The Wild of East Java
Uploaded: July 07, 2005 02:36:14
F 8.0, 1/640, Bromo Mountain, East Java, Indonesia
Julie Turner July 07, 2005 0
I love this shot!!! It reminds me of a postcard. #274707Ronald Balthazor July 07, 2005 0
Great composition, Kenvin. Great image. #1563817Chris Macer July 07, 2005 0
This is amazing! What a timless feel it has to it! Great shot, Kenvin. #1563886Piotr M. Organa July 07, 2005 0
Great photo, Kenvin!Kenvin Pinardy July 07, 2005 0
thanks Julie, Angela, Ronald, Chris and Piotr for all great comments, this photo was taken at a valley around bromo mountain East Java - Indonesia, people going to the top of mountain are using a rented hourse. The building at the top photo is a templeKevin Lings July 07, 2005 0
excellent pic, tells a great story #1564278
Serena Pierce
July 10, 2005
Kay E. Mahoney
July 10, 2005
Kenvin Pinardy July 10, 2005 0
Thanks Kevin, Serena and Kay for your great comments #1575520Heather L. Jacks August 20, 2005 0
Fantastic image...a well deserved finalist! Congratulations! #1741166Ken Grooms August 21, 2005 0
National Geographic! #1745780Chris Macer August 21, 2005 0
Well deserved finalist, Kenvin! Goodluck! #1746487Piotr M. Organa August 22, 2005 0
Congrats! Good luck! #1748768Julie Turner August 22, 2005 0
Congratulations Kenvin! I hope to see this in the next round because it has winner written all over it! #1752846
Carolyn M. Fletcher
August 23, 2005
Kay E. Mahoney
August 23, 2005
Julie Turner August 23, 2005 0
I knew this one just had to be a winner! Way to go Kenvin. #1758130
Serena Pierce
August 26, 2005
Pu Chen August 26, 2005 0
It surely has an out of this world feeling to it. Great capture, Kenvin! Congratulations! #1771328Sherrye Nozaki September 01, 2005 0
Looks just like a Hollywood movie set! Very cool.Aloha,
Sherrye #1793848
Ujjwal Mukherjee May 15, 2016 0
A superb capture,Kenvin!! #11474297Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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