Feeding lesson 101...
Uploaded: July 18, 2005 13:05:32
Stanley Crane with chicks at Miami Metro Dade Zoo. Mom teaching chicks what they should and should not eat... Canon 600 F/4.0 with 2X extender, 550E flash ETTL -2 compensation.
Barbara Kile July 18, 2005 0
Awesome! So cute! Great capture. #280305Paul Michko July 18, 2005 0
Beautiful capture. #1605782
Cliff & Patti Smith
July 18, 2005
Sara And Dick
July 21, 2005
Karacan Salkuci (Kalacay) July 21, 2005 0
Great photo. Absolutely cute, great colors and sharpness. #1615868Melissa L. Zavadil August 20, 2005 0
Congratulations on your wonderful finalist!! #1741995Tammy Scott August 21, 2005 0
How adorable this is! I love it! Congratulations! #1742754
Kay E. Mahoney
August 21, 2005
Judy S. Fung August 22, 2005 0
Congrats!!! #1748730Sara Jensen August 22, 2005 0
Incredible shot. The babies are so attentive, you did a fabulous job getting that picture. #1748992Ken Grooms August 23, 2005 0
Precious moment perfectly captured! Congrats! #1753898Janet L. Skinner August 23, 2005 0
Congrats on this adorable capture!!! #1754914
Kay E. Mahoney
August 23, 2005
Jim Kinnunen
August 23, 2005
Jennifer Johnston August 23, 2005 0
Congratulations. This is a great image! A very well deserved win! #1755877Cindy Cone August 23, 2005 0
A big congrats on this well-deserved win! #1755984Pamela K August 23, 2005 0
Great capture! I love the expressions on the chicks, they're definitely watching every move mom makes! Congrats on a well-deserved win!Pam #1756302
Jill Flynn August 23, 2005 0
Congratulations on your Second Place Win! Beautiful image! #1756558Judy S. Fung August 23, 2005 0
Congrats on your win!! #1757130
Dr Silly
August 23, 2005
Dr Silly
Deborah Sandidge August 23, 2005 0
Precious and perfect, congratulations!! #1757513
Sara And Dick
August 23, 2005
Dolores Neilson August 24, 2005 0
The sharpness and clarity of this is amazing~~! I just love this very special relationship you have captured!! Congrats! #1758382Cathy Barrows August 24, 2005 0
Congrats on your win...this is so sweet #1758765Colette M. Metcalf August 24, 2005 0
Congratulations on this adorable image!!! #1759139
Sara And Dick
August 24, 2005
Jack Nevitt August 24, 2005 0
Hey, another winner. Keep 'em coming.
Marie Fields August 24, 2005 0
Congratulations on this wonderful image! #1761980
Sara And Dick
August 25, 2005
Joy Rector August 27, 2005 0
congrats on your winEVELYN T. COFER September 06, 2005 0
I love this photo.My eye was first drawn to the detail of the eye of the adult.
The lighting is perfectly beautiful and unique.
Terrill Province September 07, 2005 0
I've never seen anything quite like this image. It is so beautiful! Congratulations!!! #1808139
Sara And Dick
September 08, 2005
Joy Rector September 11, 2005 0
congrats on your win #1824651
Sara And Dick
September 14, 2005
Els De Winter September 25, 2005 0
What a beautiful capture! Your win is well deserved. Congratulations! #1882097
Sara And Dick
September 27, 2005
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