Water spitting

© Luhut Napitupulu

Water spitting

Uploaded: July 16, 2005 04:45:53


F/2, 1/400, Canon Lns 135mm f/2 L IS, North Jakarta - Indonesia, name, 15 January 2005 at 14.15 hours.


Daniel Diaz July 16, 2005 0

Great shot Luhut, love the framing!!! #279312

Mary Clarke July 16, 2005 0

Fantastic image Luhut. #1601029

Kara L. Hendricks August 02, 2005 0

Unreal detail here Luhut.. WOW!!! #1666880

Kirsi Bertolini August 19, 2005 0

Winning quality! #1735356

Luhut Napitupulu August 19, 2005 0

Dear all, thanks for your comments and tips.. #1735855

Detrick V. Martin August 22, 2005 0

Great Image, Congratulations! #1749870

Lani T. Broadbent level-classic August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your gold award, Luhut! Outstanding composition! #1754299

Luhut Napitupulu August 23, 2005 0

Thanks Lani and Detrick, regards! #1756179

Wendy Stevenson August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win Luhut! Great use of negative space! #1756281

Luhut Napitupulu August 23, 2005 0

Wendy, thanks for your tips... #1756419

Stephen Zacker August 24, 2005 0

Very striking. Like the background. Congratulations #1762737

Serena Pierce level-classic August 26, 2005 0

Nice image! Great job of seeing!! Congratulations on your win!! #1767429

Kevin Anderson September 03, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win!!!
love how you captured the water drops!
was that your first try? #1798331

Luhut Napitupulu September 05, 2005 0

Hi Kenvin,

Yes, this is actually my first try...I used continuous shot mode. Thanks and regards.


Luhut Napitupulu September 05, 2005 0

Dear all, thanks for your comments and tips... #1803109

Katrina McMeans September 09, 2005 0

I've seen your picture several times, but never have commented on it! It really is so awesome! I love the blurred, multicolored background and of course the perfect water drops falling down. This is one of my favorite pictures on this entire website!
~K #1819365

Luhut Napitupulu September 10, 2005 0

Hi Katrina, thanks for your comments.

Regards #1819963

Lori Carlson September 27, 2005 0

I sure thought I'd commented on your neat image here Luhut, but see I hadn't yet!! Big congrats to you! :0) #1888486

Luhut Napitupulu September 27, 2005 0

Thanks Lori... #1890585

Lisa C. Harness September 30, 2005 0

Luhut, This is wonderful! I love the composition and the selective depth of field you used. Congratulations on your win!

Lisa #1903152

Luhut Napitupulu October 01, 2005 0

Lisa, thanks for your comments.. #1906038

Jeffery Haws December 17, 2005 0

I had to commend you for your wonderful capture of that moment. You have given me some inspiration to try some similar images. #2194879

Luhut Napitupulu December 18, 2005 0

Thank you, Jeffery! #2195396

Anette Linnea Rasmussen October 02, 2007 0

Hi Luhut
Thanks for all your kind words!

Love this shot - wonderful details on a colorful abstract background.

Deserved winner!
Linnea #4873984

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