Small One, Big World

© Karen J. McDowell

Small One, Big World

Uploaded: July 06, 2005 15:43:36


Natalie Kimball July 06, 2005 0

What a precious shot! Did you possibly catch this outside of a Cracker Barrel? Cute, Cute, Cute! #274437

Heather Harpel July 06, 2005 0

I agree with Natalie! Cute, Cute, Cute! Love the perspective of the little one walking away, too sweet! #1561600

Laura E. OConnor July 06, 2005 0

SO SWEET! Love your composition and the B&W! #1561611

Connie J. Turner July 07, 2005 0

I agree with Natalie with the cute and Cracker Barrel thing. Great shot. #1563992

Karen J. McDowell July 07, 2005 0

Yes, this was at a Cracker Barrel. We had a dinner for my sister's birthday, the meatloaf is her favorite :) As we were leaving, my grand daughter took off running down the porch where they have all the great rockers. I saw the picture and snapped away. Thank you all for taking notice in my photo and for all the wonderful comments on it. #1564662

Kristi A. Howson August 21, 2005 0

Congratulations on your finalist and good luck in the next round! Wonderful capture!
Love this Karen! #1742864

Karen J. McDowell August 22, 2005 0

Thank you, Kristi! I'm really excited to have this make finalist! #1752711

Nick Lagos August 23, 2005 0

Big big congrats on a terrfic win deserve it....well done... #1754403

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic August 23, 2005 1

Congratulations on you win Karen. #1755206

Cindy K. Bracken August 23, 2005 0

Congrats on your win, Karen! Nicely done...such a sweet image!
Shuttermom Profitable Photography
20 FREE prints from Photomax! #1755504

Heather Harpel August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations Karen! #1756757

Karen J. McDowell August 23, 2005 0

Thanks so much, everyone for the nice comments and thank you betterphoto for choosing my photo, it is such an honor!! #1757367

Vendla Stockdale August 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, wonderful picture #1757530

Kay Beausoleil August 23, 2005 0

So evocative and the B&W is wonderful -- congratulations on your big win, Karen! #1757750

Karen J. McDowell August 24, 2005 0

Thank you, Vendla and Kay! I appreciate both of you taking the time to comment and to congratulate me! #1759306

Kristi A. Howson August 26, 2005 0

One of my fav's of yours Karen. Congratulations on this wonderful winner! #1767769

Karen J. McDowell August 28, 2005 0

Thanks so much, Kristi! And you are one of my fav's to get comments from :) #1774967

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