Nite Street

© Rob Hambly

Nite Street

Uploaded: July 16, 2005 20:14:43


Copenhagen - Old Army Barracks. PS Manipulation....


Colette M. Metcalf July 16, 2005 0

Terrific image, Rob!! #279563

Bianca B. Steinfeldt July 16, 2005 0

WOW love it! The bush in the middle and all the bices on the side and this deep colors ... great work!!!!!! #1601066

Laura E. OConnor July 16, 2005 0

Really cool image, Rob!!! #1601087

Ronald Balthazor July 16, 2005 0

Very nice treatment, Rob. Striking image. #1601109

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic July 16, 2005 0

I really like the symmetry of this photograph Rob! Great image!,
Amalia #1601232

Siete Meeter July 17, 2005 0

beautiful, nicely done #1603927

Lori Carlson August 22, 2005 0

Extremely cool Rob!! Congrats on this!! :0) #1752389

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe August 23, 2005 0

Fabulous...wonderful image, Rob. Congratulations!
kk #1754847

Colette M. Metcalf August 24, 2005 0

Congratulations to you Rob!!! #1759159

Serena Pierce level-classic August 26, 2005 0

Congratulaitons!! #1767386

Rob Hambly August 26, 2005 0

Thanks to all for your comments.

Here is the original image. The manipulation was really quite simple, a flipped mirror image was added, contrast/levels/curves altered, new sky added, light added on left, and the reflections in the windows changed to match the sky.... #1769171

Rob Hambly August 26, 2005 0

Original #1769177

Lisa Clark September 04, 2005 0

This is one of my favorite photos. I did not see it when it originally posted. Your digital magic is excellent. The transformation of this image is very impressive.Congratulations!! #1800263

Joy Rector September 10, 2005 0

congrats on your win #1821188

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 26, 2006 0

Wow, you are very talented Rob, a great rendition of the scene!! Congratulations!!!! #2953218

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