #1760416
Serena Pierce
August 25, 2005
Alton I. Vance September 06, 2005 0
Fantastic shot, Gary. I really like your whole nature gallery. I didn't see this shot in your gallery! It is a nice addition. Keep up the great work.Alton Vance
Susie Peek-Swint September 13, 2005 0
Wonderful capture od 2 beautiful horses and the BG just adds that extra touch ~ congrats on being placed in the finals! #1833670
Stephanie Laird
September 24, 2005
Karacan Salkuci (Kalacay) November 13, 2005 0
Beautiful image. #2068449Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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