Uploaded: July 05, 2005 12:11:41
an old book store in Porto, Portugal
F/3.2____ISO 400____1/60s
Jill A. Johnson July 05, 2005 0
Awesome Work Bogdan!!!Jill :) #273741
Bogdan Grosu July 06, 2005 0
no photoshop in here...just some levels adjustment, frame and resize...Siete Meeter July 07, 2005 0
beautiful #1565796Chris Macer July 07, 2005 0
I love the curves and the color in this one! #1565807Kelly Heaton August 21, 2005 0
Wow look at the lines! Great Capture! Congrats! #1743245Kay Beausoleil August 23, 2005 0
Congratulations for your win, Bogdan -- great design! #1756070Wendy Stevenson August 23, 2005 0
Beautiful shot and image! Congratulations on your win!! #1758102Bogdan Grosu August 23, 2005 0
thanks everybody...it has been an honor! #1758126Ricardo Ribeiro September 09, 2005 0
Boas! Só agora tive oportunidade de ver as outras fotos vencedoras do mês... Muitos parabéns pelo prémio ebm merecido! Esta está excelente... tal como a outra que conheço da mesma série! Um abraço! #1819015Lori Carlson September 27, 2005 0
This is such a neat shot Bogdan!! Congratulations to you! :0) #1888375Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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